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UN.org: No sign of Ukraine bioweapons labs says disarmament chief, after further Russian claims

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
After calls from China and Russia to look into biolabs in Ukraine the UN says there is nothing. UN chides Russian and Chinese media as "bizarre conspiracy theory" propagators


No sign of Ukraine bioweapons labs says disarmament chief, after further Russian claims​

The UN is not aware of any biological weapons programme being conducted in Ukraine, the Organization’s disarmament chief told the Security Council once more on Friday, responding to fresh allegations by the Russian Federation, that it had evidence to the contrary.

Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, spoke at an emergency meeting called by Moscow in the midst of its continuing invasion of neighbouring Ukraine, following that delegation’s circulation of new documents it says back up its claims.

The Council last discussed the issue of alleged biological materials in Ukraine in a meeting on 11 March.

United States-Ukraine agreement​

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, told the Council that his delegation is in possession of new evidence of a United States-Ukrainian agreement to conduct biological weapons research on Ukrainian territory, dating back as far as 2005.

He has circulated proof of that agreement to the Council, he said, including signed evidence of direct US funding to Ukraine, amounting to $32 million.

While the US continues to assert that the country does not operate in any biological laboratories in Ukraine, “the facts show otherwise”, he said, claiming that Ukrainian authorities in fact gave the US permission to carry out dangerous experiments in return for free travel to international conferences.

Today’s evidence points to studies conducted on Crimean-Congo Fever, leptospirosis and other dangerous pathogens, he said.

He also cited proof of studies into how such illnesses could pass from bats into humans, adding that use of biological weapons could be “easily dressed up as naturally occurring.”

‘Bizarre conspiracy theories’​

Responding to those allegations, US Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, recalled that the Council already heard a “tirade of bizarre conspiracy theories” on biological weapons at its meeting a week ago.

“There are no such labs, not near Russia’s border, not anywhere,” she said.

Instead, Ukraine hosts several public health facilities, proudly supported by the United States, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other Governments and international institutions.

She voiced deep concern that Friday’s meeting could represent a “potential false flag effort in action,” warning of the possibility that Moscow is planning to use chemical or biological agents against Ukrainians.

Describing the new allegations as a sign of desperation, she declared: “This meeting is a result of [Russia’s] isolation on this Council, and on the world stage.

Biological Weapons Convention​

Reiterating her response to similar allegations raised on 11 March, High Representative Nakamitsu, emphasized that the UN has neither the mandate not the capacity to investigate such claims, which fall under the auspices of 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.

The treaty - to which both Ukraine and the Russian Federation are party - effectively prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons.

Against the backdrop of the latest allegations, she outlined several possible courses of action for resolving inter-State conflicts under that Convention, which include the possible convening of a consultative meeting.

“The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs stands ready to support any procedures under the Biological Weapons Convention that States Parties may decide to use,” she said.

Update on nuclear plants​

Turning to the issue of the safety and security of Ukraine’s nuclear power facilities, the disarmament chief said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that according to the Ukrainian authorities, all safety systems at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant remained fully functional as of 17 March.

While officials from the Russian Federation’s State nuclear power company were present at the facilities in southern Ukraine, Ukrainian staff continue to operate the plant.

Meanwhile, the Chornobyl plant remains connected to the national electricity grid, following reconnection on 14 March.

However, Ms. Nakamitsu raised concerns that Ukrainian operators and guards have not been able to rotate for three weeks, and IAEA is still not receiving remote data transmission from its monitoring systems installed at the Chornobyl.
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Which UN? The one who just follow order from US?

If China doesn't want to hear what they have to say then why waste your time asking them anything...other than providing some soundbite for another media smokescreen.
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After calls from China and Russia to look into biolabs in Ukraine the UN says there is nothing. UN chides Russian and Chinese media as "bizarre conspiracy theory" propagators

View attachment 833989

No sign of Ukraine bioweapons labs says disarmament chief, after further Russian claims​

Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, spoke at an emergency meeting called by Moscow in the midst of its continuing invasion of neighbouring Ukraine, following that delegation’s circulation of new documents it says back up its claims.

The Council last discussed the issue of alleged biological materials in Ukraine in a meeting on 11 March.

United States-Ukraine agreement​

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, told the Council that his delegation is in possession of new evidence of a United States-Ukrainian agreement to conduct biological weapons research on Ukrainian territory, dating back as far as 2005.

He has circulated proof of that agreement to the Council, he said, including signed evidence of direct US funding to Ukraine, amounting to $32 million.

While the US continues to assert that the country does not operate in any biological laboratories in Ukraine, “the facts show otherwise”, he said, claiming that Ukrainian authorities in fact gave the US permission to carry out dangerous experiments in return for free travel to international conferences.

Today’s evidence points to studies conducted on Crimean-Congo Fever, leptospirosis and other dangerous pathogens, he said.

He also cited proof of studies into how such illnesses could pass from bats into humans, adding that use of biological weapons could be “easily dressed up as naturally occurring.”

‘Bizarre conspiracy theories’​

Responding to those allegations, US Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, recalled that the Council already heard a “tirade of bizarre conspiracy theories” on biological weapons at its meeting a week ago.

“There are no such labs, not near Russia’s border, not anywhere,” she said.

Instead, Ukraine hosts several public health facilities, proudly supported by the United States, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other Governments and international institutions.

She voiced deep concern that Friday’s meeting could represent a “potential false flag effort in action,” warning of the possibility that Moscow is planning to use chemical or biological agents against Ukrainians.

Describing the new allegations as a sign of desperation, she declared: “This meeting is a result of [Russia’s] isolation on this Council, and on the world stage.

Biological Weapons Convention​

Reiterating her response to similar allegations raised on 11 March, High Representative Nakamitsu, emphasized that the UN has neither the mandate not the capacity to investigate such claims, which fall under the auspices of 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.

The treaty - to which both Ukraine and the Russian Federation are party - effectively prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons.

Against the backdrop of the latest allegations, she outlined several possible courses of action for resolving inter-State conflicts under that Convention, which include the possible convening of a consultative meeting.

“The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs stands ready to support any procedures under the Biological Weapons Convention that States Parties may decide to use,” she said.

Update on nuclear plants​

Turning to the issue of the safety and security of Ukraine’s nuclear power facilities, the disarmament chief said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that according to the Ukrainian authorities, all safety systems at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant remained fully functional as of 17 March.

While officials from the Russian Federation’s State nuclear power company were present at the facilities in southern Ukraine, Ukrainian staff continue to operate the plant.

Meanwhile, the Chornobyl plant remains connected to the national electricity grid, following reconnection on 14 March.

However, Ms. Nakamitsu raised concerns that Ukrainian operators and guards have not been able to rotate for three weeks, and IAEA is still not receiving remote data transmission from its monitoring systems installed at the Chornobyl.
Are there people with low enough iq who will believe this ? Apparently there are plenty.
After calls from China and Russia to look into biolabs in Ukraine the UN says there is nothing. UN chides Russian and Chinese media as "bizarre conspiracy theory" propagators
Are there people with low enough iq who will believe this ? Apparently there are plenty.

It's called every Chinese member of PDF..and there are plenty.
Hey I'm not the one calling people low iq.
Do you genuinely believe what the article says ? Because even the most US-biased person also knows US has bioweapon labs and history of bioweapon research all round the world and within US. If you are just being patriotic towards your country then it's understandable, you can believe it.
history of bioweapon research all round the world

Such as? Please enlighten us all by posting these countries...it seems you have a list handy at your fingertips...I'd like to hear about this Bioweapon research history we supposedly have had in other countries.

Do you genuinely believe what the article says ? Because even the most US-biased person also knows US has bioweapon labs and history of bioweapon research all round the world and within US. If you are just being patriotic towards your country then it's understandable, you can believe it.
Are you serious?????

Why would the US open a Bioweapons lab in an Eastern Block country full of Russian sympathizers? We may as well open one in Moscow.

Maybe Pakistan will open one up in Moscow too since they won't have to worry about any Russians being Indian sympathizers. No chance the Russians will alert India..uh huh...sure...you just keep believing that...your facility will be secure and top secret. :cuckoo:
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After calls from China and Russia to look into biolabs in Ukraine the UN says there is nothing. UN chides Russian and Chinese media as "bizarre conspiracy theory" propagators

View attachment 833989

No sign of Ukraine bioweapons labs says disarmament chief, after further Russian claims​

Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, spoke at an emergency meeting called by Moscow in the midst of its continuing invasion of neighbouring Ukraine, following that delegation’s circulation of new documents it says back up its claims.

The Council last discussed the issue of alleged biological materials in Ukraine in a meeting on 11 March.

United States-Ukraine agreement​

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, told the Council that his delegation is in possession of new evidence of a United States-Ukrainian agreement to conduct biological weapons research on Ukrainian territory, dating back as far as 2005.

He has circulated proof of that agreement to the Council, he said, including signed evidence of direct US funding to Ukraine, amounting to $32 million.

While the US continues to assert that the country does not operate in any biological laboratories in Ukraine, “the facts show otherwise”, he said, claiming that Ukrainian authorities in fact gave the US permission to carry out dangerous experiments in return for free travel to international conferences.

Today’s evidence points to studies conducted on Crimean-Congo Fever, leptospirosis and other dangerous pathogens, he said.

He also cited proof of studies into how such illnesses could pass from bats into humans, adding that use of biological weapons could be “easily dressed up as naturally occurring.”

‘Bizarre conspiracy theories’​

Responding to those allegations, US Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, recalled that the Council already heard a “tirade of bizarre conspiracy theories” on biological weapons at its meeting a week ago.

“There are no such labs, not near Russia’s border, not anywhere,” she said.

Instead, Ukraine hosts several public health facilities, proudly supported by the United States, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other Governments and international institutions.

She voiced deep concern that Friday’s meeting could represent a “potential false flag effort in action,” warning of the possibility that Moscow is planning to use chemical or biological agents against Ukrainians.

Describing the new allegations as a sign of desperation, she declared: “This meeting is a result of [Russia’s] isolation on this Council, and on the world stage.

Biological Weapons Convention​

Reiterating her response to similar allegations raised on 11 March, High Representative Nakamitsu, emphasized that the UN has neither the mandate not the capacity to investigate such claims, which fall under the auspices of 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.

The treaty - to which both Ukraine and the Russian Federation are party - effectively prohibits the development, production, acquisition, transfer, stockpiling and use of biological and toxin weapons.

Against the backdrop of the latest allegations, she outlined several possible courses of action for resolving inter-State conflicts under that Convention, which include the possible convening of a consultative meeting.

“The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs stands ready to support any procedures under the Biological Weapons Convention that States Parties may decide to use,” she said.

Update on nuclear plants​

Turning to the issue of the safety and security of Ukraine’s nuclear power facilities, the disarmament chief said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that according to the Ukrainian authorities, all safety systems at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant remained fully functional as of 17 March.

While officials from the Russian Federation’s State nuclear power company were present at the facilities in southern Ukraine, Ukrainian staff continue to operate the plant.

Meanwhile, the Chornobyl plant remains connected to the national electricity grid, following reconnection on 14 March.

However, Ms. Nakamitsu raised concerns that Ukrainian operators and guards have not been able to rotate for three weeks, and IAEA is still not receiving remote data transmission from its monitoring systems installed at the Chornobyl.
I guess the undersecretary was lying then since she said those labs had dangerous pathogens. But we'll why does US need 20 pathogen labs in Ukraine of all places, and to do what research?

I overestimated yours too...but hardly surprised since posting facts to back up assertions is a rarity here. :coffee:
Want me to post Tucker asking some very interesting questions. What happened to critical thinking.... You cheerleaders are gulping establishment propaganda like whale semen.
I guess the undersecretary was lying then since she said those labs had dangerous pathogens. But we'll why does US need 20 pathogen labs in Ukraine of all places, and to do what research?

The WHO said that not the UN:

"Like many other countries, Ukraine has public health laboratories researching how to mitigate the threats of dangerous diseases affecting animals and humans including, most recently, COVID-19.

Its labs have received support from the United States, the European Union and the WHO."
The WHO said that not the UN:

"Like many other countries, Ukraine has public health laboratories researching how to mitigate the threats of dangerous diseases affecting animals and humans including, most recently, COVID-19.

Its labs have received support from the United States, the European Union and the WHO."
Eh I thought WHO was pro China and US left WHO right? So it seems WHO is more credible than a US undersecretary! Or maybe someone is trying to cover up shit again!? Lolol
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