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U.S., Vietnam sign nuclear trade agreement


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U.S., Vietnam sign nuclear trade agreement

Published: Thursday October 10, 2013 MYT 2:00:02 PM


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) listens to an interpreter as he talks with Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung (R) at the 8th East Asia Summit in Bandar Seri Begawan, October 10, 2013. REUTERS/Ahim Rani

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Brunei (Reuters) - The United States and Vietnam on Thursday signed a pact that would allow the transfer of nuclear technology to the Southeast Asian nation and open the way for U.S. investment in the burgeoning industry, in another sign that Washington is seeking stronger economic and strategic ties in the region.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S.-Vietnam Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement would allow U.S. firms to tap Vietnam's future nuclear power market, although the State Department said the deal will not allow Vietnam to enrich or reprocess U.S.-origin nuclear materials.

"This agreement will create numerous opportunities for our businesses," Kerry told Vietnam's Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh on the sidelines of an Asian summit in Brunei. "Obviously our nuclear cooperation is quite significant."

Vietnam is working with Russia to build its first nuclear plant in 2014 for completion in 2020 in the south-central province of Ninh Thuan, as demand for energy grows rapidly in response to economic growth of around 5 percent a year.

It has also signed an agreement with a Japanese consortium to develop a second nuclear power plant in the same province, with two reactors to become operational in 2024-2025.

Vietnam has the second-largest market after China for nuclear power in East Asia, which was expected to grow to $50 billion by 2030, according to Kerry.

The United States has moved to improve economic and security ties with Vietnam, part of its strategic rebalancing towards Asia that some see as a policy to counter China's rising clout. China's assertive claims over the South China Sea have raised tensions with Vietnam, as well as other Southeast Asian nations.

Vietnam's poor human rights record is a major obstacle to closer ties and U.S. labor and human rights groups have urged Obama to suspend free-trade negotiations with Vietnam because of its treatment of workers and government critics.

Analysts say a sharp increase in the past few years in arrests and convictions of government detractors, in particular, bloggers, could complicate the nuclear deal as Congress needs to be convinced Vietnam is changing its tack.

The deal will be submitted to U.S. President Barack Obama for his review before it is sent to Congress for its approval by the end of the year, a U.S. official said.

"Getting to this stage … moves us closer to an expanded civil nuclear cooperation with Vietnam," the official, who briefed reporters in Washington, said.

"Vietnam is actively taking steps now toward development of a robust domestic infrastructure to support a nuclear energy program," the official added.

With Vietnam at an early stage of nuclear development, the official said the agreement provides the basis for U.S. firms to enter the market early as it builds nuclear power plants and for the U.S. government to ensure the proper safeguards.

The U.S. official said the agreement "will also strengthen the Obama administration's long-standing policy of limiting the spread or enrichment and reprocessing capabilities around the world." The deal stems from U.S. President Barack Obama's Prague initiative, a drive for global nuclear security which he launched in his first term.

Asked whether the provisions of the deal would ward off any concern that Vietnam might someday seek nuclear weapons capability, the official said: "That certainly would close off one path toward that."

(Additional reporting by Ho Binh Minh in Hanoi and Matt Spetalnick; Editing by Stuart Grudgings and Michael Perry)

U.S., Vietnam sign nuclear trade agreement - World | The Star Online
HEU flies back to Russia

04 July 2013

All highly enriched uranium (HEU) has now been removed from Vietnam following the air transport of 11 kilograms of used research reactor fuel back to Russia.
Vietnamese HEU fuel - loading on plane (Sosny) 460
The package containing the HEU fuel is loaded onto a cargo plane for its flight to Russia (Image: Sosny R&D)

The used HEU research reactor fuel came from the Dalat Nuclear Research Institute. It was first transported some 250 kilometres by truck from Dalat to a military airport near Vietnam's capital Ho Chi Minh City. The fuel was then loaded onto an An-124 cargo plane and flown to Russia where it was delivered to the FSUE Mayak Production Association in the Chelyabinsk region. It will be downblended into low enriched uranium (LEU) for use as fuel in power reactors.

The operation to return the Russian-supplied fuel was conducted under the auspices of the US National Nuclear Safety Administration's (NNSA's) Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI). To date, this initiative has removed more than 3600 kilograms of HEU and plutonium from more than 40 countries around the world and has removed all HEU from 24 countries.

This was the second shipment of HEU from Vietnam under the GTRI. Some 4 kilograms of unused fuel for the Dalat research reactor was repatriated to Russia in September 2007.
Unique packaging

The latest shipment marked the first use of the Type C TUK-145/C package, certified for the air shipment of used research reactor fuel. The package comprises of a Skoda VPVR/M cask inserted in an energy-absorbing container designed to absorb dynamic loads in the event of an air crash. The VPVR/M cask used for the shipment was one of ten dual-purpose (storage and shipping) casks procured by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2006 with support from the US Department of Energy.

The package was developed by Russia's Sosny R&D and the Russian Federal Nuclear Centre (VNIIEF). The nuclear and radiation safety department of Russian state nuclear company Rosatom participated in and coordinated the nuclear safety justification and certification of the transport package in Russia.
HEU reduction

The Dalat research reactor has been converted from using HEU fuel at 36% uranium-235, to fuel made from LEU, enriched to under 20%. The LEU fuel for the reactor, a 500 kWt pool-type reactor of Russian VVR-M design, was manufactured by TVEL of Russia at Novosibirsk. The reactor is used for radioisotope production, neutron activation analysis, irradiation and other research purposes.

The project was carried out under a 2004 Russian-US government agreement on cooperation in removing Russian-made nuclear fuel from research reactors to Russia. The primary goal of the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) program is to eliminate HEU stockpiles and persuade eligible countries to convert their research reactors from HEU to LEU fuel. Under the RRRFR program, Russia has agreed to take back used and fresh nuclear fuel from research reactors so long as the reactor operators agree to convert the reactors to operate on LEU or shut down. Russia plans to receive almost 2500 kilograms of HEU fuel by 2016.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News
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