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UK rules out preemptive strike on Iran


You are right, but who is going to punish them ? Russia, China ?

We are not living in a fair world ... but in a world where might is right ... regardless of idealistic concepts of justice ... thus wise countries must watch their behind ... because the bad guys have the big guns and are trigger happy

I accept what you say. I dont believe the likes of China and Russia will this time standby and allow the bully boys to come along. Its outrageous the way the western press darken the name of Iran in their methods. Iran is certainly not Afghanistan or Libya. Iran has come a long way and people have short memories - their achievements have been carried out with tremendous constraints and trade embargoes etc. I believe any nonsense in Iran will be vigorously defended and other nations of statute will stand up - in particular the 2 i have mentioned. A quote comes to mind....( Martin Niemoller)

First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me And there was no one left
To speak out for me......
You Filipinos don't have Americans as your brothers, you have them as your masters. notice the difference please.
I wonder why Filipinos work as "slaves" in Gulf Arab countries. Maybe it is not important matter for Aquino ... it doesn't show at all there is a problem.

Filipino you are speaking about extremism in religion?
Maybe you have some extremists muslims, but at least here in France when they speak about Filipino they show the christian fanatics who want to suffer as much as Jesus on a croice. In our country the bloody scarification for ashura is forbidden.
I didn't mean our country is perfect: the justice is just one of the worst for exemple... but about extremism i guess filipino should not give so much lesson to us my friend. everyone its problem at least we should respect each other.
We are poor so what, at least we can keep our head straight when talking with such little punk like you, Vietnamese or Chinese. People don't hate us Filipinos as they used to treat your Muslim extremists or Commies. We Filipinos have American as our best brother, they will save us in no matter of what, from that why do we have to concern too much about you, a little frustrated punk?

Filipinos nowadays ain't scare anybody, Viet Cong, Chinese, Irani etc are no problem to us. Philippines indeed is the most powerful nation in Southeast Asia, except the USA is disappear on this earth.

USA exists -> Philippines exists

Why do you say that Americans are your best brother? Does a best brother not allow his brother into his house? Does a best brother have a lower visa approval rate than North Korea and sub-Saharan Africa?

B Visa (Tourists and Business Visitors) Refusal Rate by Country

Visa rejection rates by country, 2010

Philippines 37.9%
Tanzania 24.2%
North Korea 23.3%
It is just a propaganda thing. UK wants Iran to lower its guard and stop developing weapons, so that when UK attacks, Iran is going to be defenseless. Remember, Blair had gone to Libya and reassured Qaddafi and Italy had invited him to speak at Italian parliament just months before the NATO went it to Libya. You can not trust when it comes to these imperial colonialists. The only thing you can trust is your nukes and missiles. They are your best friends, in this world. Otherwise Iran will soon become another Afghanistan, with Iranian refugees doing menial work in Pakistan.
It is just a propaganda thing. UK wants Iran to lower its guard and stop developing weapons, so that when UK attacks, Iran is going to be defenseless. Remember, Blair had gone to Libya and reassured Qaddafi and Italy had invited him to speak at Italian parliament just months before the NATO went it to Libya. You can not trust when it comes to these imperial colonialists. The only thing you can trust is your nukes and missiles. They are your best friends, in this world. Otherwise Iran will soon become another Afghanistan, with Iranian refugees doing menial work in Pakistan.
its notgonna be like that either we die here or we win this battle . its not the first time that iran has been threatened during the last 3000 years and we are still standing.
its notgonna be like that either we die here or we win this battle . its not the first time that iran has been threatened during the last 3000 years and we are still standing.
hmmm if USA wanted to destroy Iran it would be very easy: just send a few nukes and that's finished
So it leads to the simple conclusion: USA don't want to destroy Iran
It's then quite normal to have fair diplomatic relations with them

About the past and the sad events you speak about, of course it i spainful
Already Obama said sorry for CIA coup help but we cannot ask country to easily say sorry all the time:
don't you ever heard about all these matters of countries asking other to be sorry for genocide or massacre?
so even if this accident was terrible it was not as much as some other history events
conclusion : let's calm down
Why do you say that Americans are your best brother? Does a best brother not allow his brother into his house? Does a best brother have a lower visa approval rate than North Korea and sub-Saharan Africa?

B Visa (Tourists and Business Visitors) Refusal Rate by Country

Visa rejection rates by country, 2010

Philippines 37.9%
Tanzania 24.2%
North Korea 23.3%

Is there anything related to travel visas here?

We are talking about the ally between the U.S. and Philippines, and off course the U.S. will hands in hands with Filipinos in any battles, that's it!
It means they know Iran doesn't have the range. American propagandists would be pissed off from this comment.
LOL Only looser like Chinese are always threaten to ban others who you could debate with! Shame!

So what I won't care, your Bangladesh was missed in the list, sorry for my forgiven about you.

Well I let you live in your delusion about the warm relationship with your master Ruskie or not, we don't care what you guys though, we and our allies are coming to sweep all of you out of earth. Remember the Ruskie cannot keep their pants covering their tails if the U.S. is really don't want too. Your Bangladesh is a deep poor and weakness nation in South Asia, make sure you learn how to treat us wisely or even Ruskie and Chinese commie couldn't save your butt.

LOL Only looser like Chinese are always threaten to ban others who you could debate with! Shame!

hahaha Why the hell we care missiles? For what?

We have USA as our strongest ally back bone, who dare to mess with us? Even you the big mouth China commie of the World?

If you want to commit a suicide, then just try to take away from Philippines a piece of skin and learn the lesson.

Philippines is not different with South Korea and Japan you know, if you dare to touch us, you are done!

You talk a lot! :flame:
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