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Undeniable proof that the "residential palace" of the Kurdish businessman in Erbil had anything but civilian use


Apr 28, 2010
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Notice the deep layers of concrete beneath the grass:

Aerial view of where the missile has hit (the middle arrow):
View attachment 824251

Notice the deep layers of concrete beneath the grass:
View attachment 824250

Aerial view of where the missile has hit (the middle arrow):
View attachment 824254

Looks to be that IRGC missile forces used a mixture of HE warheads and FAE (fuel, air explosive) warheads to achieve the desired result of near total annihilation (save for the super-structure). Several direct hits to the complex, practically on-top of each other have been noted. if anyone was in this place during the strike. They're undoubtedly dead due to the vacuum affects of the FAE bombs alone. Curious as to what else was targeted though. 6-12 missiles were fired so the target bank was most likely much more comprehensive.

Very astute work for Iranian ISR in Iraq. they were able to ascertain and correctly conclude that this structure was indeed a well fortified Mossad compound disguised as a mansion (lol).

Sad to see Iran didn't resort to higher-tier weapons such as the Khorammshahr or a heavier missiles but the end result was catastrophic for the Israelis this time around.

Hopefully Iran will obliterate many other Israeli assets within Iraq in the coming weeks and months.
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