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Unarmed Afghan civilians murdered by British special forces (SAS & SBS)


Aug 15, 2015
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United Kingdom
Often some Afghans complain at how Pakistan and Pakistanis are their enemies but they fail to confront those people who mass murder their civilians. What is happening to innocent unarmed Afghan civilians is ABSOLUTELY disgusting. What are the Afghans going to do about the following outrage:


No trolling, but please explain what the options are for the Afghans in combating the above atrocities being committed against their innocent and unarmed people
Often some Afghans complain at how Pakistan and Pakistanis are their enemies but they fail to confront those people who mass murder their civilians. What is happening to innocent unarmed Afghan civilians is ABSOLUTELY disgusting. What are the Afghans going to do about the following outrage:


No trolling, but please explain what the options are for the Afghans in combating the above atrocities being committed against their innocent and unarmed people

Absolutely horrific the types of crimes US and allies perpetuated on Afghan civilians. Really I feel tremendous sadness, esp for the poor women and children who had to suffer foreign occupation of these brutes.
The West- is murderous/genocidical civilization with history full of atrocities.

They killed millions of innocent Muslims and brought unimaginable pain and suffering and destruction to Muslim countries----and world doesn't care.

That is why I don't care when there is a terrorist attack in the West--they deserve it.
Absolutely horrific the types of crimes US and allies perpetuated on Afghan civilians. Really I feel tremendous sadness, esp for the poor women and children who had to suffer foreign occupation of these brutes.

Despite the attitudes some Afghans have towards us and Pakistan I become enraged at having read this article. What really gets to me though is that for over 40 years we continue to host Afghans in our country, treat them like our brothers and sisters yet some of they still turn against yet say NOTHING against those who are murdering their civilians and children.
The next time there is a black lives matter protest in London against White racists, I'm going their to protest with the blacks and take care of some white racists like the following:


Despite the attitudes some Afghans have towards us and Pakistan I become enraged at having read this article. What really gets to me though is that for over 40 years we continue to host Afghans in our country, treat them like our brothers and sisters yet some of they still turn against yet say NOTHING against those who are murdering their civilians and children.

We are hosting their women and children for 20 years, some for 40 years. Pakistan has always been a safe place for Afghans. At every opportunity, we have come to their aid.

True Afghans understand this, hence the chance of power in Afghanistan favoring Taliban.

Those brainwashed Afghan collaborators will find the space for them shrinking day by day, and will try to eventually run and find safety in Europe or some other place, even if they are kept in cages.

They know a worse fate awaits them back home.
Which means they are supporting the whites in killing their innocent civilians......................:disagree:

Situation turned when US tested MOABs on Afghan women and children. The whole of Afghanistan was indignant. Kabul regime was totally silent.

This was the final straw which broke dreams of peace under an occupying power. Afghans had had enough.

Pakistan was proven correct. Afghans realize this now.
Situation turned when US tested MOABs on Afghan women and children. The whole of Afghanistan was indignant. Kabul regime was totally silent.

This was the final straw which broke dreams of peace under and occupying power. Afghans had had enough.

It's only a matter of time until the regime in Kabul are replaced by the Taliban and are made to pay for their complicity in killing innocent Afghan men, women and children.
Despite the attitudes some Afghans have towards us and Pakistan I become enraged at having read this article. What really gets to me though is that for over 40 years we continue to host Afghans in our country, treat them like our brothers and sisters yet some of they still turn against yet say NOTHING against those who are murdering their civilians and children.
I read such articles with interest also. The reality is that there is a psyche entrenched deeply within the Indian and Afghan subconscious, and to a lesser extent within the Pakistani one, that worship of pale skin is a must. This is why such acts committed by a white skinned army in Afghanistan are forgiven or draw less condemnation because they're perceived as "overall trying to help Afghanistan", whereas Pakistan, who feeds, clothes, employs and educates a vast proportion of the Afghan population will always be condemned for carrying out security ops.

I honestly think it's a simple racism issue, perhaps a perceived "superiority complex" and sustained bitterness towards a relatively more successful neighbour in Pakistan, which is contrary to the proud and indomitable history of the Afghan people. There is overlap with the inferiority complex that Indians suffer with, but in the case of the Afghans, their history is a genuinely noteworthy one, hence the psychology is slightly different.

Pakistan truly is a moderately enlightened nation trapped between a pair of nutcases.
Earlier there was a case of Australian SAS killing unarmed civilians
Here is a video:

Australian soldier simply executes unarmed 20 year old Afghan civilian

Before this the same soldier killed a handicapped Afghan teen just for fun----calling that video----village idiot shooting.

These soldier were just not lucky enough because the video became public.

These atrocities are just 0,000001% of evil that is being done in Afghanistan by NATO troops
I read such articles with interest also. The reality is that there is a psyche entrenched deeply within the Indian and Afghan subconscious, and to a lesser extent within the Pakistani one, that worship of pale skin is a must. This is why such acts committed by a white skinned army in Afghanistan are forgiven or draw less condemnation because they're perceived as "overall trying to help Afghanistan", whereas Pakistan, who feeds, clothes, employs and educates a vast proportion of the Afghan population will always be condemned for carrying out security ops.

I honestly think it's a simple racism issue, perhaps a perceived "superiority complex" and sustained bitterness towards a relatively more successful neighbour in Pakistan, which is contrary to the proud and indomitable history of the Afghan people. There is overlap with the inferiority complex that Indians suffer with, but in the case of the Afghans, their history is a genuinely noteworthy one, hence the psychology is slightly different.

Pakistan truly is a moderately enlightened nation trapped between a pair of nutcases.

EXCELLENT analysis and very true!

We need to work towards ending this superiority complex of the whites and treat everybody as equal regardless of their skin tone. Although not as bad as what the Afghans have let alone the extreme worship of whites and white skin by indians, we need to work towards ending this construct amongst our own people who have this complex. I think this can be done easily if we take the path of our Chinese brothers and sisters and try to develop Pakistan along the same lines that China has developed into a rich and powerful nation.
Situation turned when US tested MOABs on Afghan women and children. The whole of Afghanistan was indignant. Kabul regime was totally silent.

This was the final straw which broke dreams of peace under an occupying power. Afghans had had enough.

Pakistan was proven correct. Afghans realize this now.
US threw MOAB on an ISIS hideout in Tora Bora mountain region in 2017, not on Afghan civilians.

It is true that some foreign troops exceeded their mandate and committed crimes in Afghanistan from time-to-time - the dark side of occupation(s).

However, every combatant force have killed civilians in Afghanistan. Afghans kill each other more often than others.

Nobody can claim high moral ground in this matter.
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