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Ukraine says Malaysian airliner shot down, 295 dead: agency

A Spanish Air-Traffic Controller based in Ukraine has tweeted a few messages which seems to be saying that the passenger plane was being escorted by two Ukrainian fighter jets just minutes prior to its 'demolition'... I used google translate so I don't trust the translations to be completely accurate.

this looks more and more as a deliberately done event
post: 5930487, member: 151420"]Putin has become an international pariah by now. A persona non grata. Russia is finished with this.[/quote]

Take a hike racist, russia is never finished. Until there is investigations and rational explanation there can be no blame.
Malaysia Airlines plane crash in Ukraine
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A Malaysian airliner with 295 people on board has crashed in Ukraine on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. The following images include some taken at the site of the crash.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 is thought to have crashed near the settlement of Grabovo, as the Ukrainian government and rebels traded allegations it was shot down.
It had been due to enter Russian airspace when contact was lost, Malaysia Airlines said.
The plane, pictured here taking off earlier on Thursday, was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
Rescue workers are at the site of what is believed to be wreckage of the jet.
Russian separatists are believed to have shot down two Ukrainian military planes in recent days.
This is the second plane crash involving a Malaysia Airlines plane this year. Flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing went missing in March.
Not necessarily. Airlines can avoid a particular airspace in exceptional circumstances. There have been announcements from quite a few airlines already since this tragedy, stating they will avoid this airspace with immediate effect.

Up until now, civilians planes had not crashed. Now, after the fact, the cost of making such a mistake is too damn high. Hence, inevitably they will have to re-route or passengers won't fly those airlines that take this route. I am sure if an airline were to tell passengers now that tickets will cost a bit more, passengers would be happy to pay, than be shot down. I remember I flew on Gulf Air flight from Bahrain to London back in 2008, and i went right over Iraq. Thinking about the US Navy-Iran Air incident, it did make me nervous.
Man i dont want to sound cruel or anything.
Nor do i like russia much.

But how about a conspiracy?
The zionist, illuminati and JEW NATO wanted to take the worlds attention off from gaza so they can achieve the mass murder of muslims?
(not serious) @Victory

Sorry if i offended anyone here.
Suspicious stuff pops up like this .-.

RIP to the pessengers.
RIP to the people israel kills everday...
waiting for a guy to say JEW NATO did this to get away from the international attention
What happened to M A. . Rest in peace. ..

I will not travel in Malaysia Airlines...In my lifetime. ..
The Lockerbie bombing was the last nail in the coffin of Pan-Am. Would a similar fate fall upon Malaysian airlines?

How does one find passports in such a mint condition after an Crash ? this is certainly odd ...
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