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U.S. Tells Germany to Drop Huawei or Face a Cut in Intelligence Sharing



5G Espionage (II)


BERLIN/BEIJING/WASHINGTON(Own report) - An opening is emerging for Berlin to be able to include Huawei in Germany's 5G grid installation - contrary to the massive US campaign. The President of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) Arne Schönbohm declared that "an anti-espionage treaty" between Germany and China could help, open the possibility of Huawei's participation in setting up the grid. Chancellor Angela Merkel is currently seeking to conclude such an agreement. The industry is in favor of using Huawei Technology, because it promises to be the fastest and most cost-effective construction of the strategically important 5G grid. Experts warn that without Huawei, Germany could lag at least two years behind in the development. Meanwhile it has become known that for years, the NSA has been eavesdropping not only on China's president but on Huawei as well. Allegedly, US spies cannot show any evidence of Huawei being involved in espionage operations - even after having read the emails of numerous employees and those of the company's board chair.

"No Unacceptable Risk"
A turning point in the intense dispute over the Chinese Huawei Corporation's participation in the creation of Germany and Europe's 5G grid, became apparent a few days ago. At the beginning of last week, the results were made known of an official investigation in Great Britain, carried out by the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) - a wing of Britain's intelligence service British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). Contrary to US intelligence services' allegations, the British investigation concluded that using Huawei 5G Technology presents no unacceptable security risk. It was stated in London that this assessment is not a decision to involve the Chinese company in the construction of Britain's 5G grid. The government will take that decision. Nevertheless, the NCSC's assessment provides Berlin with a new margin of maneuver. The British intelligence service would know better than all others - through its particularly close "Five Eyes" intelligence network cooperation with US services - how well-founded Washington's accusations against Huawei are.[1] If they give a go ahead, the German government can consider this reliable. In the middle of last week, Ciaran Martin, head of NCSC confirmed the assessment that, in principle, there are no objections to Huawei.[2]

"A Political Decision"
After being handed a golden opportunity by London, Berlin is now also becoming active in the matter. It was reported on Wednesday that Chancellor Merkel seeks to reach an "anti-espionage accord" with China. Her economic advisor Lars-Hendrik Röller recently visited the People's Republic of China for negotiations in this matter. If Beijing accepts, the German government will not oppose Huawei.[3] The President of BSI, Arne Schönbohm has repeated, in the past, having found no evidence of Huawei being involved in espionage activities, the installation of so-called backdoors in German grids or similar manipulations. In the middle of last month, the BSI president had said that the decision to exclude the Chinese company from the construction of the German 5G grid would be a totally "political decision."[4] Yesterday, Schönbohm declared that “no spy clauses" could definitely play a role,"[5] however, he stressed that such clauses would have to be part of a government-to-government deal.

In the Economic Interests
Berlin is attempting to avoid the Huawei boycott - loudly insisted upon by Washington - because of pressure from Germany's business community. In late January, it became known that, according to an internal document, the Deutsche Telekom calculates that removing Huawei from the list of suppliers of fifth-generation networks would delay operation of the technology by at least two years.[6] The fact that Huawei has the most advanced technology available, that it offers the best service and has the greatest experience with 5G - because it is market leader on its home market, China - explains why its exclusion would cause the delay. According to an investigation by the consulting company Deloitte, between 2015 and August 2018, the People's Republic of China had installed nearly 350,000 cellphone grid relays, supporting the new standard. European countries have installed much fewer, and the USA not even 30,000.[7] German companies also fear that if Huawei were excluded, there may be fewer Chinese contracts, which is an important argument, due to the high significance of access to China's market. German associations, such as the Federation of German Industries (BDI), also strictly reject decoupling the Chinese telecommunications industry, as Washington seeks to impose. (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[8]) Due to a lack of their own capabilities, in fields such as autonomous driving and artificial intelligence (AI), German companies are currently dependent on intensive cooperation with Chinese companies.

Struggle for Autonomy

On the other hand, Berlin is being confronted with Washington's efforts to thwart Germany's attempts to develop an autonomous global policy. US initiatives are motivated by the fact that the German government explicitly strives to "achieve a par" with Washington. (german-foreign-policy.com reported.[9]) This would mean a loss of US influence. Whereas the Obama administration had sought to maintain its control by tightly integrating Germany and the EU, the Trump administration is choosing open confrontation.[10] Currently it is seeking to prevent Berlin and Brussels from successfully developing their own initiatives, particularly their efforts to salvage the nuclear deal with Iran, and making the Nord Stream 2 pipeline operational. In addition, US punitive tariffs and its trade war with China is inflicting palpable trade losses on German companies, with Berlin being in no position to defend itself. If the German government should give in on the conflict over Huawei, it is no longer perceivable, what its desired autonomy should consist of.

Reading over the Shoulder

As the decision-making moment approaches, a report has confirmed suspicions that – contrary to US allegations - there is neither public nor even secret evidence to back the claim that Huawei is collaborating with Chinese official institutions or even Chinese intelligence services. Documents made public by Edward Snowden indicate that the USA's NSA intelligence service had begun to spy on Huawei in 2006. According to this report, US intelligence agents obtained access to the company's internal network at approx. 100 different points, stealing a list of more than 1,400 names of customers, as well as internal training instructions for Huawei engineers and cracked the secret source codes of a number of Huawei products.[11] In 2009, this eavesdropping operation was not only expanded to include other Chinese telecommunications enterprises and banks, but also Beijing's foreign and trade ministries and President Hu Jintao. The eavesdropping was also intensified in relationship to Huawei. It is reported that the NSA had read "a large portion of the employees email traffic" – "including the mails of the company's Board Chair, at the time, Ren Zhengfei and the Supervisory Board Chair, at the time, Sun Yafang." In spite of this comprehensive attack, it is reported that not a single shred of evidence has been uncovered, indicating the influence of state authorities at Huawei, or the installation of backdoors or other manipulations.

"Everything that the US Government Wants"

Aside from the fact that the report sheds a clear light on the constant allegations of a need for defense against Chinese and Russian internet spying, the author points to another illuminating aspect: not a single case is known, to date, where the Chinese state or Chinese companies have surreptitiously installed "notorious kill switches that can shut down complete wireless network sectors." The Snowden documents however show "that the NSA has infected tens of thousands of computers with a sleeper software, that can be activated at the flick of a switch and do whatever the US government wants it to do - even, if in doubt, shut down a foreign country's cellphone network."[12] As the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) has noted, meanwhile, "the US company Verizon's products are no longer being used in the network of the German government and parliament" - for good reason.[13]

Link: https://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/news/detail/7877/

Thank you @Pangu


The struggle is much bigger than you can comprehend, my friend @Viva_Viet
Wait, my friend . not 2023 yet, German is always be the loser in any big war and German will back down to US threat again IN 2023:cool:
:)) =)) :)) =))
Germany pouted, Dad was afraid of him too much
:)) =)) :)) =))
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@Viva_Viet you know the real truth, why must you suffer, pain, despair :)) =));));))
your heart (@Viva_Viet) is too dark => the sign of a loser, a loser is only :)) =)) =))
kakakahahaha :)) =)) =)) =))
How can China be in chaos when we have 5G and Vietnam has zero G? ...you know what it mean "Zero", when your academic score is "Zero" mean you had failed. Amercan fear Chinese not because we're more smart nor we're more sophisticated but because they can't compete and fear that they will fail in their future so they're acting like a bad loser.
He knows the true truth, but he goes on trying to hate, troll, fake, lie, jealously eat, be angry, angry, vomit blood, get blood, go crazy, catch fire, like it crazy, mental, epilepsy, menopause :)) =)) =)) :)) =)) =)) =)) in Vietnam a lot of crazy, crazy, zombie, bloodthirsty children :)) =)) =))

Ignore, skip it. ;)) no matter whether it's good or bad. garbage should be returned to the garbage pile, 3rd world :));)))
hehe;)) :)) =))

I see in forums around the world -> the world they censor the Vietnamese language, either for word filter, forbidden words, ban on garbage, ban on the words of young buffalo :)) troll =)); ))
OR. :)) =))
[QUOTE =“Viet,post:11272391,member:140273”]这很难但并非不可能。与大多数以制造廉价和劣质产品而闻名的中国公司(一旦出现流水线,你可以将它们扔进垃圾桶)不同,华为制造了值得信赖的好东西。打倒华为将使中国处于制造廉价和劣质产品的无穷循环中。这显然是美国的战略。

人们相信日本,德国产品无论他们是什么产品。中国有一个信任问题。人们不相信中国产品。华为是个例外。该公司对日本和德国构成威胁。太晚之前停止华为。[/ QUOTE]
TaiShang's signature, good, great =)) =)) =))
"If the leader of the world's leading democratic government cannot believe in Western media, why the rest of the world?"

---> the West thinks -> the rest of the world is full of NGU, all the flood, poor, ignorant, stupid easy to lead the nose :)) =)) kakaka =)) =))
Volkswagen and former boss face US lawsuit over Dieselgate
Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

Image captionFormer VW chief Martin Winterkorn is being sued by US authorities
The US is suing Volkswagen, accusing the German carmaker of "massive fraud" over the diesel emissions scandal.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) claims the firm misled investors by issuing billions of dollars worth of bonds and securities, without disclosing that it had cheated emissions tests.

Volkswagen's former chief executive Martin Winterkorn is also being sued.

The company said it would contest the SEC lawsuit vigorously.

VW first admitted in September 2015 that it had used illegal software to cheat US emissions tests. But between April 2014 and May 2015 the carmaker sold $13bn (£10bn) of bonds and securities to US investors, at a time when executives were already aware that illegal software had been installed to manipulate emissions tests, according to the SEC's suit.

The SEC said that as a result, Volkswagen "reaped hundreds of millions of dollars in benefit by issuing the securities at more attractive rates for the company".

When the scandal was uncovered, VW's share price sank nearly 40%.


German car industry will collapse if she dont keep licking US's azz as she has been licking after WW2 :cool:


German car industry will collapse
if she dont keep licking US's azz as she has been licking after WW2 :cool:

lol.. NO.. the NA market for VW that includiing canada and mexico is not even 10% of their total sale.

the chinese market is more important :D


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The more I see of US desperation against Huawei, the more I think that they have nothing to compete against this company. Why? Doesn't the US known as the master of technology in this planet? They should develop another 5G technology to compete against Huawei, to show their superiority. But no! They rather use their political measure to fight against Huawei.

So what happen to US? Isn't it better to develop a better 5G and compete Huawei in a common ground? These acts of political bully will only tell people that Huawei is so superior in 5G technology, and US is so desperate and helpless.
The more I see of US desperation against Huawei, the more I think that they have nothing to compete against this company. Why? Doesn't the US known as the master of technology in this planet? They should develop another 5G technology to compete against Huawei, to show their superiority. But no! They rather use their political measure to fight against Huawei.

So what happen to US? Isn't it better to develop a better 5G and compete Huawei in a common ground? These acts of political bully will only tell people that Huawei is so superior in 5G technology, and US is so desperate and helpless.
Killing and looting CN is much easier thing to do as PLA is very stupid and corrupt and only know human wave tactic.

Chaos is coming to CN ( in 2023) when German must ban Hwei to save her car industry.:cool:
Killing and looting CN is much easier thing to do as PLA is very stupid and corrupt and only know human wave tactic.

Chaos is coming to CN ( in 2023) when German must ban Hwei to save her car industry.:cool:
Correct. Germany enjoys peace and prosperity under US security umbrella. Why should the Germans want to sacrifice this security umbrella for the sake of some Yuan? Making no sense.
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