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Unconfirmed - TTP Spokesman Maulvi Umer killed


Nov 6, 2007
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According to an unconfirmed news break / just in the spokesman of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Maulvi Umer is killed today in an attack by the Pakistani Security Forces. Still the news is not confirmed but I pray it should.


Waiting for a credible source to confirm the news.
If its correct it will be another blow for TTP. :cheers:
KHAS KAM Jahan pak ] better his tceket confrem to hell.better he killed other wise died very painfull way at last time of his life
Waiting for a credible source to confirm the news.
If its correct it will be another blow for TTP.


KHAS KAM Jahan pak ] better his tceket confrem to hell.better he killed other wise died very painfull way at last time of his life

I pray that it prove right.


Maulvi Umer reported killed in Bajaur operation
Updated at: 1910 PST, Saturday, October 25, 2008
BAJAUR AGENCY: Maulvi Umer, an important leader of banned outfit Tehreek-i-Taliban is reported to have been killed as a result of air strikes carried out by the security forces in Bajaur Agency, FATA on Saturday.

According to sources, the Tehreek-i-Taliban leader killed in Bajaur Action could be Maulvi Umer.

The Tehreek’s key leader was killed in an air strike in Badano area, sources added.

The air strikes launched by the security forces destroyed a cave, where Maulvi Umer might have been present.

The sources further say that Tehreek-i-Taliban leader Maulvi Umer went missing after the air strikes.

Maulvi Umer reported killed in Bajaur operation
If you can read this Betullah Mehsud...know that you're next baby, InshAllah.:sniper:
baitullah daied for us but only he is few chances to ovid from f7-p.if he canother wise when he sleep a place and wake up in hell
oowww but I wanted us to kill him.:cry: Chalo I guess you cant have everything in life...
Do you think it will create serious leadership crisis among the TTP? The only way to win is to attack the very root causes of terrorism...Yes, these kinds of severe blows will demoralize TTP but in the long run hitting the root causes should be main priority. I mean economic development in that area. Because, when these peole come from FATA into Karachi or any other urban areas for the earning purposes they are treated as suspects.
Yes, make sure you highlight the 'unconfirmed' part, lest Bill Roggio get on his high horse about the Pakistani military 'fabricating' reports again...:rolleyes:
According to an unconfirmed news break / just in the spokesman of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Maulvi Umer is killed today in an attack by the Pakistani Security Forces. Still the news is not confirmed but I pray it should.



I hope it is true. If it is it is victory for Islam and Pakistan. These idiots have to die for a better future for our nation and our people. Their utter elimination is an absolute must.

Death to Taliban.
Nice... Dil mangay Aur!!

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