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Twitter Suspends US Virologist Account over promoting flawed 'Mass Hypnosis' claims


Dec 7, 2017
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So the Scientist who actually help invent mRNA vaccine has been shut off from Twitter and Youtube !!

YouTube and Twitter delete Joe Rogan interview with scientist who helped invent mRNA vaccines: Dr Robert Malone claimed US is now like Nazi Germany with society 'hypnotized' to believe in vaccines and extreme pandemic measures

Twitter Suspends US Virologist Dr Robert Malone’s Account after his claims over Pfizer vaccine
What were his claims about pfizer? Can anyone shed some light please?
Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA technology discusses the Spike Protein | Interview

There is clearly an agenda here. I'm pro-vaccine, but you can't be suspending someone who is a scientist and involved in the mRNA patent 32 years ago. He's a SME, his words mean more than Twitters rules.
He's been suspended for helping promote a theory that that has been debunked by psychology experts.

He did some research into MRNA, he isn't the inventor of the COVID vaccines.

Thread title updated.
Early December 2019
Hundred of people out of only a few thousand tested in Washington, just an hour away from the infamous U.S. bioweapon lab Fort Detrick, are Covid positive (unfortunately red tape and censors by the U.S. regime prevent identifying these samples and tracing the virus origin in the U.S.A. further than this point)

January 2022
A small number of schools [in the U.S.] even started to implement home schooling.

Great reaction time. Maybe by the time humanity settled on Mars the U.S. regime starts implementing actual policies to contain Americas spread of the Corona virus

He's been suspended for helping promote a theory that that has been debunked by psychology experts.

He did some research into MRNA, he isn't the inventor of the COVID vaccines.

Thread title updated.

Well, he is the INVENTOR of the ORIGINAL Nine mRNA vaccine patents which he filed in 1989 !!! Seriously dude !
I listened to his whole interview with Joe Rogan in addition to his older interview with Jimmy Dore (so about 4 hours in total), Malone's words make too much sense for western media and big tech because
so of course they would ban him and smear him.
To summarize his main ideas to those who don't want to watch all of his interviews, he opposes vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, he supports vaccinating the elderly and those with comorbidities, he opposes vaccinating healthy kids. He opposes giving boosters before adequate testing is done because too many doses can actually reduce immunity.

"The problem with that is that they made those decisions without actually having any data to support that. It’s been a problem all the way through this: we should do this, or do that, or the other thing. They’re flying by the seat of their pants, substituting opinion for data. That would be ok if we were doing animal experiments, or if we had a few monkeys that we were going to be testing out a hypothesis with, but it’s not ok when we’re going to implement authoritarian measures across the country…in which we mandate that everybody takes this or that intervention. You’d darn well better have rock-solid data that says that’s a good idea. …

To the extent that the vaccine provides benefit, it’s only good for about 6 months. Are we all going to take re-vaccination every six months? Could there be a problem with that? Well actually, there is. […] Those of us who have grey hair and have been around a little while in the vaccine world, know and understand immunology, know that there’s a thing called hizone tolerance. Vaccines are not linear. Dose response is not linear. The immune system is really complicated and more is not always better. Sometimes more can turn off the immune system; can shut it down. We can’t just assume that a third jab, or fourth, or fifth, will be better. It might make the immune response worse, not only in those who have the vaccine, but also in those who have natural infection. It’s bad science. It’s bad policy. It’s bad ethics."
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I listened to his whole interview with Joe Rogan in addition to his older interview with Jimmy Dore (so about 4 hours in total), Malone's words make too much sense for western media and big tech because
so of course they would ban him and smear him.
So summarize his main ideas to those who don't want to watch all of his interviews, he opposes vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, he supports vaccinating the elderly and those with comorbidities, he opposes vaccinating healthy kids. He opposes giving boosters before adequate testing is done because too many doses can actually reduce immunity.

"The problem with that is that they made those decisions without actually having any data to support that. It’s been a problem all the way through this: we should do this, or do that, or the other thing. They’re flying by the seat of their pants, substituting opinion for data. That would be ok if we were doing animal experiments, or if we had a few monkeys that we were going to be testing out a hypothesis with, but it’s not ok when we’re going to implement authoritarian measures across the country…in which we mandate that everybody takes this or that intervention. You’d darn well better have rock-solid data that says that’s a good idea. …

To the extent that the vaccine provides benefit, it’s only good for about 6 months. Are we all going to take re-vaccination every six months? Could there be a problem with that? Well actually, there is. […] Those of us who have grey hair and have been around a little while in the vaccine world, know and understand immunology, know that there’s a thing called hizone tolerance. Vaccines are not linear. Dose response is not linear. The immune system is really complicated and more is not always better. Sometimes more can turn off the immune system; can shut it down. We can’t just assume that a third jab, or fourth, or fifth, will be better. It might make the immune response worse, not only in those who have the vaccine, but also in those who have natural infection. It’s bad science. It’s bad policy. It’s bad ethics."

It's really a pity who thinks of him as anti-vaccine without listening to what he actually said and what he said and you quoted makes perfect sense. Natural immunity is always better than vaccine induced immunity no matter which infection we are talking about.

“Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines”

SOURCE: Robert Malone, Twitter, 2021
Inaccurate: The development of the mRNA vaccines is due to the work of hundreds of researchers, one of which is Robert Malone. Together with his co-authors, Malone contributed early evidence that mRNA could be delivered and produce proteins in cells. However, because crucial hurdles to develop the mRNA vaccines were resolved by many researchers , Malone cannot be claimed the inventor of this vaccine technology.

Dude, I was already expecting Charlatan TURD Sandwiches like you to spread you malicious lies here and everywhere because it is in your NATURE !!. :lol: Robert Malone is one of the ORIGINAL INVENTORs of mRNA Vaccines, and to prove this I am listing all the ORIGINAL PATENTS BELOW so that it shows the everyone what a LYING dipstick you are !! :lol:

Original data, notes, patents, early papers, lab notes, meeting notes, patent disclosures:
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