And that is why i like Musharaf.
You(the forum) put religion before your country,a known fact,this never works and especially not in poor countries.
The only way forward for your country is your national identity,if you dont do that,you'll end up like the many failed states.
You fight for Muslims but when did or do Muslims fight for you?
Just ask people of these many Muslim countries you defend what they think of you when you tell them where you come from.
''I am a Muslim from Pakistan''.
Who cares for you if your identity is one of the 1,6 billion?
If i answer,''im a Turk'' they know exactly who i am.
See the difference?
Make religion personal and national identity a priority if you want to survive as a nation.
Nobody can fvck with you if you do that,no twitter,facebook,India or any others
In short,you know what to do,its all up to you Pakistanis.