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'U.S. working with India to provide alternative to Russian S-400': Pentagon

India purchased Chinook and other equipment under USA pressure to equalise trade balance. India did not get any meaningful technology or know-how for these deals. It simply was meant to bridge trade deficit.

So, if USA themselves deny the arms sale, it is beneficial to India as India would be saving some forex to import other necessary items. Unlike Turkey which is desperate to get USA arms, India wants to avoid USA arms but is buying it under pressure to cut trade deficit of USA with India. So, we can't compare Turkey with India as situation is different and quite opposite

On bright side we can reverse engineer Apache and Chinook in future and get whatever we want in future.

RV is not new concept for us as we already RaVed famous Gnat fighters after 1065.

Be a good boy and come to daddy.

Replace boy with girl and Daddy with Sugar Daddy

You guys surely knows how to role play to your masters. Sad thing is , even after role-playing for your American masters, daddy's are using your land to kill your own people. :lol:
yabba dabba doo we wont buy from you we deal with whoever we desire.

okay white master we bow down to your wishes sell us your shitty toys!

On bright side we can reverse engineer Apache and Chinook in future and get whatever we want in future.

RV is not new concept for us as we already RaVed famous Gnat fighters after 1065.

You guys surely knows how to role play to your masters. Sad thing is , even after role-playing for your American masters, daddy's are using your land to kill your own people. :lol:
talent hai! larkay na ghulami may bhi jeet banna li!
India purchased Chinook and other equipment under USA pressure to equalise trade balance. India did not get any meaningful technology or know-how for these deals. It simply was meant to bridge trade deficit.

So, if USA themselves deny the arms sale, it is beneficial to India as India would be saving some forex to import other necessary items. Unlike Turkey which is desperate to get USA arms, India wants to avoid USA arms but is buying it under pressure to cut trade deficit of USA with India. So, we can't compare Turkey with India as situation is different and quite opposite
They are also going to purchase 62 Airbus Defence and Space C295 medium transport aircraft (MTA) for the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Coast Guard (ICG).
You guys surely knows how to role play to your masters. Sad thing is , even after role-playing for your American masters, daddy's are using your land to kill your own people. :lol:
You need to come out from underneath the rock you have been hiding all this time.
You guys surely knows how to role play to your masters. Sad thing is , even after role-playing for your American masters, daddy's are using your land to kill your own people. :lol:

And we are killing you at the same rate stay tuned indian things are going to get more spicy ;);)
You will feel pain when these chinooks proved dodos when US stop the supplies.
We know that. That is why we are buying in limited quantities and only to bridge trade gap. India prefers to not buy these items but trade gap pressure is forcing

I think india can't abandon Russia. If they abandon russia india has alot to loose.
Why will India abandon Russia? Russia is a loyal friend and has helped India a lot. Indians are loyal people and don't backstab

They are also going to purchase 62 Airbus Defence and Space C295 medium transport aircraft (MTA) for the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Coast Guard (ICG).
That is made in India. The C295 is a turboprop plane and will be made in India fully. Turboprop is easy to make and India is seeking the design license of C295. Also, the deal is with France
US to offer India alternative to Russian S-400 missile defence system

India inked an agreement with Russia in October last year to procure a batch of the missile systems at a cost of Rs 40,000 crore.

WASHINGTON: The US is working with India to provide potential alternatives to S-400 air defence systems that New Delhi has decided to purchase from Russians, a top Pentagon official said on Wednesday.

India inked an agreement with Russia in October last year to procure a batch of the missile systems at a cost of Rs 40,000 crore. India went ahead to seal the deal notwithstanding the US' warnings against it.

There were apprehensions about the payment mechanism for the deal in the wake of the US sanctions against Russia.
"We are very keen to see them (India) make an alternative choice. We're working with them to provide potential alternatives (to S-400)," Randall Schriver, Assistant Defence Secretary for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs told lawmakers during a Congressional hearing.

Responding to questions on the potential sanctions on India for making such a purchase from the Russians, Schriver said, "it would be an unfortunate decision" if New Delhi chose to pursue S-400 from Russia.

"Of course, we have the (CAATSA) legislation hanging over all of that," he said referring to the punitive CAATSA legislation that imposes sanctions on countries that purchase substantial military equipment from Russia.

Schriver said CAATSA legislation is not designed to be in impediment in the growing strategic partnership that the US has with India.

"It's designed to impose cost on Russia, consequence to Russia. One way or the other, we want to work through it because India is an emerging partnership for us," the top Pentagon official said.

Now just like Turkey, U.S will threat India with sanctions in case India chooses Russian Sams against Uncle Sams's SAMS :lol:

Indian already paid and using many US products, yesterday they inducted chinooks, payments for attack helos done already etc etc

@Windjammer @DESERT FIGHTER @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Areesh @BHarwana
Lol :rofl:wake us up when we cancel S400 deal ;) wishful thinking and India is not like it’s neighbours in east who used to wag tail to every order from Uncle Sam ;) ouch We did this much for war on terror :rofl:
US working with India to provide alternative to Russian missiles: Pentagon


Mar 28, 2019

The US is working with India to provide potential alternatives to S-400 air defence systems that New Delhi has decided to purchase from Russians, a top Pentagon official said on Wednesday.

India inked an agreement with Russia in October last year to procure a batch of the S-400 Triumf missile systems at a cost of Rs 40,000 crore. India went ahead to seal the deal notwithstanding the US' warnings against it.

There were apprehensions about the payment mechanism for the deal in the wake of the US sanctions against Russia.

"We are very keen to see them (India) make an alternative choice. We're working with them to provide potential alternatives (to S-400)," Randall Schriver, Assistant Defence Secretary for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs told lawmakers during a Congressional hearing.

Responding to questions on the potential sanctions on India for making such a purchase from the Russians, Schriver said, "it would be an unfortunate decision" if New Delhi chose to pursue S-400 from Russia.

"Of course, we have the (CAATSA) legislation hanging over all of that," he said referring to the punitive CAATSA legislation that imposes sanctions on countries that purchase substantial military equipment from Russia.

Schriver said CAATSA legislation is not designed to be in impediment in the growing strategic partnership that the US has with India."It's designed to impose cost on Russia, consequence to Russia. One way or the other, we want to work through it because India is an emerging partnership for us," the top Pentagon official said.

Pakistan should get THAAD
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