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Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

Yaar its more like Battle cruisers similar to Russian one with extremely complex tech its actually blue water ship, Pakistan needs brown/green water ship, and PN doesn't want to go to the middle of Indian ocean or fight near the coast of India,, Pakistan needs to defend itself from nearer of its coast that means we don't need Type 55 but few Type-52 are needed
Yaar its more like Battle cruisers similar to Russian one with extremely complex tech its actually blue water ship, Pakistan needs brown/green water ship, and PN doesn't want to go to the middle of Indian ocean or fight near the coast of India,, Pakistan needs to defend itself from nearer of its coast that means we don't need Type 55 but few Type-52 are needed
India will have about 14 destroyers in few years. 4 Rajput Class, 3 Dehli Class, 3 Kolkata Class and in few years Most advanced Visakhapatnam-class. We need Destroyers with Long Range SAMs first so that we don't allow their MPAs to come closer to our ships. And yes Type 52Ds are good but remember your enemy has 14 Destroyers in its arsenal.
Yaar its more like Battle cruisers similar to Russian one with extremely complex tech its actually blue water ship, Pakistan needs brown/green water ship, and PN doesn't want to go to the middle of Indian ocean or fight near the coast of India,, Pakistan needs to defend itself from nearer of its coast that means we don't need Type 55 but few Type-52 are needed
From my point of view, after the delivery of 4 Type 054P, Pakistan could take a look at Type 057, it would suit your country more in terms of capability and cost.
India will have about 14 destroyers in few years. 4 Rajput Class, 3 Dehli Class, 3 Kolkata Class and in few years Most advanced Visakhapatnam-class. We need Destroyers with Long Range SAMs first so that we don't allow their MPAs to come closer to our ships. And yes Type 52Ds are good but remember your enemy has 14 Destroyers in its arsenal.
Few saturation attacks from air and from these ships (Type 52D) is nullifies this Indian advantages, Indian navy will come and fight you near to Pakistani coast if this happened most of Indian naval ships will be destroy by long range attacks from land/sea/air and subsurface
Guys ... India is irrelevant to this thread, the Indian Navy even more and also these repeated wishes from some Pakistani friends, the PN shall get this monster!
Simply WOW :woot:

PLN Type 055 DDG - 101 Nanchang + Ka-28 best.jpg
India will have about 14 destroyers in few years. 4 Rajput Class, 3 Dehli Class, 3 Kolkata Class and in few years Most advanced Visakhapatnam-class. We need Destroyers with Long Range SAMs first so that we don't allow their MPAs to come closer to our ships. And yes Type 52Ds are good but remember your enemy has 14 Destroyers in its arsenal.

India will have 10 DDGs at most and 052d is more than enough to take care of them, 6-8 52d and 8 54As rest assure Indian Navy will remain at bay.
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