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UAE lobbying US to impose sanctions on Turkey

Humanity against humanity.

To be precise.

And, it's happened everywhere.
US President Trump will sign the "Defense Budget" tonight.

Turkey-related substances in the list:

▪ Prevention of transfer of ️F-35s

▪️ Sanctions about S-400 purchase.

▪️ Sanctions on Turkish Stream(Blacksea) and Russian North Stream (Baltic/Germany) projects.

The situation is becoming comedy :D

Meanwhile in Libya : The UAE pays wages for the Wagner group bandits.
UAE lobbying US? Well even if we assume they tried to appeal to some electoral puppets do you really think that could even scratch on the geopolitical agenda of the US?

Sounds more like the US regime is creating an external scapegoat to justify punitive measures against Turkey for dancing out of line of slaves, lapdogs and loyal puppetregimes and deflect resentment for actions of the US towards the UAE .

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