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Turning the tide: The Chinese Offensive, 25 November 1950 - 25 January 1951


Dec 15, 2009
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In 1950, the disparity between Chinese and American weaponry was rather large.

Acknowledgment is given to the Soviet/Russian contribution for using their experienced ace pilots from WWII to control MIG Alley (see video below).

Today, China is the world's pre-eminent conventional missile power (including EMP warheads). Let's see if the contemporary closely-matched Sino-American weaponry will lead to an outright victory for China in a second Korean War.

Will the Korean peninsula become reunited as a new province of China with access to the Sea of Japan?



Korean War--The Chinese Offensive, 1950-51

"The Chinese Offensive, 25 November 1950 - 25 January 1951-
Overview and Selected Images

On 25 November 1950, a day after United Nations and Republic of Korea forces began the offensive they expected would complete the unification of Korea, Communist China countered with a terrific, and very successful offensive of its own. Within a few days, the Chinese onslaught reversed the UN/ROK northward drive in central and western North Korea, devastating several South Korean divisions, badly tearing up the U.S. Second Division and forcing the rest of the UN command to rapidly withdraw southwards to escape destruction.

On 27 November, near eastern North Korea's Chosin Reservoir, the Chinese fell on the First Marine Division and a nearby U.S. Army task force, almost wiping out the latter
and provoking a Marine response that ranks as one of history's greatest feats of arms. Over the following two weeks, the Marines battled their way to the port of Hungnam, from which they would be evacuated by sea. In their wake were the ruins of the opposing Chinese divisions, which suffered so many casualties from combat and the bitterly cold weather that they were out of action for months.

In the new year, a renewed enemy offensive captured Seoul and drove the UN/ROK armies into new defensive lines in central South Korea. With no prospect of significant reinforcement, facing what appeared to be a total commitment of China's almost inexhaustable manpower, and fearing Soviet air and naval involvement, it briefly seemed that the UN forces might have to evacuate Korea to avoid unacceptable threats to Japan and, perhaps, to Europe.

However, the UN still had complete control of the sea, which had just allowed rapid and thorough redeployment of troops and materiel from threatened positions in North Korea to reinforce the defenses in the South. Control of the sea allowed effective employment of ships' guns, greatly enhanced the effectiveness of air power and held open the prospect of another amphibious assault in the enemy's rear. Through the cruel wintery months of China's November 1950 - January 1951 offensive, Navy ships and Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps planes helped the UN/ROK armies cut through the enemy's ambushes, hammered his troops at and behind the front and badly eroded his supply lines.

By 25 January 1951, the Chinese and the reconstituted North Korean forces had been so badly depleted that a new UN offensive was possible. If the great Chinese offensive had shown the United States and its allies that there would be no easy victories in mainland Asia, their response gave the Communists a painfully expensive lesson in the vulnerability of their manpower-intensive armies to the vast mobile firepower of Western ground, air and naval forces.

This page features a special selection of images related to the Chinese offensive period of the Korean War, from 25 November 1950 to 25 January 1951, and provides links to additional pictorial coverage of that time." [Click on original article link to see pictures at the bottom of the article]


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For sure the US will not dare to attack NK again. This time is no longer 1950-54, this is time the NK will nukes the US to stone ages. blah blah hahahha.
After fighting shepherds and iraqi forces for the past 10 years, i doubt the Americans want to face NK now. If they have the stomach for it China and NK are in combat readiness.
For sure the US will not dare to attack NK again. This time is no longer 1950-54, this is time the NK will nukes the US to stone ages. blah blah hahahha.

North Korea does not have the proper capability to nuke America, but China does
For sure the US will not dare to attack NK again. This time is no longer 1950-54, this is time the NK will nukes the US to stone ages. blah blah hahahha.

I think U.S. has escalated the conflict in excuse to leap forward in their missile shield and offensive capability build up at the doorstep of China and backdoor of Russia as well. Exploiting the situation of a new leader establishing his position in between a military leadership, who can't just bow down to U.S. provocations and show weakness.

Remember its was the U.S. who started the tensions, ramping up sanctions in under the usual mostly hypocritical and partially false pretences. They just keep ranting and blaming North Korea and keep escalating the situation with military provocations and threats, whenever the North reacts and threatens with retaliation.

They bet on Kims level-headedness, expecting a mere bluff and don't have any intention to start a war. Just exploit the tension.
I think U.S. has escalated the conflict in excuse to leap forward in their missile shield and offensive capability build up at the doorstep of China and backdoor of Russia as well. Exploiting the situation of a new leader establishing his position in between a military leadership, who can't just bow down to U.S. provocations and show weakness.

Remember its was the U.S. who started the tensions, ramping up sanctions in under the usual mostly hypocritical and partially false pretences. They just keep ranting and blaming North Korea and keep escalating the situation with military provocations and threats, whenever the North reacts and threatens with retaliation.

They bet on Kims level-headedness, expecting a mere bluff and don't have any intention to start a war. Just exploit the tension.

But weren't the new sanctions in response to NK's nuke test?
Any country in the world will face global condemnation and possible sanctions if it conducts a nuke test now.
What prompted NK to go for a nuke test, even now the calls for war are coming from NK and not from SK or US.
I never noticed that korean peninsula was that big
But weren't the new sanctions in response to NK's nuke test?
Any country in the world will face global condemnation and possible sanctions if it conducts a nuke test now.
What prompted NK to go for a nuke test, even now the calls for war are coming from NK and not from SK or US.
Nuke test was a reaction to U.S call for harder sanctions. U.S. pushed for new sanctions in 2012 under hypocritical and baseless pretences, the nuke test followed in 2013. They where out to be implemented either way. Western media likes to lead their folks and their lackeys folk to believe it is the other way around. Don't be fooled.

U.S. has been waging economical war against North Korea for more than half a century.The U.S. has been threatening the North with their "all option" war rhetoric for decades. It was the U.S. who considered to use nukes against the North and still has not outruled the use of nuclear strike option in their warmongering rhetoric. It is the U.S. who threatens to invade and wage war on North Korea at any time they desire AGAIN. Provoking, mocking and talking about attacking or invading another country in a first strike for your own interest are calls for war, even when the Americans like to call it "defending their allies from threats" or "defending American interests" or "defending world peace" ... "preemptively".

The calls for retaliation are North Korea's way of saying "**** YOU" to the U.S. war monger for immeasurable damages already caused by the U.S. and continuous political and military provocations.
Please do not provide false hope that China will protect the lil' kim this time again.

China will interfere if NK attacks any of those (jp, sk and U.S.). However, the interference is for secure nk out of U.S.'s control, not for the protection of lil' kim.

If China captures him, China may secretly execute him first.
China will not fight for Kim Jong Pig. Koreans are full of problems, but helping them is condemning yourself to a thankless and expensive task. Remember the Imjin war and the Korean war.
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