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Turkmen commander warns for a bigger war in Syria


May 10, 2015
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''Turkmen commander Dr. Omar Dede warns for a bigger war in case PYD tries to form a government in Tal Abyad, Tal Abyad where all of it's Arabic and Turkmen population who either fled heavy aerial bombing of American led coalition or enforced to leave by YPG on the ground.

''We will not leave Tal Abyad. We do have phone calls from Daraa to Damascus, from all armies, Jaysh Al Sham and Ahrar Al Sham offer us men and weapon. We are here to stay. These (YPG) are another Assad, war will be fought right here in case they try to form a government.'' says Omar Dede

Another Turkmen commander Abu Nur Muhammad who was a law school student before Syrian civil war, says ''We first fought against Assad and cleansed our villages then fought against ISIS and now it's YPG who threatens us.''

A buffer zone to protect Israel

Commander Abu Abbas who fought against Assad regime then YPG, says ''Both Assad and YPG want Syria be divided. YPG enforces people to leave, labels every Arab an ISIS supporter and threatens their lives.'' and adds that through YPG, Syria is going to be divided in order to create a buffer zone to protect Israel.''

YPG (Syrian branch of a Kurdish terrorist group PKK) is openly supported by U.S.

Savaş büyüyecek! - Ortadoğu Haberleri
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YPG has sinister plans. they are no better than Islamic state. when are you going to send T-129 and Anka to destroy them?

of course my government is supporting another terrorist group YPG who threatens not only Turkey but the whole region.
View attachment 230228

''Turkmen commander Dr. Omar Dede warns for a bigger war in case PYD tries to form a government in Tal Abyad, Tal Abyad where all of it's Arabic and Turkmen population who either fled American led heavy aerial bombing or enforced to leave by YPG on the ground.

''We will not leave Tal Abyad. We do have phone calls from Daraa to Damascus, from all armies, Jaysh Al Sham and Ahrar Al Sham offer us men and weapon. We are here to stay. These (YPG) are another Assad, war will be fought right here in case they try to form a government.'' says Omar Dede

Another Turkmen commander Abu Nur Muhammad who was a law school student before Syrian civil war, says ''We first fought against Assad and cleansed our villages then fought against ISIS and now it's YPG who threatens us.''

A buffer zone to secure Israel

Commander Abu Abbas who fought against Assad regime then YPG, says ''Both Assad and YPG want Syria be divided. YPG enforces people to leave, labels every Arab an ISIS supporter and threatens their lives.'' and adds that through YPG, Syria is going to be divided in order to create a buffer zone to secure Israel.''

YPG (Syrian branch of a Kurdish terrorist group PKK) is openly supported by U.S.

Savaş büyüyecek! - Ortadoğu Haberleri
This time will not face Assad or isis if they chose to be enemy to all Syrians they will not survive
Nobody in this war are the good guys. Not Assad, not ISIS, not Al Nusra, not the Muslim Brotherhood and not the Kurds. That''s why everyone else should stay out of it.
Turkey would be safer with IS as a neighbor than the YPG the region would be safer with IS period.



the Kurds need to be stopped. they kill,rape,torture, and enslave all who fall to them. Tal Abyad is in trouble. I think Turkey needs to step in and stop the YPG since IS fled and to reopen the supply corridor to Al Raqqah.
Turkey would be safer with IS as a neighbor than the YPG the region would be safer with IS period.



the Kurds need to be stopped. they kill,rape,torture, and enslave all who fall to them. Tal Abyad is in trouble. I think Turkey needs to step in and stop the YPG since IS fled and to reopen the supply corridor to Al Raqqah.

If Turkish government doesn't intervene although Turkmens getting killed....forget about any Turkish intervention.

Though on a small note...i don't care about ISIS,YPG,NUSRA.....but i say whoever threatens my kin over the border....We should go and kick some serious @ss.
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the Kurds need to be stopped. they kill,rape,torture, and enslave all who fall to them. Tal Abyad is in trouble. I think Turkey needs to step in and stop the YPG since IS fled and to reopen the supply corridor to Al Raqqah.

I am not a fan of YPG either, but if you, as an American, could fall into hands of IS or YPG, then you would understand which one is better than the other. If you fell in IS hands, you wouldn't live to tell the story, since your head would be chopped off and thrown away.

ISIS scums should be obliterated no matter what, but at the same time, we shouldn't allow the implementation of 'greater Kurdistan' as they put it, but that's exactly what U.S is doing now. When it comes to Kurds, U.S air force become the monster it actually is, with unprecedented and precise airstrike that totally crippled IS in Tal Abayd but when it comes to IS atacking other areas, like SAA or Iraqi army and cities, U.S air force performance is magically on par with performance of Uganda air force, and it is doing it intentionally, unfortunately. Look at Ramadi, hundreds of IS armed vehicles were going to city and U.S air force didn't launch a one single air strike to stop them.
Haha. Trying for a land grab. Don't Turkmen already have a country called Turkmenistan?
Haha. Trying for a land grab. Don't Turkmen already have a country called Turkmenistan?
Nobody can doubt that you are an American with that post,you just confirmed the intelligence level of at least 50% of the American population.
right. Whatever. Move back to turkeystan. Leave Europe to the Europeans and Arab lands to the Arabs. Thieves.

Nobody can doubt that you are an American with that post,you just confirmed the intelligence level of at least 50% of the American population.
Haha. Trying for a land grab. Don't Turkmen already have a country called Turkmenistan?

These Turkmens have nothing to do with Turkmenistan. At any case, dog damn Erdogan for allowing everything that is bad to happen. Turkey is now surrounded in the south and the east. Let's see how easy it becomes to 'harbor the PKK' when this sh!t in Syria is over.

right. Whatever. Move back to turkeystan. Leave Europe to the Europeans and Arab lands to the Arabs. Thieves.

Why don't you eat a big mac and die of obesity at age 35? Normal people are talking here.

I am not a fan of YPG either, but if you, as an American, could fall into hands of IS or YPG, then you would understand which one is better than the other. If you fell in IS hands, you wouldn't live to tell the story, since your head would be chopped off and thrown away.

ISIS scums should be obliterated no matter what, but at the same time, we shouldn't allow the implementation of 'greater Kurdistan' as they put it, but that's exactly what U.S is doing now. When it comes to Kurds, U.S air force become the monster it actually is, with unprecedented and precise airstrike that totally crippled IS in Tal Abayd but when it comes to IS atacking other areas, like SAA or Iraqi army and cities, U.S air force performance is magically on par with performance of Uganda air force, and it is doing it intentionally, unfortunately. Look at Ramadi, hundreds of IS armed vehicles were going to city and U.S air force didn't launch a one single air strike to stop them.

Iran should take all the necessary precautions for when this war dies down. ISIS is just the first and foremost threat.
Turkmen don't have anything to do with Turkmenistan? lol. Sure. I guess if you're a retard. Any by your comments I can tell you're anything but normal.

These Turkmens have nothing to do with Turkmenistan. At any case, dog damn Erdogan for allowing everything that is bad to happen. Turkey is now surrounded in the south and the east. Let's see how easy it becomes to 'harbor the PKK' when this sh!t in Syria is over.

Why don't you eat a big mac and die of obesity at age 35? Normal people are talking here.

Iran should take all the necessary precautions for when this war dies down. ISIS is just the first and foremost threat.
lol. Sure. I guess if you're a retard.


Don't worry, to us Turks the only one looks like a retard is you.....let's say not retard but ignorant.

The Turkmen are a Turkic people located primarily in Central Asia, in the states of Turkmenistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan, and in the North Caucasus. They speak the Turkmen language, which is classified as a part of the Western (Oghuz) branch of the Turkic languages family together with Turkish, Azerbaijani, Qashqai, Gagauz and Salar.
Yeah like I said. You're a regard.


Turkmen Turkomen. Same shiit. Sad you Asians don't even know your own history.


Don't worry, to us Turks the only one looks like a retard is you.....let's say not retard but ignorant.

The Turkmen are a Turkic people located primarily in Central Asia, in the states of Turkmenistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan, and in the North Caucasus. They speak the Turkmen language, which is classified as a part of the Western (Oghuz) branch of the Turkic languages family together with Turkish, Azerbaijani, Qashqai, Gagauz and Salar.

Those are different Turkmen, also known as TurkOman.

You're all the same. Hence the name. I just can't take fools seriously. Carry on akhbar

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