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U.N. delegates walk out / 911 to investigated - Ahmedinejad


Dec 3, 2007
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Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie'

By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer Ali Akbar Dareini, Associated Press Writer – Sat Mar 6, 1:50 pm ET

TEHRAN, Iran – Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday called the official version of the Sept. 11 attacks a "big lie" used by the U.S. as an excuse for the war on terror, state media reported.

Ahmadinejad's comments, made during an address to Intelligence Ministry staff, come amid escalating tensions between the West and Tehran over its disputed nuclear program. They show that Iran has no intention of toning itself down even with tighter sanctions looming because of its refusal to halt uranium enrichment.

"September 11 was a big lie and a pretext for the war on terror and a prelude to invading Afghanistan," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by state TV. He called the attacks a "complicated intelligence scenario and act."

The Iranian president has questioned the official U.S. version of the Sept. 11 attacks before, but this is the first time he ventured to label it a "big lie."

In 2007, New York officials rejected Ahmadinejad's request to visit the World Trade Center site while he was in the city for a U.N. meeting. The president also sparked an uproar when he said during a lecture in New York that the causes and conditions that led to the attacks, as well as who orchestrated them, still need to be examined.

At the time, he also told Iranian state TV the attacks were "a result of mismanaging and inhumane managing of the world by the U.S," and that Washington was using Sept. 11 as an excuse to attack others.

He has also questioned the Sept. 11 death toll of around 3,000, claiming the Americans never published the victims' names.

On the 2007 anniversary of the attacks, the names of 2,750 victims killed in New York were read aloud at a memorial ceremony.

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Sept. 11 attacks a 'big lie' - Yahoo! News
Well, he is correct about the story being a lie, but the way he is going about it won't do the conspiracy theorists like myself any good. Clearly there were roughly 3,000 dead and mentioning it will cancel out his original statement.
Atleast show openly not like our BS leaders and military officals who put all money in thr pockets!! on Drone on 9/11 on Lal Masjid on Bhugti etc...

Turkey and Irani govt atlaast open thr voice on any event on the other side our in simple urdu "AMERICA KAY UTHATAY RAHTAY HAIN"
this guy is a shame for Iranians :tdown:

the talk was about capitalism .
he even said that the capitalism was found by Israel ! Never knew Israël created before the capitalism lol
the attack was to invade territories and save the liberal democracy
(source: presstv)

all the conspiracy theories : the technical explanations were given that the theories of it was an inside bomb.. is a lie. there are many websites having do a great job
we should stop to go through this conspirace theory
it is a shame :(
I guess hes having the same phobia as hugo chavaiz is suffering from .. BTW their portraying of US as playing GOD has certinly created some paranoia among some stupid fellas ..!
On a lighter note, he's not even remotely good looking, which implies that he doesn't have half of Iran's population on board with him. the ladies.
He is 100% right. Why we are spitting on him? Because he not have 4 Islamic witnesses and not wearing Ottoman cap? ;)
Well when he tried to support 9/11 He was banned when he opposed it ppl banned him from talking like what is he suppose to do now

9/11 as in time of Khatami who suggested an help from Iran
Ahmadinejad was not president.
members : is Ahmedinejad a big mouth or does any one think he does have a point ?
He simply has an over fertile imagination and would like to believe something he says to himself over & over again.
Ahmedinejad is a Modern day HITLER....

He and his followers must be killed.
^^ Killing bunch people for no reason except that they believe differently then you without any trial makes you the same.
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