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UAE to move from eGovernment to mGovernment

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
May 22, 2013


Shaikh Mohammad addresses the Mobile Government Forum on Wednesday in Dubai .


From left: Mohammad Nasser Al Ganem, TRA Director General, Ahmad Abdul Karim Julfar, CEO of etisalat Group and Othman Sultan, CEO of du.


Delegates at the Mobile Government Forum in Dubai on Wednesday. The Forum was attended by UAE ministers and top government officials.


Shaikh Mohammad with Shaikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, at the Mobile Government Forum in Dubai on Wednesday.

Farewell party for those who can’t join the development march, says UAE Vice-President

Mobile government will work round the clock and will be a one-stop shop for everything, says UAE Vice-President

Those who are unwilling to proceed with the UAE’s development march will be given a farewell party, His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, told the Mobile Government Forum on Wednesday, attended by UAE ministers and top government officials.

“Today we are launching a new era and we should all cooperate and work hand in hand to achieve this target,” said Shaikh Mohammad.

“We are looking for a mobile government that operates round the clock. I want my government to be a one-stop shop where everything can be done easily.”

He added that there are no difficulties in transforming from eGovernment to mGovernment since the UAE people have succeeded in the first phase of transformation from classical government to electronic government.

Going back 13 years, when the first eGovernment initiative was launched in 2000, Shaikh Mohammad recalled how a number of people were unwilling to adapt to this transformation, preferring to depend on the traditional way of communication and services.

“When I discussed the idea of transformation to eGovernment in front of the government officials and prominent UAE figures at one of the hotels in Jumeirah, some of the Emiratis refused the new concept saying that they want to achieve all their needs in person.”

“When I found them a bit hesitant and reluctant to go with this change I gave them a promise that those who will not adapt to this transformation within a year will be given a farewell party,” Shaikh Mohammad added.

Pointing to the gradual transformation into eGovernment where the penetration of technology is quite remarkable in the UAE, he added: “Decades ago, there used to be one computer device in each government organisation. Then the number increased to one computer on each floor for every organisation, while today it is available on every desk in government offices.”

Shaikh Mohammad said that the government’s ultimate aim is to meet the needs of the people. “Our main target is to make our citizens content. However, we can’t do this without taking serious steps forward as well as to develop initiatives to empower them and serve their interests.”

“Everyone should realise that the time is changing and those who can’t adapt to this change will not be able to achieve their targets.”

Essential tool

Giving an example of how technology is an essential part of everyone’s life, Shaikh Mohammad said: “Most of you today have two mobile phones and can’t be detached from them for even two days.”

He called on everyone to adapt to the drastic changes in technology.

“While we used caravans as the main mode of transportation in the UAE ages ago, today it is impossible to use them while we have the latest [transportation] technology in the form of the Metro.”

According to Shaikh Mohammad, “there is no alternative to being number one. UAE leaders and citizens should continue to seek to be number one because nothing matters after number one.”

“Being in first place is not similar to being in second or third place, where you will be following others,” he said.

Farewell party for those who can


May 22, 2013

mGovernment transformation need cooperation

Major move seen as another turning point in UAE history

Close cooperation between government and non-government entities and telecommunication operators in the UAE is required to achieve the transformation from eGovernment into mGovernment, Ahmad Abdul Karim Julfar, the Chief Executive Officer of Etisalat Group told Gulf News on the side lines of the Mobile Government Forum.

He described this transformation as a drastic leap in the governmental system.

“While the year 2000 marked a radical transformation from classical government into electronic one, today the change into mGovernment is another turning point in the UAE history.”

“To adopt this transformation, there should be a kind of partnership between government entities, telecom operators, banks, central banks and credit cards firms,” Julfar said.

“Apart from this we have all the infrastructure to achieve a smooth transformation into mGovernment including the legal framework, purchasing power and technology adoption.”

The rate of smart phone adoption in the UAE is high, recorded at more than 50 per cent, and will definitely enhance this transformation.


Pointing to the potential investment in the mobile services sector, Julfar said that while the volume of investment in mobile services reached Dh50 billion so far, it is expected to double in the next five years to up to Dh100 billion depending on proper planning and execution.

However, he said that one of the main challenges is the banking system which needs to upgrade its services to facilitate the payment system.

Expecting the number of mobile services to increase drastically, Mohammad Nasser Al Ganem Director General of Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), said that the first step to achieving this transformation is “to develop a concrete strategy then we are working on developing mobile payment portal that allow one authentication to all government services processed under a highly secure environment.”

Proper coordination

UAE telecom operators du and etisalat will play the role of enablers in the eGovernment initiative. Stressing the need to an eco-system, Osman Sultan, CEO of du said that an integrated comprehensive system of technical solutions that serve most government departments allow proper coordination, full integration and consistent data flow that will lead to this transformation.

Although infrastructure is essential in this transformation, tools and government initiatives in addition to the platform to deliver these services are also an integral parts in this transformation,” said Sultan.

Integrated approach through a unified system of administrative, infrastructure, information and core services connectivity in the field of mGovernment accelerate the transformation, he added.

mGovernment transformation need cooperation | GulfNews.com


May 22, 2013

Dubai e-government services have grown from 14 to 2,000

Expansion can only be successful with wider internet penetration in the Arab world

Dubai launched its e-government services in 2000 for the efficient delivery of official services, such as business registration, licensing, immigration and visa-related services, government permits and renewals for healthcare services, driving licences, among others.

Since then it has taken off, while other governments in the Arab world are still catching up.

However, its expansion can only be successful with wider internet penetration in the Arab world.

In about 10 years since the introduction of e-Government, the number of e-services has grown from 14 to over 2,000. This means that the penetration of e-services in the public sector has reached 90 per cent with 46 per cent integration among government departments.

Emirates eGovernment is responsible for developing, establishing and maintaining the eGovernment programme at the federal level in the UAE. This involves renovating and upgrading the conventional methods of delivering government services and having the services delivered electronically through the deployment of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
May 23, 2013


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, announced a new "government vision of the future" on Twitter yesterday following a meeting with 1,000 government officials.

Sheikh Mohammed vows UAE government will be mobile and work 24/7, 365 days a year

Most government services will be accessible by smartphone within two years.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, announced a new "government vision of the future" on Twitter yesterday following a meeting with 1,000 government officials.

The project, called mgovernment, follows the egovernment initiative, which was launched in 2000 and which led to most government services being made available online.

"The Government of the future works 24/7 and 365 days a year," Sheikh Mohammed tweeted. "It is as hospitable as hotels, fast in delivering and strong in its procedures".

He said the aim was for government to reach people instead of them having to reach it.

"Through their smartphones we can make their lives easier," he tweeted.

"The Government of the future is innovative and adaptive. It improves the quality of life and helps people achieve their happiness."

He said after the two years are up, failure would not be tolerated.

In tweeted that government officials had been told that if they failed to deliver mobile services, they would be given a "farewell ceremony".

He stressed the need for creativity, as a creative government was a developed one that "moves forward", "breaks routine", and can "always be number one".

The aim of mgovernment, he said, was to provide information to people at any time and anywhere.

He noted that the UAE had the best telecommunications infrastructure in the world, with about 14 million active mobile phone - an average of two per person.

"Today we want to move government information and service centres to every phone and every mobile device in the hands of users, which will allow them to place their government request from their phone wherever they are and without waiting," he said.

"A successful government is one that goes to the people and does not wait for them to come to it."

Sheikh Mohammed vows UAE government will be mobile and work 24/7, 365 days a year - The National


"A successful government is one that goes to the people and does not wait for them to come to it."

Whereas in our country the citizens go to the government and are treated like useless creatures.
"A successful government is one that goes to the people and does not wait for them to come to it."

UAE is among the Top 10 countries with Best egovernment system. Austria and Iceland are the top 2. We need to work with them to develop a system Best for us.
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