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UK MI5 Harassment

LoL. HS kept asking me if I knew how to fire a gun and if I went to peshawar. They stop me every fucking time. Last time the guy was cool and pretty chill.

The first time they stopped me at Manchester, and then again at JFK. Some of the HS guys are stupid af and barely have a high school education. So you have to be like fuk yea Murrica! Even then they still give you an attitude, those fat greasy fux.
Lmao, and I thought they wouldn't steep any lower. :lol:

The guy I was talking to was chill and young. Just asked some questions and wished me a good day. The guy just sitting looked like he was having a Mcdonalds-induced anyuerism. Most of them just there for the benefits. They used to be annoying and on power trips but they've gotten better at their jobs.
And I support Holy Hamas, the military of my other country. No one will stop me from that. They did one time try to bait into something sick when I made a twitter OSINT account, they 'added' me with twitter accounts of fake people with links on their page to homemade bomb-making instructions.

Wait what? They sent u links of that or they wanted u to click on it?
Wait what? They sent u links of that or they wanted u to click on it?
I had made a Twitter page to post international news updates on. An hour into making it i got followed by a 'girl' on Twitter who hearted my tweets. I figured it was some kind of bot. It had a picture of a Asian girl and some kind of name. I click on the profile and all the tweets(dozens of them) were links to bomb making instructions. Top one was how to make a bomb at home. I immediately disabled the account. It's designed to get you to click on these links to arrest you on conspiracy to commit terrorism charges.
LoL. HS kept asking me if I knew how to fire a gun and if I went to peshawar. They stop me every fucking time. Last time the guy was cool and pretty chill.

The first time they stopped me at Manchester, and then again at JFK. Some of the HS guys are stupid af and barely have a high school education. So you have to be like fuk yea Murrica! Even then they still give you an attitude, those fat greasy fux.

Bro one time me and my entire fam was coming back from Quetta and my dad got held up at MIA for like 2-3 hours and they kept asking him if he ever went to Afghanistan and if he knew anyone that did.

I had made a Twitter page to post international news updates on. An hour into making it i got followed by a 'girl' on Twitter who hearted my tweets. I figured it was some kind of bot. It had a picture of a Asian girl and some kind of name. I click on the profile and all the tweets(dozens of them) were links to bomb making instructions. Top one was how to make a bomb at home. I immediately disabled the account. It's designed to get you to click on these links to arrest you on conspiracy to commit terrorism charges.

That is f'n crazy. Do you think if you still had the account up they would've got you.
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That is f'n crazy. Do you think if you still had the account up they would've got you.
I don't think so, I blocked the user. I could have moved on from it but I just disabled the account anyways due to frustration at what happened and I didn't want to commit to making a OSINT page at this time.
Bro one time me and my entire fam was coming back from Quetta and my dad got held up at MIA for like 2-3 hours and they kept asking him if he ever went to Afghanistan and if he knew anyone that did.

That is f'n crazy. Do you think if you still had the account up they would've got you.
Don't get done like this guy...

British Intelligence MI5 is harassing UK young Muslims overseas , acquiring phone numbers of unsuspecting people and randomly and persistently calling to have a face to face chat. If you or anyone you know are in such a position the advice is not to talk to them without a lawyer/solicitor present , if you do oblige to a meeting. One can only guess what the purpose of such a chat would be and why they would target you and what the outcome would be and the consequences for you. It has reached such a level now that Muslim organisations have taken note and given out an advisory:-
Well done M15. Tighten the nuts on these scumbags ...... !!!
It’s time Muslims moved back to their own countries instead of being treated like garbage by these anglo Saxons with superiority complex
I wish it were that simple. On one hand these anglo-saxans literally destroy our countries with colonization, genocides, occupation, destabilization, political interference, etc and on the other hand when people migrate/flee from those countries they are met with hostility, xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism, etc.
I wish it were that simple. On one hand these anglo-saxans literally destroy our countries with colonization, genocides, occupation, destabilization, political interference, etc and on the other hand when people migrate/flee from those countries they are met with hostility, xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism, etc.
And come to think of it during ww2 it was these Muslim countries who hosted European refugees
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