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Ultra-nationalists vow to drive Putin out of Kremlin


Apr 25, 2012
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MOSCOW: Thousands of Russian ultra-nationalists marched through central Moscow on Sunday vowing to drive Vladimir Putin out of the Kremlin and accusing him of ignoring the rights of ethnic Slavs.

Armed with anti-Putin slogans, Orthodox banners and black-and-yellow flags of pre-revolutionary Russia, the black-clad participants joined in the “Russian March” as Putin faces the most vocal opposition to his rule since coming to power 12 years ago.

The march followed by a rally was timed to coincide with the Day of Popular Unity, a national holiday which this year marks the 400th anniversary of the 1612 expulsion of Polish occupiers from the Kremlin.

“Putin’s clique to trial,” some participants shouted during the annual march that brings together nationalist movements of all hues. “We beat Hitler, we will beat Putin.”

The Russian president has been facing a nascent protest movement against his rule since he was elected to an unprecedented third term as president in May, and the anti-Putin cause has become popular with ultra-nationalists.

Alexander Belov, one of the march’s organisers, said an increasing number of people were growing disillusioned with the veteran leader.

“Putin is afraid of us,” he told the rally. “He feels his time is ending because the future belongs to us. We will chase out the occupiers from the Kremlin.”He shouted to the crowd: “Putin is a ...”, and the rally participants answered “thief and scum,” charging his place should be “in prison.”

Belov estimated the turnout at the march at around 20,000, while Moscow police put the number of participants at up to 6,000 and 2,500 in the rally. The nationalists have accused Putin of neglecting the rights of the multi-ethnic country’s Slavic majority and turning a blind eye to illegal immigration.

“If Putin had a drop of reason and conscience what would he do? He would stop the wave of migration,” said another high-profile activist, Vladimir Tor. Many Muscovites complain of a heavy influx of poorly educated migrants from impoverished ex-Soviet Central Asia, saying the affluent capital is already bursting at the seams.

“I am against the lack of a visa regime with Central Asian countries,” said Andrei Goldin, a 38-year-old university teacher.

Many observers fear Russia may plunge into chaos if nationalist forces come to power, and some liberal analysts say that compared to ultra-nationalists, Putin may be the lesser of two evils. Putin himself has slammed attempts to inflame nationalist sentiments, evoking the country’s multi-ethnic, multi-confessional history.

Accompanied by top representatives of the country’s main religions, Putin on Sunday laid red carnations at the Red Square monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky who helped rid Moscow of Poles in 1612.

During the march police detained 25 people wearing black military overcoats in the city centre. Many participants in the march covered their faces with scarves and surgical masks, defying a new law banning masks during rallies.

Some critics have accused Alexei Navalny — arguably the most charismatic leader of the anti-Putin movement — of openly flirting with ultra-nationalism. He spoke at the Russian March last year but said on the eve of Sunday’s event that he had come down with the flu.

The authorities have allowed the nationalists to march through the capital despite pleas from the Federation of Migrants of Russia to either cancel or postpone the event.

Ultra-nationalists vow to drive Putin out of Kremlin - thenews.com.pk
Putin is not going anywhere.

He's just too powerful to be touched.

But yeah, if these guys come to power it will have a major negative impact on Russian foreign policies.
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