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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces


Targeted Turkish convoy
Nasty!........I get the feeling that someone was trying to send erdo a rather blunt message.......lets hope he got it.
I do have to admit tho,the large ferris wheel in the background does make for a rather bizarre and jarring looking scene.:sad:
There will be no operation. We sent those troops to secure afrin. They are gonna be a barrier there to stop Assad's army not to enter afrin.
Idlib is conquered by Assad's army and Turkey has no power to get it back. Even tayyip knows it.
Our red line is afrin. 100% sure Russia will not stop there in idlib and will march to afrin.
Nasty!........I get the feeling that someone was trying to send erdo a rather blunt message.......lets hope he got it.
I do have to admit tho,the large ferris wheel in the background does make for a rather bizarre and jarring looking scene.:sad:

Russia wants to scare the Turks for leaving Idlib ... on the other hand Turkiye shows the middle finger to Russia and send more military forces to Idlib

Syria is national security for Turkiye and Turkish People .... never forget that Turkiye can start a war for Syria .... still stupid idiots like PUTIN are testing Turkiye

in the last 7 days over 2900 Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,AFVs,IFVs entered Idlib .... and still more Turkish Military Vehicles enter Idlib

Turkish Army never will leave Idlib ....unlike more Turkish Military Vehicles enter Idlib

btw Turkiye has enough power easly to wipe out Regime Forces and Iran backed terrorist groups in Idlib .... even with only 10% power of the Turkish Armed Forces
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Every armoured vehicle is a potential target. Plenty of action to come in Syria.
There will be no operation. We sent those troops to secure afrin. They are gonna be a barrier there to stop Assad's army not to enter afrin.
Idlib is conquered by Assad's army and Turkey has no power to get it back. Even tayyip knows it.
Our red line is afrin. 100% sure Russia will not stop there in idlib and will march to afrin.
if there is HTS in Afrin SAA will go there if there is not then there is so more demanding matter for Syria than going to Afrin and risk an unnecessary clash for example Iraq border , or Area around Al-Tanf , or more importantly pockets of ISIS terrorist in Syria deserts and securing all Aleppo
Syrians have killed almost a dozen Turkish soldiers directly already. Has Turkey killed a single Syrian soldier as retaliation? These helicopter being shot down etc are just the doing of rebels.

It seems You as a person who is charged to count the killed terrorists in Syria while sitting on your comfortable seat in front of computer screen know better than anybody from Turkish side indeed. Incapable Turks collected thousands of vehicles but can not even kill a smelly Assadist terrorist. What an army isn’t it ? Actually, You are right! We are not like mighty Iranians who strike empty barracks with ballistic missiles but injured just brains of US soldiers instead of killing them. Making such a thing as retaliation must be the first event in World history. Congratulations !
It seems You as a person who is charged to count the killed terrorists in Syria while sitting on your comfortable seat in front of computer screen know better than anybody from Turkish side indeed. Incapable Turks collected thousands of vehicles but can not even kill a smelly Assadist terrorist. What an army isn’t it ?

None of this actually provides any proof does it? All the actual proof point towards the rebel i.e terrorist inflicting the casualties so far.

Actually, You are right! We are not like mighty Iranians who strike empty barracks with ballistic missiles but injured just brains of US soldiers instead of killing them. Making such a thing as retaliation must be the first event in World history. Congratulations !

You're obviously getting emotional. I think all rational people understood the purpose of the Iranian attack. The few hour warning Iran gave them is a big hint, no? The incredible thing of course is despite the few hour warning they got, this still happened:

More Than 100 Troops Have Brain Injuries From Iran Missile Strike, Pentagon Says


Of course, the purpose of that attack was to show how accurately Iran could have targeted them and killed them if it wanted it. Clearly Iran did not want to start a major conflict. Yet we cannot ignore the fact the Americans stated that any attack by Iran will face a major retaliation, yet Iran openly attacked their air base, yet nothing in retaliation. And don't forget, these Americans are the one you Turks will be relying on if a major conflict breaks out!

Do you have chronic foot in mouth disease or something? I thought after your "UN recognition" backtracking, you might have learned something.


Fake news. There was no evidence that happened. As for backtracking, I seem to remember you running away from the discussion last night.
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