USA didn't blame Saudis for 9-11 attack either. This is because Saudis are USA allies and hence USA can't speak against them. But Pakistan is not USA ally but Saudi ally and hence USA can blame Pakistan.
As I said, Qatar and GCC are playing good cop and bad cop game. When 9-11 happened, it was Saudi citizens and masterminded by Osama, all funded by GCC.
I am speaking of petrodollar. Iran doesn't have UN sanction but Dollar sanctions. Similarly, Venezuela could also face dollar sanction. But Petrodollar arrangements means that those who are using dollar for their trade also have to consent to dollar sanction. This means that if USA imposes dollar sanction on Venezuela, then those who are using dollar for foreign trade like UAE, KSA who have pegged their currency to dollar will also not be able to trade with these countries and that will be against their interests. So, dollar sanction requires the consent of all countries who have stake in petrodollar arrangement. There is no proof as Petrodollar is not public deal but a secret one. Nevertheless, it is common sense that sanction of a currency require the consent of all the stakeholders.
USA tried to make Indian economy intertwined with USA economy so that India can be controlled through political pressure of sanctions and that is where the USA policy comes from. This was done in consultation with Arabs who wanted to gain a hold over India. This was started after kargil war time when USA sanction didn't work against India and hence USA-Arabs realised that India has to be given incentives. It was started by Bush era policy, not Obama's.
Nevertheless, India has strength in its leverage over Islamic world by having 200 million Muslim population. This means that India can use force and expel them and hence create refugee crisis in middle east. So, USA-Arab policy of making India dependent on Petrodollar didn't work. In turn, India could ensure that entire middle east collapse and hence gain a major control over petroleum supply. This means that if India chooses to create refugee crisis, dollar will collapse. This is how India is flexing its muscle.
Reality is that GCC wanted to politically intervene in India via USA but was spoiled by India. So, due to Indian leverage over petroleum supply, USA is pretending to be nice and GCC is pretending to be nice due to Indian leverage over Muslims.