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Two mosques attacked in UK,Last week


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
Both in my town and within 5 mile radius of my house...I go to both Mosques..

Incident happened in "Ashton Under Lyne" In Greater Manchester....

The story started on a Saturday nigh two weeks ago at the main bus station of the town..A group of three Pakistani_British Youths,all under 16 and legally children,had a random argument with a Group of white youths,them too under 16s and legally children.

The white group composed of some Girls and some Boys.A white Girl kept swearing at Asian youths and one of the Asian youth kept approaching her shouting at her without touching her.She kept pushing him back..
While all this was happening another White Girl in the Group was recording a video and shouting at the same time.

Meanwhile temperatures rose a bit and a white youth who had a cricket bat attacked an Asian youth hitting him with the bat and then the boys had a proper fight..
The Girl with Mobile phone kept recording all that and kept screaming her head off,and another Girl who wanted to join the fight was held back by her own white mates...
No girl or boys were harmed during the fight..

The Girl recording the video uploaded it on some social networking as "Asian men attacking white Girls"..
The video soon caught attention and started to go viral mainly due to the title..

Within Hours white youths started tweeting each other and Right wing Political parties picked up on this and saw an opportunity...

Soon the youths actively discussing the video on Twitter were re-tweeted by Right wing parties to gather in front of Mosques in Ashton and show the Muslims their Place..

My mosque was attacked at evening Prayer time when many of Us were inside Praying and heard noise outside and stones hit the Mosque windows..

We finished the prayer anyway and then went outside to see about 50 white Boys,mostly teens and some grownups stood outside our mosque shouting all sorts of abuse...

We were a bit more in numbers than them,but looking at the the general age of the crowd,none of us went on to engage them in a fight.

the mosque has a radio frequency dedicated and the area has very large population of Muslims and most have the radio frequency tuned at homes..Somebody announced a distress call on radio that the mosque is about to get attacked and there is a large aggressive crowd outside.

Within minutes the Whites were outnumbered 3 to 1,and things were about to get messy when Police arrived..First a single police car with two female officers (a technique used to calm down angry men,as men are less likely to attack women than attacking men,and presence of women distracts attention.)..But soon many Police vehicles arrived and even Police commissioner came there..
He personally asked us to go home and let the police deal with the situation,and guaranteed the safety of the Mosque..All or most of us went home.

The next day,things became clearer...

The youth were infuriated online by active propaganda on twitter done by experienced people of Right wing extremist Political Party EDL,who blew the video out of proportions.

many men in the Mob outside our Mosque were not local and specially sent from Liverpool to gang up local youths and organize attacks on mosques...Those men had previous criminal convictions and police had no problems identifying and arresting them.

The white Girls involved in the incident not only posted the video online with a very misguiding title,they also called police and reported the incident as "Racist attack"..The police arrested the Asian boys,took them to police station,interviewed them and released them as no evidence of racism was found and police couldn't legally charge them due to their age.
The boy in the video who started the fight by swinging bat was not arrested.

Another Mosque in the area was also attacked and some cars in the car park outside the mosque were damaged,but the youths were chased away by police who were called by some old people inside the mosque at the time of attack.

Ceasing the opportunity EDL a right wing racist party held a demonstration in our town,in which they sent 200 men who marched through our town center blocking roads and disrupting peoples lives.

All this based on some teens fighting among each other,that's something that happens all the time across Britain...

Goes to show the importance of Propaganda in this day and age..and our inability to counter the propaganda..
Our youth are so lame and useless that yuo see expensive smart phone stuck to their faces all the time but nobody bothers to go to twitter or other websites being used for Propaganda against Pakistanis and Muslims in general and counter argue with them and counter act the propaganda..

I spent a whole week arguing with online propaganda machine,and nobody was with me...

So please don't dedicate all your tome to watching online ****,or trying in-vane to chat up girls....Please go online and with knowledge and with calm mind,counter argue and counter the storm of Propaganda against us as it is having real life consequences.

If something happen in India they make big noises but west always suppress such info and limit them to odd news, not sensational repeated headlines and discussions.
If something happen in India they make big noises but west always suppress such info and limit them to odd news, not sensational repeated headlines and discussions.

Not a single person dead or injured and its still reported on bbc. Please dont accuse western media of bias, they are but less than us.

About social media, it has both pros and cons. I believe the advantage far outweights disadvantage. Also what will you say about mosque using radio to gather muslim, instead of calling police, who can reach within minutes.

Are they not using technology for anarchy then.
Not a single person dead or injured and its still reported on bbc. Please dont accuse western media of bias, they are but less than us.

Death or injury isnt necessary to create racial tension which is now in our town which was never racially tense..
All thanks to a misleading video and online propagandist via twitter and Facebook..
Plus similar attacks in Pakistan are repeatedly reported....

Did they report the Aston incident on BBC?
In the video it seems the Asian Guys are abusing the British girls, In the first place they should not have done these kind of things.

These things will lead to chain of things which may become serious, when in other countries these guys need to know how to behave.
In the video it seems the Asian Guys are abusing the British girls, In the first place they should not have done these kind of things.

These things will lead to chain of things which may become serious, when in other countries these guys need to know how to behave.

Its normal abusive language in this part of the world....F word and such are normally used among youngsters...
Plus thees youth are second generation Brits...i know their dad...
Its normal abusive language in this part of the world....F word and such are normally used among youngsters...

Yes but these guys are abusing Girls and one guy is even crossing the limits and going against the girl, which is a crime. If that girl goes and gives and complaint, the asian guys will be locked inside for sure.
Death or injury isnt necessary to create racial tension which is now in our town which was never racially tense..
All thanks to a misleading video and online propagandist via twitter and Facebook..
Plus similar attacks in Pakistan are repeatedly reported....

Did they report the Aston incident on BBC?
cant find it on bbc.. only BNP and islamic sites reported it. Show me a single similar attack in pakistan that is reported.
cant find it on bbc.. only BNP and islamic sites reported it.
Two churches attacked in Pakistan had been big news..
But truth be told..we ourselves asked Police commissioner to block the news and the video as much as they can..
But Facebook and twitter are uncontrollable and the news spread anyway..So it was our bad..by asking Police to block the news...

Yes but these guys are abusing Girls and one guy is even crossing the limits and going against the girl, which is a crime. If that girl goes and gives and complaint, the asian guys will be locked inside for sure.

In this country arguing isn't a crime.
Blocking news is not good, let people know that violence is done by both sides(in this case racists). People need to know truth.
Blocking news is not good, let people know that violence is done by both sides(in this case racists). People need to know truth.

But it was a wake up call for me that how powerful Online propaganda can be..
My white friends i know for years...even they were a bit wary of me after reading the news and comments on their Facebook...
Although i had no involvement in the incident' just the same or similar ethnic/religious background..
This incident is more than an argument :wave:

this is normal teenager stuff, happens every day man.

But it was a wake up call for me that how powerful Online propaganda can be..
My white friends i know for years...even they were a bit wary of me afire reading the news and comments on their Facebook...
Although i had no involvement in the incident' just the same or similar ethnic/religious background..

man, its because you are at receiving end. People disseminate such made up stories especially during riot like situation. You seem to think mosque calling muslim reinforcement as right, what if they instigate a riot.
Happened in India many times, they use mikes to instigate people.

People should first call police, in this country, police comes within very short time, for such things.

The main issue is, there seems to be a widening gap between communities there.
this is normal teenager stuff, happens every day man.

man, its because you are at receiving end. People disseminate such made up stories especially during riot like situation. You seem to think mosque calling muslim reinforcement as right, what if they instigate a riot.
Happened in India many times, they use mikes to instigate people.

That was a right decision,as that caused a massive police involvement...If we hadn't done that,our mosque had been damaged and more youth had come to the spot for their piece of action...A greater defensive barricade by us discouraged them..as they tweeted "Hostiles everywhere,only held back by police" :lol:

Another good thing was we had visits from local Christian clergy and they showed their support towards us...

The widening gap is due to lack of discussion..
thats why i urge Muslim youths to go online and discuss.......
In this day and era,its easier to talk to someone online than offline,even if they live near you...
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