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UK teen of Goan roots 'beats' Einstein's IQ


Jun 26, 2010
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MARGAO: With a Mensa IQ score of 162, a 15-year-old London teenager with Goan roots has beaten Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Fabiola Mann's IQ has put her in the top 1% of intelligent people in the world, two points over the 160 scored by the scientific greats.

Mensa, founded in 1946 as a society for intelligent people, awarded Fabiola her membership certificate in August this year. The Harrow-on-the-Hill-resident, who wants to study medicine at Cambridge University and become a surgeon "because I like the idea of helping people", told STOI from London that she wasn't expecting the score.

"I had heard about Mensa and so decided to take their test," Fabiola said in an email. Being "always interested in puzzles", she "begged" her parents to apply for the test and paid the fee.

On July 30, the Northwood College School pupil sat down for a formal, supervised, three-hour test at the London UCL medical college. "The questions were slightly more confusing (from the practice IQ tests online) and we did not have much time to do them, so I could not really tell how I was doing," said Fabiola.

She had wait for a month for her scores instead of the customary two weeks as the results were lost in transit. "We went on holiday soon after (the test), and it was a month before I finally got a letter through the post telling me that I had an IQ of 162 and was invited to join Mensa. I was thrilled," said Fabiola.

Her mother Rene, a Margao native who moved to London in 1993 after marriage, said, "Obviously I had heard about Mensa and genius IQ level children, but I'm amazed that my own daughter is one."

Dad Anthony, who was born in England and is a lecturer, informed Fabiola's school, which in turn contacted local UK newspapers. Fabiola was interviewed by BBC in September and is also mentioned on the Mensa website. In her interview with 'Harrow Observer', the paper observed that "162 is the highest possible score anyone can achieve in the UK and European test".

Asked what the Mensa membership means to Fabiola, Rene, a news producer for Associated Press Television Network, told STOI from London, "People keep asking me the same thing, and to be honest I don't know. Hopefully it will mean an entry into the best universities and later job opportunities."

She quickly adds, "Of course Fabiola did not do (the test) for those reasons, these are just a mother's dreams. More than that, I hope she can go forward and realize her potential and do good in this world."

Fabiola's hobbies include martial arts — she has a purple belt in karate, and started taekwondo this year —chess and music. She plays the piano and guitar and according to her peers has an "amazing voice". She also loves creative writing and is currently working on a novel.

Fabiola's Margao-based grandparents Palikaran George, 79, and Teresa, 67, are "speechless" on their granddaughter's feat and can't wait for her to visit in December.

UK teen of Goan roots 'beats' Einstein's IQ - The Times of India
They don't have a scale big enough to measure my IQ ......:cool:
Stop giving credence to such articles. IQ is not a measurable quantity, hell it is not even a well defined quantity, like body temperature or blood pressure. There is no test or machine that can measure IQ and never will be, for the same reason that there will never be a machine that can quantify and measure someone's beauty or happiness or sadness.

Writing such articles might be an indication of low IQ on the part of the writer.
Mensa is a well known IQ measuring organisation in UK in which contestents dream to even participate .
We should be proud of her !!
A lot of people who are truly smart never get close to getting their IQs tested.

IQ tests are a first world phenomenon, and so the small population there is not really representative.

I think the IQs of Aboriginal and Old World people were much higher for they were able to do a lot more without all the technology that exists today.
It only means she is highly employable. Dont compare with einstein.
If this Mensa or what not makes everyone on this earth to appear on their test there will be millions people like her
A lot of people who are truly smart never get close to getting their IQs tested.

IQ tests are a first world phenomenon, and so the small population there is not really representative.

I think the IQs of Aboriginal and Old World people were much higher for they were able to do a lot more without all the technology that exists today.

I had my IQ test done by Department of Education, University of Lucknow, it is easier than you think.
They obviously have not measured our Chinese IQ :P
comparing with einstein
are you serious :hitwall::hitwall:

Einstein set the bar, but the bar will only be raised over time. Be it naturally or by nurture, Kids these days are being exposed to so many things. It's no longer just about legos and rubics cube. Heck, my niece and nephews already knows computers and mobile phones better than I do let alone ones that comes after them. It's an inseperable part of human evolution.
Stop giving credence to such articles. IQ is not a measurable quantity, hell it is not even a well defined quantity, like body temperature or blood pressure. There is no test or machine that can measure IQ and never will be, for the same reason that there will never be a machine that can quantify and measure someone's beauty or happiness or sadness.

Writing such articles might be an indication of low IQ on the part of the writer.

Pretty much, current IQ tests are very narrow and in distinctive areas, they dont even show if person A is more intelligent overall than person B, - only who did the test better.

Plus even if one have very high intelligence, it depends how (and even if) one uses it. Therefore such juvenile comparisons with Einstein and other great scientists are ridiculous, just another sensationalist headline.
Einstein set the bar, but the bar will only be raised over time. Be it naturally or by nurture, Kids these days are being exposed to so many things. It's no longer just about legos and rubics cube. Heck, my niece and nephews already knows computers and mobile phones better than I do let alone ones that comes after them. It's an inseperable part of human evolution.

You have squarely yourself to blame for that, ie, for not keeping up with trends.
and btw, knowing all the shortcuts in an android phone isnt knowledge.

You can raise Einstein's bar by coming up with a unified theory of the whole universe. The one which explains how laws govern the very big (galaxies, stars) and the very small (quantum mechanics).
if not, you ain't raising anything, like someone else mentioned, a feel good article probably posted to negate the recent Indian/PISA thread.
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