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Unacceptable: Former Navy chief L Ramdas blasts use of forces for political gain in letter to EC

We have no alternative, if you have a suggestion please put forward the name...
Genuine question, are you happy with the direction your country is going in, politically and socially?
Genuine question, are you happy with the direction your country is going in, politically and socially?
There are simply no alternatives.. The gandhi dynasty is corrupting the main opposition party.. that leaves only regional players, most of which are nut jobs .. life is an outcome of what is possible and available.. we can wish for another Indira or Atal, but they are not around in this election atleast
There are simply no alternatives.. The gandhi dynasty is corrupting the main opposition party.. that leaves only regional players, most of which are nut jobs .. life is an outcome of what is possible and available.. we can wish for another Indira or Atal, but they are not around in this election atleast
Sometimes you have to vote not for what you want but against what you don't want. By voting for the BJP on the excuse that there are no alternatives is an abdication of duty as a responsible citizen. But i suspect that that isn't the real reason most people will be voting for the BJP, the real reason is that being part of the larger group the BJP appeals to their sense of power and dominance rather than being the best alternative going forward. That's great if you are of the dominant group, not so good if you are a minority.
Personally, if was Indian, regardless of the economy doing well, I would be horrified by the direction India is taking.
Sometimes you have to vote not for what you want but against what you don't want. By voting for the BJP on the excuse that there are no alternatives is an abdication of duty as a responsible citizen. But i suspect that that isn't the real reason most people will be voting for the BJP, the real reason is that being part of the larger group the BJP appeals to their sense of power and dominance rather than being the best alternative going forward. That's great if you are of the dominant group, not so good if you are a minority.
Personally, if was Indian, regardless of the economy doing well, I would be horrified by the direction India is taking.
horrified is a big word in the current world of politics.. US has a president that is under multiple investigations and is taking US away from the global leader role it took, UK has a premier whose own party does not trust her anymore, Europe has anti-semitism and islamophobia as the two serious issue, Austria, Poland, Italy and Hungary has right wingers, China has moved from a president for two terms to a king for life, Saudi Arabia has a kid that kills if you speak against him, Turkey has a president that is pushing a fiercely modern country back, even the ever so charming canadian premier Tradueau is surrounded by resignations due to scandals.. Look around and tell me what is more horrifying in geopolitics today?

Modi still has a strong opposition in a parliamentary system, the judicial system still works pretty well and independently and he does not control the country like an american president does and has not been able to make any fundamental radical legal changes to constitution.

There are worrying parts of his government, indeed. But, it is not as alarmist as you are pointing out
horrified is a big word in the current world of politics.. US has a president that is under multiple investigations and is taking US away from the global leader role it took, UK has a premier whose own party does not trust her anymore, Europe has anti-semitism and islamophobia as the two serious issue, Austria, Poland, Italy and Hungary has right wingers, China has moved from a president for two terms to a king for life, Saudi Arabia has a kid that kills if you speak against him, Turkey has a president that is pushing a fiercely modern country back, even the ever so charming canadian premier Tradueau is surrounded by resignations due to scandals.. Look around and tell me what is more horrifying in geopolitics today?

Modi still has a strong opposition in a parliamentary system, the judicial system still works pretty well and independently and he does not control the country like an american president does and has not been able to make any fundamental radical legal changes to constitution.

There are worrying parts of his government, indeed. But, it is not as alarmist as you are pointing out
Look at it from the point of view of a member of your minorities and you will see that I am not being alarmist, but rather I can see the writing on the wall.
I take on board some of the arguments you make about some not so savoury leaders across the world but that doesn't butter too many parsnips for India.
When Pakistan was in danger of being dominated by the religious right, I was horrified, and I'm glad that better sense has prevailed and we are now on the road to moderation and development. You as an Indian having a more invested view point probably don't see it in the same light but the promotion and implementation of much more of this Hindutva ideology will tear apart the social fabric of India with all it's attendant consequences.
However, you seem happy enough with it all so who am I to argue.
Ex-Admiral Ramdas himself joined the AAP party only to be KICKED OUT by Arvind Kejriwal :lol:

What moral authority does he have to preach after selling out his uniform for political gains ?

All his 3 daughters are american citizens and one of them has even married a PAKISTANI called Zulfiqar Ahmed :cheesy: Another daughter is in CIA inspired Ford Foundation.

His wife was a head of GreenPeace. Same org. marked by IB for not declaring Foreign funding source and disrupting Indian economy.

He was even part of the "protest team" protesting against the Nuclear reactor in Kundankulam, TN. The same protest that IB again marked as being sponsored by the Church and funding from foreign agencies.

I guess that should give everyone a good idea about his loyalties.
Ofcourse. Anyone anti modi, is auromatically anti national.

I dont know why you people so concerned about Modi .After all he is the PM of India not any other nation.
On topic : Some former chiefs also has political inclinations .
Of course Modi will use that for his election.
Because actions like this was in his manifesto .And he has every right to inform his citizens that he is taking effective measures.
Airstrike was his own decision and he is solely responsible for it .
Haha nice analysis.. it seems you mean to say armed forces are for decoration or what. They are here to stand for the country.

I don't want war, I hate loss of life on both sides but the other side also should understand that no one is against them .We are against terrorists if the other side controls their activities we don't have the need to do any action.
Thats a biggest crap indian media is selling you now a days since we recently hearing that we are all against terrorists and terrorism and then next sentence is that Pakistan sud clean their hide outs.. but you forget that indian terrorist PM actually admit that he was with mukti bahni in 71 which means india started. we have been dealing with indian terrorists from last 30 to 40 years we catch many of your monkies.
so accept your mistakes and then shake hand with IK.. but again we all know whats going on in india. have fun with delusion.
Thats a biggest crap indian media is selling you now a days since we recently hearing that we are all against terrorists and terrorism and then next sentence is that Pakistan sud clean their hide outs.. but you forget that indian terrorist PM actually admit that he was with mukti bahni in 71 which means india started. we have been dealing with indian terrorists from last 30 to 40 years we catch many of your monkies.
so accept your mistakes and then shake hand with IK.. but again we all know whats going on in india. have fun with delusion.
I can only say you that IK is part of the plan.
I dont know why you people so concerned about Modi .After all he is the PM of India not any other nation.
On topic : Some former chiefs also has political inclinations .
Of course Modi will use that for his election.
Because actions like this was in his manifesto .And he has every right to inform his citizens that he is taking effective measures.
Airstrike was his own decision and he is solely responsible for it .
Logic does not seem to be your forte.

A fanatic PM of a nuclear power is of concern to everyone, is that so difficult to understand?
Logic does not seem to be your forte.

A fanatic PM of a nuclear power is of concern to everyone, is that so difficult to understand?

AFA we know ,entire nations in the world seems behind the India these days .
We saw that in OIC also.
Something that is unprecedent and cant even think 5 years ago.
So they wont agree with your' fanatic' term
I'd rather have the country know about a courageous leader who takes the guts to take hard decisions rather than have a wuss pretend to have some sorts of attacks.

Remember, UPA regime was the most anti-military, anti-national government ever.
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