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U.S. Exit Strategy - Intrigues against Pakistan by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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On June 25, 2011, during counterterrorism summit of Tehran the presidents of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan agreed to join forces in combating militancy. The participants of the summit stressed that their efforts would be aimed at eliminating extremism, militancy, terrorism, as well as rejecting foreign interference, which is in blatant opposition to the spirit of Islam, the peaceful cultural traditions of the region and its peoples’ interests,” the statement said. It is notable here that three sides conference was held just after the few days of Obama’s announcement of withdrawal of 33000 troops from Afghanistan this year.

After OBL killing, President Obama as accepted on 22 June, 2011 has announced U.S. exit strategy from Afghanistan. In this connection Obama declared that he is withdrawing 10,000 troops by the end of this year, another 23,000 troops will leave Afghanistan in September 2012 and final transition would likely to be completed by 2014. Therefore 33, 0000 troops out of 150000 troops will fall back to their houses from the thick of the battle this year and remaining 1, 27000 would be back to U.S in the next two years.

Simultaneously to implement her exit policy from Afghanistan, Washington without taking Pakistan into confidence has also started directly contacting Taliban. Afghan President Karazai in mid Jun, 2011 has also confirmed that U.S contacted number of various groups (including Mullha Umar). Astonishingly, at the same time American leadership has also started showing concern over Pakistani nuclear programme and claimed that U.S. can win war without Pakistan. On June 17, Washington expressed apprehension while saying that the Pakistani nuclear weapons and technology might fall into the hands of terrorists and thus stressed on having the lines of communications open with Islamabad. In this connection, Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff in a joint conference said that Pakistan is a country with an awful lot of terrorists on that border. Mullen further said that, “Things that I fear in the future, it’s the proliferation of that technology, and it’s the opportunity and the potential that it could fall into the hands of terrorists, many of whom are alive and well and seek that in that region. On May 24, the head of NATO in Afghanistan, Anders Fogh Rasmussen also stated, “He was confident that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons were safe, but admitted that security had become a matter of concern, the day after the worst assault on a Pakistani military base.”

It is worth mentioning here that U.S. Sectary of State, Hilary Clinton also sounded out that policy of military aid to Pakistan has to be reviewed since Pakistan failed to produce desire result of global war on terror. This time it is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issuing the warning, saying that the administration is “not prepared to continue providing” military aid at the level of $3 billion annually without the concessions from the Zardari government.
Earlier too, on June 7, 2011 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated in a press conference with domestic and foreign reporters that Americans have planned to sabotage in Pakistan’s nuclear facilities to find dominance over the country and undermine its government and nation. He further disclosed that U.S will use the United Nations Security Council and some other international organizations as tools to exercise pressure on Pakistan and weaken its national integrity. In this regard Iranian President openly claimed that he has exact reports about U.S intentions of attacking Pakistani nuclear programme. However, Iran failed to provide any solid documentary evidence to Pakistan. In response to Iranian president statement, Pakistani political and military categorically spelled out that they are well aware of the emerging scenario and declared that our nuclear programme is in safe hands. The leadership has also made it clear that the possibility of any hostile action or misadventure against our strategic assets will be responded and dealt with full strength.

Anyhow, months of May and June 2011 remained very critical and significant due to American decision of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, OBL killing, raid on PN base, killing of alleged robber by the rangers, murder of American and Indian biased journalist Saleem Shahzad and lastly currant blasts wave in various cities. However out of stated incidents, unilateral U.S action of Abbottabad, and raid on PN base have seriously threaten Pakistani security and sovereignty and as well posed challenges to the democratic government and military leadership. In these months, the venomous propaganda against Pakistan security forces, intelligence agencies and nuclear programme were remained the main features of foreign media campaign. Unfortunately, ours media has toed the foreign lines without going into the details and evaluating the repercussions of negativity of foreign propaganda,

These incidents have also put a biggest question mark on our national security institutions. Both actions were carried out overtly and covertly by American and Indian with the help of internal traitors. In this regard, DG ISI while addressing the parliament accepted the security laps and also made it clear that presence of Osama was not in the knowledge of Pakistan. Anyway, to remove the bugs of security and to know the real factual position of both the incidents, government has announced Judicial Commission. But meanwhile some political hardliners and segments of foreign sponsored media started criticising security agencies and the forces. The negative criticism after the parliament meeting is not understandable because the same is providing chance to American, Western and Indian to censure Pakistani armed forces and intelligence agencies. Similarly Western media as usual started campaign against safety of Pakistan nuclear weapons. At this occasion Indian also displayed traditional enmity and her armed forces chiefs openly threaten Pakistan. In first week of May 2011, Air Chief Marshal PV Naik while answering to queries by journalists on the subject after recent US Special Forces action against Osama Bin Laden in northern Pakistan has said that India has the capability to launch surgical strikes against terrorists.
Thus, changing regional political and security scenario and linkage of events mentioned in above paragraphs very clearly depicts that some sort of intrigue against Pakistan is under its way. But these challenges to Pakistan security have been further compounded because of continuous Pak-U.S deteriorated relations, Iranian desire of keeping international watchdogs away from her nuclear programme, U.S undue concern over Pakistan’s plan of handing over the operational control of Gawadar Port to China and last but not the least Indian hegemonic design. American and Indian joint venture of working for greater Balochistan is another threat to the region and to Pakistan as well. Many foreign intelligence missions under the garb of geological surveyors and NGOs are being observed in carrying out covertly their tasks.

Thus, there is a need to respond and counter the intrigues against Pakistan externally and internally. The engagement of these anti forces is only possible with the support of messes, good governance, taking firm stand on the issues, supremacy of parliaments and keeping national interests on forefronts while making foreign policy. In short now it is the time that Pakistan should reconsider the policy of participating in global war on terror and follows the option of practically withdrawal of forces from the western border. At the same time there is a need to tell Washington that any out of box solution regarding Afghanistan problem would not be acceptable to the Pakistan.

Although, Pakistan is facing security dilemma but even then is taking profound and elaborate arrangement to meet any stiff external and internal potential threat to her strategic assets. Despite these security arrangements of nuclear arsenals, Pakistani political and military top brass has to enhance and take certain technical measures, so that in future recurrences of under discussions incidents could be avoided. In this connection Pakistan should procure latest equipments and make sound and elaborate arrangements against American, Israeli and Indian’s offensive armaments. For this purpose she should extend her hand in improving her relations with Russia and take China into confidence being major regional players. American ruling elite knows that Pakistani security forces and intelligence agencies are true custodian of national integrity, nuclear assets and their frontiers. Concluding, I will say that all segments of the society should come forward, stand up with Pakistan’s security forces and get united to defeat foreign agenda. The media mangers should also devise some policy to guard national interest and to take actions against those anchors and journalists who believe in yellow journalism and playing in the foreign hands.

The author can be approached through zameer36@gmail.com
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