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UK should make Eid and Diwali public holidays


Nov 8, 2013
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United Kingdom
UK should make Eid and Diwali public holidays, MP argues

The UK should show that it "embraces" the Muslim and Hindu faiths by making Eid and Diwali public holidays, Conservative MP Bob Blackman has said.

Mr Blackman is championing an e-petition demanding the change in Parliament, after it was signed by more than 120,000 people.

Muslims and Hindus should have "the most important days in their faiths recognised in law", the petition says.

The government has already rejected the e-petitioners' request.

In its response to the petition, the government said: "We are very aware of the importance of these festivals which are widely celebrated in the UK.

"Whilst we appreciate a new national holiday may benefit some communities and sectors, the cost to the economy remains considerable and any changes to the current arrangements would not take place without a full consultation."

'Bigger considerations'
Mr Blackman pressed ministers to reconsider during a debate in the House of Commons' secondary debating chamber of Westminster Hall.

He said the government's concern about cost was "valid".

The MP for Harrow East said: "According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research, each public holiday costs £2.3bn per day due to a loss of retail, commercial services, and other industries.

"So we're looking at an overall economic cost of just under £5bn if the Muslim faith and the Hindu faith were to be given one specified public holiday each, if the estimate is correct."

There were "bigger considerations" at stake than cost alone, Mr Blackman said
But, he continued, the think tank had also estimated that annual output would be raised by £19bn "if all public holidays were scrapped".

"That's not likely to happen. I can't believe any government would every dare to decide to cancel Christmas," Mr Blackman said.

"So we can't make a case for or against further public holidays just on the basis of money. If we did, we wouldn't have any public holidays at all."

There were "bigger considerations", he argued.

"Wouldn't it be a statement that we as a nation embrace these religions, and the people who hold them dear, and we are ready to recognise their place in our society?

"Creating these public holidays would be an important step towards promoting the understanding and tolerance of different faiths - not just at home, but abroad too.

"We want other nations to look to the UK for a good example of positive integration, and for highly skilled prospective immigrants to consider coming to our country with a sense that their faith is a respected part of their identity."

Few MPs attended the debate, which coincided with a Commons statement from PM David Cameron on Ukraine and Gaza
But Business Minister Jenny Willott was not persuaded by the MP's case.

"We are very lucky in this country to have such a hugely diverse and mixed and vibrant society that we all benefit from," she told MPs.

"Faith groups play a hugely important role in making life better for other people and making communities a better place for people to live."

But she emphasised ministers' concern about cost, and concluded: "The government does not believe that there should be a public holiday to mark these particular occasions.

"I know that will disappoint some people."

If an e-petition gets 10,000 signatures, it is eligible for a written response from the government, which is published alongside the original petition onthe government's e-petitions website.

If it reaches as many as 100,000 signatures, a parliamentary committee will consider whether it merits a Commons debate if an MP wants to propose one.

BBC News - UK should make Eid and Diwali public holidays, MP argues
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Saudi Arabia should make 10th days of Muharram plus Christmas and Easter a holiday.
Saudi Arabia should make 10th days of Muharram plus Christmas and Easter a holiday.
I am in favour of all religious freedom and giving one holiday to all people on their major religious event but comparison of theocratic state with that of secular multi cultural sate is stupid

It also depend on how much is the population of people belong to different beliefs
I am in favour of all religious freedom and giving one holiday to all people on their major religious event but comparison of theocratic state with that of secular multi cultural sate is stupid

It also depend on how much is the population of people belong to different beliefs

If it's a secular state then why ask for religious holidays.
Debate is there because Xmas is celebrated as holiday and secular mean all religions are equal in society and secularism is not opposition of religions

definition of secular at Dictionary .com

religion (opposed to sacred )

1. of or pertaining to worldly things or to things that are notregarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred; temporal: secularinterests.

2. not pertaining to or connected with religion (opposed to sacred ):secular music.

3.(of education, a school, etc.) concerned with non religious-subjects.
4. (of members of the clergy) not belonging to a religious order; not-bound by monastic vows (opposed to regular ).
no most of them are atheists and agnostics and its not Christian but secular country
lucky you got it :D I did not

It is, Regarding they are atheists/agnostics may be (the same can be said about other muslim countries). However we are still a christian country on paper and I respect that.

Furthermore in school/Sixth form days, I remember we used to get days off and I believe in most ethnic minorities areas they still do.

Yes! :partay:
It is, Regarding they are atheists/agnostics may be (the same can be said about other muslim countries). However we are still a christian country on paper and I respect that.

Furthermore in school/Sixth form days, I remember we used to get days off and I believe in most ethnic minorities areas they still do.

Yes! :partay:
You can say UK is secular country with Christian heritage or culture.

British social attitude suvey revealed that 50.6% of the population now claim to have no religion (up from 47.7% last year). The proportion of the British population who identify themselves as Anglican has more than halved in the past ten years, with just 41.7% now regarding themselves as Christian. 4.6% self identify as Muslim, 1.5% as Sikh, 1.5% as Hindu and 0.5% as Jewish.

The survey found just 24% of people think being Christian is an important element of 'Britishness' – down from 32% in 1995.
technically UK is a anglican country, the queen is head of church of England and head of state.. the head of state by law has to be of anglican faith...
peers(member of upper house in parliament) who are appointed based on faith, need to be from church of England only. (cannot be catholic, let alone muslim or hindu).

The broader question should be, how can the mother of democracy continue to be like this.
In reality though this is quite a secular country, as there is little influence of church of England, on day to day activities of govt.
definition of secular at Dictionary .com

religion (opposed to sacred )

1. of or pertaining to worldly things or to things that are notregarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred; temporal: secularinterests.

2. not pertaining to or connected with religion (opposed to sacred ):secular music.

3.(of education, a school, etc.) concerned with non religious-subjects.
4. (of members of the clergy) not belonging to a religious order; not-bound by monastic vows (opposed to regular ).

lol what you are proving with your definition ? Secularism is against religion and it actually mean no religion? no Church/no mosque/no temple/no freedom of practising your religious beliefs? as i said before secular state mean all religion are equal and no religion play any role in state affairs and government passes laws that are free of religious influence but it treat all religion equal if not then there will be debate like above that why Eid/diwali is not holiday when Xmas is celebrated as public holiday?

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