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UK named sixth largest economy in the world

Why on earth are France predicted to fall?
Germany, I understand, is similar to Japan in that they have population problems, whereas the UK's is growing.
Once we've shaken off this debt, I see no reason why we can't get growing again.
A lot of money is being spent on infrastructure and London is still up there with NY as the leading cities.
1.Let us not underestimate the rise of Welsh nationalism. The Scots united with England under a treaty after a series of battles. The Welsh kept on resisting and had to be annexed by Proclamation.

2. One example of the rising Welsh. Recently the Hay Festival was held at Dhaka. Here writers from all over the world gather. The origin of the Festival is in Wales where the Welsh are making all efforts to revive their language, culture and heritage.

1.Let us not underestimate the rise of Welsh nationalism. The Scots united with England under a treaty after a series of battles. The Welsh kept on resisting and had to be annexed by Proclamation.

2. One example of the rising Welsh. Recently the Hay Festival was held at Dhaka. Here writers from all over the world gather. The origin of the Festival is in Wales where the Welsh are making all efforts to revive their language, culture and heritage.

The welsh don't want independence, they rely heavily on english support.
Why on earth are France predicted to fall?
Germany, I understand, is similar to Japan in that they have population problems, whereas the UK's is growing.
Once we've shaken off this debt, I see no reason why we can't get growing again.
A lot of money is being spent on infrastructure and London is still up there with NY as the leading cities.

David the camerron will destroy it all as magie the fukin thatcher did in her times
Yes, I mean seriously when Mush took over Pakistan was growing at 7-7.5% Rate, if we had not involved in war which scared off the investors and retarded economic growth with regular 2 suicide Bombing and killing every day!! It was possible to enter top ten in 11 years without war and even 6-7% economic growth for a country like Pakistan which is 6th most populace country.
Totally agree! With the world's largest deep water port, the second largest salt mine, fifth largest gold mine, one of the largest coal mines in the world, seventh largest copper mine, one of the world's largest WiMAX networks, sixth largest gas reserves in the Asia Pacific region, and the top ten rice producers in the world, Pakistan should have been right there amongst the top ten fastest growing economies.

But unfortunately, the Pakistan Establishment has lost its way.
Look at all the Indians sooooo happy their masters are doing well.
Gotta admire the slavery mentality of Indians. Not even Africans have such love for their masters like Indians do.
That's why British always look down on Indians, because they know Indians are always their cleaning boys.
End of European dominance

Look at all the Indians sooooo happy their masters are doing well.
Gotta admire the slavery mentality of Indians. Not even Africans have such love for their masters like Indians do.
That's why British always look down on Indians, because they know Indians are always their cleaning boys.

What you said is correct bro
I highly doubt uk surpassed brazil because they received minus 0.4% growth according to imf while brazil 1.5. Imf also said uk is gonna surpass brazil in 2012 but its only prediction and the uk press already prints it. I would obviously doubt that and if it would proof once and for all that nominal gdp is nonsense and people should use ppp.

Why on earth are France predicted to fall?
Germany, I understand, is similar to Japan in that they have population problems, whereas the UK's is growing.
Once we've shaken off this debt, I see no reason why we can't get growing again.
A lot of money is being spent on infrastructure and London is still up there with NY as the leading cities.

even if youre growing it predicts only in the age 2050 you will surpass german population keep waiting for that day. Also what has UK to offer besides london, it has trade deficits, just as high debt as france or germany and uk actually received minus 0.4 growth in 2012 according to imf. While germany actually grew somewhat despite the euro crisis and germany has the largest trade surplus in the world even larger than china. And your industry is in very bad shape even czech republic produces almost as much cars as you, its no comparison to the older japanese and german economies.

List of countries by motor vehicle production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do like demographics is everything, just because germany refused to import as much as you did. After all there is a reason why your census counts now white and not british anymore.
I highly doubt uk surpassed brazil because they received minus 0.4% growth according to imf while brazil 1.5. Imf also said uk is gonna surpass brazil in 2012 but its only prediction and the uk press already prints it. I would obviously doubt that and if it would proof once and for all that nominal gdp is nonsense and people should use ppp.

even if youre growing it predicts only in the age 2050 you will surpass german population keep waiting for that day. Also what has UK to offer besides london, it has trade deficits, just as high debt as france or germany and uk actually received minus 0.4 growth in 2012 according to imf. While germany actually grew somewhat despite the euro crisis and germany has the largest trade surplus in the world even larger than china. And your industry is in very bad shape even czech republic produces almost as much cars as you, its no comparison to the older japanese and german economies.

List of countries by motor vehicle production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do like demographics is everything, just because germany refused to import as much as you did. After all there is a reason why your census counts now white and not british anymore.
Alright don't wet yourself.
Nothing of what I said actually contradicts what you said.
Technicaly speaking Pakistan should be in top ten by now if we had not involved in the stupid unwanted war.

technically speaking you are a bit too optimistic.

congrats TO UK.
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