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UN think tank calls for caution on yuan


Jun 27, 2008
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UN think tank calls for caution on yuan
10:52, March 17, 2010

As the value of China's currency, the yuan, has become a major sticking point in relations between China and the United States, a voice from an independent organization might deserve a minute of serious thinking, for Chinese and Americans alike.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, a think tank, said in a report which was published on Tuesday that exposing the yuan to the fluctuating money markets would pose grave global risks.

"Expecting that China will leave its exchange rate to the mercy of totally unreliable markets and risk a Japan-like appreciation shock ignores the importance of its domestic and external stability for the region and for the globe," said the report.

Most economists believe that stability of exchange rates among the major world currencies is good for global revival from a deep recession.

Some Chinese analysts believe that if Beijing allows the yuan to rise in value by a margin the same as Japan did in appreciating the yen in the 1980s, China would be shocked by a suddenly precipitating export and a subsequent stagnation of its economy, just like Japan's "lost decade" in the 1990s, which is very likely to wreck the boat of global economic growth.

China's Premier Wen Jibao told world press on Sunday in Beijing that he did not think the yuan is undervalued, and his government will continue to push for currency exchange rate formation system reform that fits well with market demands.

Wen rejected outside interference in China's exchange rate policy decisions, and said that a stable yuan had helped not just China, but also the world, emerge from the worst global recession since the Great Depression.

The premier indicated that China is not to appreciate its currency under any pressure. He said: "We are opposed to the practice of engaging in mutual finger-pointing among countries or taking strong measures to force other countries to appreciate currencies."

Pressures Build up

A group of 14 American senators unveiled legislation on Tuesday that seeks to increase pressure on Beijing to let the yuan to rise in value against the dollar, alleging Chinese "currency manipulation" is hurting the US.economy.

The bill calls for stiff trade sanctions if China does not act.

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says the legislation is a sign of how strongly China's trading partners feel about the issue. In an interview on Fox Business Network, Geithner said that he believes Chinese officials "ultimately will decide it is in their interests to move."

Geithner declined to respond directly to a question of whether the Obama administration would support the bill backed by Senators Charles Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Debbie Stabenow, and 11 other senators.

"We are sending a message to the Chinese government," Schumer said in a statement. "If you refuse to play by the same rules as everyone else, we will force you to."

But Chinese Commerce Ministry spokesman Yao Jian said Tuesday the low rate of the yuan was not the reason for China's trade surplus.

"The United States... cannot ask others to (raise) their currency for the sake of its own export expansion -- that would be an egotistical practice," the spokesman added.

"Politicizing the exchange rate issue will not help the world to tackle the crisis," he said, adding that China hoped Washington would be "an advocate of free trade, not an obstructer."

People's Daily Online
"We are sending a message to the Chinese government," Schumer said in a statement. "If you refuse to play by the same rules as everyone else, we will force you to."

What rules? US rules? Senator talks tough but no word from Obama who so far has remained clean. Has he found it difficult to push his healthcare and economic reform through?

It is convenient to have a common enemy in the congress.

Strength of a country's currency should be relative to people's earnings and living standards. It should not be appreciated simply because they are having a trade surplus. Otherwise why do people even bother exporting? The US wins hand down by just telling other countries to adjust their currency on whim.

the US is not even our largest trade partner. it can do whatever the hell it likes, including ordering us around (but whether we listen is another matter).
The value and status of a currency as reserve currency or trade currency is a function of the issuing nation's economic power and its volume of trade with the rest of the world.

Britain was a great economic and trading power and the British pound was the reserve and trade currency until mid-20th century. Then, with the rise of the US as the biggest economic and trading power, the US dollar took that role and has retained it so far.

It is expected that by the middle of this century, the Chinese economy will be the largest, making China the de facto economic and trade power, and its currency will eventually replace the US dollar, just as the US dollar replaced the British pound in the 20th century.

Haq's Musings: Yuan to Replace Dollar in World Trade?

"We are sending a message to the Chinese government," Schumer said in a statement. "If you refuse to play by the same rules as everyone else, we will force you to."


This is precisely the kinds of people making US declining, making US infamous!

We have too many of these piles of sh!ts these days... Cry for USA...:cry:
This is precisely the kinds of people making US declining, making US infamous!

We have too many of these piles of sh!ts these days... Cry for USA...:cry:

the part where he says "we will force you to" that sounds bad(politics)

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