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Ukraine: Empire Stretching from San to Don


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
Ukrainian nationalists are prone to purposefully chocking behavior. Like frivolous girls they easily refuse saying the words they have just pronounced like a sworn oath with daring solemnity. Yesterday the Ukrainian patriots called for a fight against «Russian imperialism», now they say Ukraine itself is an imperial power in the process of gathering lands from «the San (a tributary of the Vistula River) to the Don».

The idea is rotten and doomed to failure. There will be no Ukrainian empire for the only reason that imperialism and nationalism are incompatible. The nationalists resemble cattle breeders – they scrupulously measure the skulls of Russians and Ukrainians and get amused by wretched racism of Bandera, Shukhevych and Yuri Lipa repeating the very same things over and over again to praise the purity of Ukrainian race. They want to breed pure Ukrainians like chicken in ethnic incubators and Ukraine is to become the one. They also have one more coveted dream – to expand the territory of the incubator westward to the San tributary of the Vistula and eastward to the river Don, as the Maidan «fighters for freedom» have announced with pomposity.

The very fact that personalities with such inflamed imagination take part in Ukrainian politics makes the country become an unstable and unpredictable entity. The creators of imperialist Ukraine cannot define its boundaries. They are building it from the San to…: nobody knows how far it goes. Everyone defines the border at his own will. Michael Kolodzinski, the idol of contemporary Bandera movement groups and guru on regional matters, raved about Ukraine from the San to the Altai Mountains. Ukrainian geographer Stepan Rudnitski drew the Ukraine’s border along the Caspian Sea. Mykola Mikhnovski, the apostle of Ukrainian independence, happened to be more modest - he was satisfied with the Ukraine from the Carpathian Mountains to the Caucasus.

The virtual Ukraine’s empire is like a rubber state extending «Ukrainian ethnic lands» according to the whims of any jingoist – fervent patrioteer. Ukraine «from the San» is a slap in the face of Poland. Ukrainian ultra-right make open their wish to grab the territory of their influential ally extending up to the Vistula. Brazenly done that, they obviously lack wisdom. Nobody will watch indifferently the imperialist desires of Pravy Sector, Svoboda and other groups. Polish politicians are already becoming concerned over the intent of Ukrainian nationalists to go on with armed fight after the «revolution» staged in Kiev is over.

Obviously, nobody in the West will let political nothings like Yarosh dictate conditions to NATO. The countries Yarosh has territorial claims to - Poland, Hungary and Romania - are the alliance members. The nationalists will me made direct their efforts eastward, to Russia.

True, the resistance in the south-eastern part of Ukraine and the first steps Russia has taken to defend its national interest in Ukraine have somewhat cooled down the fervor of those who dream about an empire. The western embassies in Kiev have called on them to observe at least some kind of order. As soon as the West realized it crossed the red line in its reckless thrust to expand eastward, the seemingly sober voices raised for peaceful solution have started to be heard. Now the West is trying to redirect the Ukrainian conflict from hot phase to drawn out situation creep.

The West needs Ukraine as a large constantly smouldering hotbed in the vicinity of Russian borders. Even ready for escalation, it weighs risks before crossing the line. Some say they can put up with Ukraine without Crimea. Converting the country into the springboard for brainwashing the neighboring Russian regions would do. But with Crimea or without it, will such a large country as Ukraine follow the fascist-minded «nationalist revolutionaries»? Will the citizens, Russians or not, accept their fate of becoming a springboard for expansion of Euro-Atlantic forces deeper into Eurasia? Will they accept the future the Nationalist junta plans for Ukraine?

Vladislav Gulevich - Ukraine: Empire Stretching from San to Don > Ukraine: Empire Stretching from San to Don > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation
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