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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

He(POP3) still won't disclose what the new medium range air defence missile is. :smokin:

Definitely not HHQ-16C. :lol::rolleyes:


It is likely to be either the DK-10A (or perhaps an improved derivative) or the FM-3000. Since there are rumors that the DK-10A failed PLAN trials, the the mystery missile is more likely the latter at this point.
Being eventually built by 3 shipyards, then you can imagine the quantity of this class of destroyer.

The Arleigh Burke class is only being built by 2 shipyards.
Like you say, imagine. I was inquiring about fact i.e. any official statements or the like.

While AB may be built in 2 yards, there are 67 active and 79 planned
The Italian/Franco Horizon was built in 2 yards, but only 4 were built.
The Sovremenny class was built in 1 yard, 18 were built.
The Udaloy class was built at 2 yards, with 13 units built.
You see Talwar/11356 being taken from one yard to another, for political reason.

The projected number in practise has little to do with the number of yards involved in construction of a class.

I agree, this platform is still untested. So they would probably test them for some quite of time. There is a probability that the 055 will be another 051B, 051C. Or maybe it will be like the 052C. So either this new platform will become a testbed for a newer class or they will test them, and if it's good they will build 3 - 4 ships before rolling out a better ships with more quantities, if newer technologies are available (just like the 052C --> 052D)
It depends a little on how many new systems the ship carries: the more it relies on components tried and tested on other ships, the less risk. The more new components, the greater the need for at least the first unit being thouroughly tested before proceding with building an number of (modified) follow-on ships.
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Bad comparison, this class of destroyer was built by two different countries with the need of a much smaller navy.
I could have picked any number of classes from any country, it doesn't really matter. Both Horizon and Type 45 are national alternatives that sprang from earlier (failed) common nato AAW frigate effort, so theoretically you could even lump those together. Likewise, Spanish F-100, Dutch LCF and German F-124. Over here, projects are increasingly international e.g. Dutch-German (S-frigate/F122, LCF/F124), Dutch-Spanish (Galicia/Rotterdam LPD, Patino/Amsterdam AOR) etc. Damen of the Netherlands (Sigma corvettes and light frigates. Enforcer LPDs) lets hulls be built in Romania and fits them out in the Netherlands e.g. Doorman JSS. UK Bay class is an Damen Enforcer design variant built by UK yards. FREMM too (8 for France and 10 for Italy).

And even if I did agree that it was a bad comparison, my other examples still stand, of course.
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I could have picked any number of classes from any country, it doesn't really matter. Both Horizon and Type 45 are national alternatives that sprang from earlier (failed) common nato AAW frigate effort, so theoretically you could even lump those together. Likewise, Spanish F-100, Dutch LCF and German F-124. Over here, projects are increasingly international e.g. Dutch-German (S-frigate/F122, LCF/F124), Dutch-Spanish (Galicia/Rotterdam LPD, Patino/Amsterdam AOR) etc. Damen of the Netherlands (Sigma corvettes and light frigates. Enforcer LPDs) lets hulls be built in Romania and fits them out in the Netherlands e.g. Doorman JSS. UK Bay class is an Damen Enforcer design variant built by UK yards. FREMM too (8 for France and 10 for Italy).

And even if I did agree that it was a bad comparison, my other examples still stand, of course.

To compare those European countries to China is simply irrelevant.
To compare those European countries to China is simply irrelevant.
To declare anything that doesn't suite your pov irrelevant (without even a minimal explanation of how you get to that verdict) is simply simple minded.

(Incidentally, you just declared Russia irrelevant)

((Also, our irrelevant Dutch LCF frigates and their irrelevant German F1214 counterparts - all with Hollandse Signaal aka Thales Netherlands systems, that also forms the basis of UK Type 45 main radar - are ABM capable.))
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China is China, Russia is Russia.

We are different countries with different industrial capability. When Russia is this, then why China must be that?
Then why compare with US at all (as you did, obviously, with the number of yards producing Arleigh Burke)? After all, they are different countries with a different industrial capability. And, when the US is this, then why must China be that (and vice versa)? The US is the US. China is China.

Besides what Chinese military needs different from Russian even Western.
Yeah, and what does Indonesia need with Dutch Damen ships, eh? Or Russian Yakhont on an ex-Dutch Van Speijk frigate. Oh, your Fatahillah class is also Dutch origin, eh? And then the Patimura class are ex-DDR (German). Tomo class from UK. No Chinese ships there.
Then why compare with US at all (as you did, obviously, with the number of yards producing Arleigh Burke)? After all, they are different countries with a different industrial capability. And, when the US is this, then why must China be that (and vice versa)?

Just because Europe is building those small navies, then China must follow the same path?

Your logic doesn't make sense. China is China, Europe is Europe.

We have no intention to compare with the US, but we are just building a navy that matches our need. And we don't need any foreigner to tell us how to do.
Just because Europe is building those small navies, then China must follow the same path?
Wake up! I didn't say so. That's just a figment of your own mind. Quote where you think I did.
Really, do you want to haven an open discussion or just repeat your own point of view over and over again, like some other Chinese posters here?

Your logic doesn't make sense. China is China, Europe is Europe.
By your own logic, the US is the US. If you find something wrong with my logic, quote the offending part and point out the supposed flaw. Otherwise your remark is just blowing hot air.

We have no intention to compare with the US, but we are just building a navy that matches our need.
You just DID compare with the US, see above in post #382!

And we don't need any foreigner to tell us how to do.
I don't know where you get the idea that a foreigner is telling 'you all' how to do anything ....
Seriously, you appear to have a HUGE chip on your shoulder.

FYI, you are just you, not 'we' (unless you consider yourself to be 'royal' and therefore use plural to indicate yourself), I don't think you are a delegate with a mandate, representing a larger group such as e.g. 'the Chinese people'.
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Not really a comparison, just show we need a lot of Type 055 DDGs, that's it.
And, as I pointed out, that does not follow automatically.

I asked you what (preferably official) evidence there was for your claim in post #378 ( "China right now has the plan to build 8+16 Type 055 in the first batch, then another 24 in the second batch.")

In your reply (post #382) you say "Being eventually built by 3 shipyards, then you can imagine the quantity of this class of destroyer." which I point out is IMAGINED, not SOURCE. And it is here you compare to Arleigh Burke "only being built by 2 shipyards"

So, in sum, you have given no official source or even a few non-official but credible sources for the number 055 planned. Thusfar, it is just what you claim that 'we' need. There is of course a difference between (what you think 'we') need and what is actually planned by China's government/navy, what is indeed ordered and what is actually being built.

Thank you. Have a nice evening. Sleep tight.
And, as I pointed out, that does not follow automatically.

I asked you what (preferably official) evidence there was for your claim in post #378 ( "China right now has the plan to build 8+16 Type 055 in the first batch, then another 24 in the second batch.")

In your reply (post #382) you say "Being eventually built by 3 shipyards, then you can imagine the quantity of this class of destroyer." which I point out is IMAGINED, not SOURCE. And it is here you compare to Arleigh Burke "only being built by 2 shipyards"

So, in sum, you have given no official source or even a few non-official but credible sources for the number 055 planned. Thusfar, it is just what you claim that 'we' need. There is of course a difference between (what you think 'we') need and what is actually planned by China's government/navy, what is indeed ordered and what is actually being built.

Thank you. Have a nice evening. Sleep tight.

I heard this from the insiders in our military forums. Whether you like it or not, it won't affect the outcome.
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