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Ukranian military technology for Pakistan


May 31, 2010
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United Kingdom
I wanted to start this thread to see how the Ukranian situation will affect Pakistani military projects.
There are atleast two projects that I am aware of (if anybody know of others then please let us know) that are dependent on Ukranian assistance.
One is the Al-Khalid tank engines.
Second is the aerial re-fueler.
Out of two the more important one in long term is probably the tank engine.
Can Pakistan take advantage of the current situation and maybe bring an engine manufacturing plant to let's say HIT. It will a great advancement for Pakistani knowledge base and make the AK a better prospect for potential buyers as they will be able to source the whole system from Pakistan without any after thought about powerplant.
Will Russia's Expansion into Various Parts of Ukraine Effect the Pakistani Military?
  • In the late 1990's ukraine supplied tank engines to pakistan, transmissions were supplied in 2002, and according to media reports, Ukraine is participating in the implementation of over a dozen projects in the military-industrial sphere in Pakistan.
  • Much of Ukraine's Defence Industry is Based in Eastern Ukraine and the Crimea.


  • Crimea is now Part of the Russian federation and the Donetsk Republic has now been declared thus separating itself from the government in Kiev. Perhaps more regions are to follow suite in the future.
Questions to Consider:
  • Will Pakistan be able to acquire the necessary Ukrainian equipment?
  • Who will fill the gap left by Ukraine's defence industry which is now essentially under Russian Control?

Additional Information:

Ukrainian industry to focus on domestic market - IHS Jane's 360
ITAR-TASS: World - Hard times ahead for Ukraine’s defence if it breaks ties with Russia - expert
Unlike Russia, Ukraine continues arms supplies to Pakistan | Russia & India Report
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On the other hand, there is also the Russians. Pakistan's Thunder program could be affected negatively if the Russians feel Pakistan's neutral stance is shifting towards Ukraine.

The best thing for Pakistan to do is try and remain on everyone's good side, at least for now until there is an alternative solution to Pakistan's defence problems.
Pakistan will likely ask Russia for 1500 horsepower engines for our tank since we have received RD-33 engines for JFT.

A huge mistake for Ukraine didn't join with Russia to ease tensions and lose many profits, Pakistan might seek another clients, maybe Germany.
I wanted to start this thread to see how the Ukranian situation will affect Pakistani military projects.
There are atleast two projects that I am aware of (if anybody know of others then please let us know) that are dependent on Ukranian assistance.
One is the Al-Khalid tank engines.
Second is the aerial re-fueler.
my bad bro I accidentally opened a similar thread after you opened this one.:(

How will the Ukrainian Crisis Effect Pakistans Military?
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Simple answer , let UN decide , we have no beef with anyone we paid for our equipment fair and sqaure
I wanted to start this thread to see how the Ukranian situation will affect Pakistani military projects.
There are atleast two projects that I am aware of (if anybody know of others then please let us know) that are dependent on Ukranian assistance.
One is the Al-Khalid tank engines.
Second is the aerial re-fueler.

Pakistan can bring in German Technology for Tanks and other equipment like Engine Manufacturing at HMC and other needed equipment.

I think Pakistan along with GCC countries like KSA, UAE and Jordan can talk to Ukranian expertise to give them safe place like those belonging to Missile, Nuclear, Electronics, Material-Metallurguical, Mechianical and Chemical etc.

I am sure Muslim countries will be giving them space to live on.
I wanted to start this thread to see how the Ukranian situation will affect Pakistani military projects.
There are atleast two projects that I am aware of (if anybody know of others then please let us know) that are dependent on Ukranian assistance.
One is the Al-Khalid tank engines.
Second is the aerial re-fueler.
Ukraine needs to wake up now and start focusing on increasing its Armed Forces in size as well as better training because either you are strong military power and also economic or you are inviting some one to invade you no matter how much peaceful you yourself are people will not show mercy so be prepared or cry as for as our corporation with Ukraine we got T-80UD from them and later they upgraded them too they are good Tanks and there are news that they are also helping us in development of Al-Khalid II @Aeronaut @fatman17
Pakistan can bring in German Technology for Tanks and other equipment like Engine Manufacturing at HMC and other needed equipment.

I think Pakistan along with GCC countries like KSA, UAE and Jordan can talk to Ukranian expertise to give them safe place like those belonging to Missile, Nuclear, Electronics, Material-Metallurguical, Mechianical and Chemical etc.

I am sure Muslim countries will be giving them space to live on.
I have a even better idea PAF buying 540 f-22 raptors with transfer of technology, along with PN buying of 3 aircraft carrier's from U.S/France & Germany & upgrade it in a joint venture with the GCC using Material-Metallurguical component & mix it up with space technology in collaboration with the ASEAN countries especially Cambodia & Laos as they are highly advanced in the field of Electronics, Material-Metallurguical spaceships !!!:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
one cannot predict the future, however if Russia wanted to invade the whole of Ukraine, it would have already done that. since it just wants crimea which has a russian population majority of +65%, it made sense for them. in other parts of Ukraine, russians are a minority and also not liked very much.
once the crisis is over, things will return to normal. it cannot go on forever. there are limitations to what Russia and its army can do. its not the soviet army anymore.
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