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Turkish Military is better than IDF

and it is still struggling

it is an old trick they use to tarnish reputation.. you really think Julian Assange raped women in Sweden?..


kid you have a lot to learn how the world works.

and didn't the west say they Ukraine is doing brilliantly against Russia?..

look who was right in the end.

Not sure why you decided to stalk me all of a sudden, but it's kind of creepy and I'm going to have to put you on ignore
Turkish military has never been through a real test of combat preparedness apart from getting beaten by kurdish militas
nope .. probably good enough to defeat india .. as indians think highly of them

Turkish military is just on a another level
Better than Pakistan ? Numba wan shupa nuclear pawa islamic mulk ?
that is one factor

but the reality the Turks are on another level.... just look a averagely trained force like hezbullah was able to fight Israel to a standstill
When did you ever see them in combat? They can't even handle greece
Turkish Military is better than IDF.............and???
Israel have nukes and Turks don't, that's a huge disadvantage Turks have against IDF, Plus Turkey and Israel are not going to fight each other, not going to happen.
With this logic Pakistani army is better than Turkey too but we make your weapons :what:

Nukes aren't really relevant in conventional war.
We are not talking about Asymmetrical warfare, we are talking about two nations with standing armies here... In a full scale warfare, Nukes will always give Israel an Advantage.
Did it give Russia the advantage in Ukraine?
Turkish military has never been through a real test of combat preparedness apart from getting beaten by kurdish militas
You need to look into how Turkey was founded.. People who colonized India for centuries got absolutely smashed in Gallipoli.

Enough said
watch from 15:30 onwards


" The IDF is very good, however it cannot with stand constant assault by the Turkish army , the Turkish military is excellent and they are fierce fighters and once committed they fight to the finish"
Which is why they have nukes in the first place. Israel will mostly likely prevail even without nukes if it fights on it's home turf. Turkish military neither has the size nor the experience to take them on.

With this logic Pakistani army is better than Turkey too but we make your weapons :what:
It is better than turkey , atleast those guys have combat experience, what did turkey do to brag about apart from losing more jets in aerial combat again greece ? Why don't you reclaim greece and then attack Israel and india ?
Nukes aren't really relevant in conventional war
Wrong statement,Nukes limit the scope of conventional war. It restricts the expansion of a conventional war at the strategic level
Did it give Russia the advantage in Ukraine?
That only works when you're the defender. Not when you're the attacker.
You need to look into how Turkey was founded.. People who colonized India for centuries got absolutely smashed in Gallipoli.
Lol , talking about something which happened 100 years ago, and that you ended up getting smashed in the end. Indian cavalry smashed you in Haifa
Well last time the Israelis murdered Turks in international waters and the Turks did fu(k all about it. But they are pretty good at killing unarmed Kurds.
Turkey isn't a banana republic. We aren't going to enter a war Just because a bunch of dimwits tried to run the Israeli blockade and got killed
Turkish military has never been through a real test of combat preparedness apart from getting beaten by kurdish militas

another pajeet

-- Turkish Army kicked PKK-YPG and ISIS terrorists in Turkiye , Iraq and Syria
-- Turkish Army kicked SAA+IRGC+Hezbol combined within a week in Idlib/Syria
-- Turkish Military changed the game in Libya against France,Russia,Egypt,The UAE backed HAFTAR

A total of 35.786 PKK-YPG and ISIS terrorists have been neutralized by the Turkish Army as a result of operations since July 24, 2015 in Turkiye , Iraq and Syria

between 8 agust 2015 and 9 march 2016 , Turkish Army killed thousands of PKK terrorists in 22 Turkish districts

no any civilian loss .. because Turkiye did not use Air Force
just fight hand to hand in urban warfare

Turkish military neither has the size nor the experience to take them on.

IDF is full of shit which can not enter even the outskirts of Gaza
Israeli Air Force bombing civilians in GAZA ... nothing else
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It always amusing to see some Pakistani's fully drinking the Turkish super solider coolaid, Not even Turks themselves think this way because they are actual Turks and have an inside perspective, and they don't lionize themselves beyond delusion "at another level". They know their strength and weaknesses, they are an advanced military's just like many other countries in the world. Their is no super soldier or super military. Fighting the same Kurdish militant groups for 40 years, it's not an easy task.
They have a deeply embedded inferiority complex vis a vis the Turks as they see them as their forefathers
"Critical comments".

What critical comments? You didn't say anything analytical at all, you just said like 2-3 sentences. You're a grown man acting like a child viewing a Hollywood character. You are probably around 35-40 years old or more. Embarrassing really.
You’re 40 aswell
Well last time the Israelis murdered Turks in international waters and the Turks did fu(k all about it. But they are pretty good at killing unarmed Kurds.
those “unarmed” kurds are better equipped then your pakistan army. 80k trucks with weapons and equipment were send by US to them in Syria.
It is better than turkey , atleast those guys have combat experience, what did turkey do to brag about apart from losing more jets in aerial combat again greece ? Why don't you reclaim greece and then attack Israel and india ?

Lol , talking about something which happened 100 years ago, and that you ended up getting smashed in the end. Indian cavalry smashed you in Haifa
1) What the **** are you talking about? Turkey never stopped fighting since 1974 Cyprus war. We're the most experienced military in the region.

2) lol you're so proud of helping your colonial master :cheesy: in the end they failed,we defeated the Greeks, Italians, French, the British and came out enforcing our own terms. You were their colony. You're in no position to argue
another pajeet
Kicked you in Haifa, many of you surrendered to pajeet units after the end of ww1
-- Turkish Army kicked PKK-YPG and ISIS terrorists in Turkiye , Iraq and Syria
-- Turkish Army kicked SAA+IRGC+Hezbol combined within a week in Idlib/Syria
-- Turkish Military changed the game in Libya against France,Russia,Eypt,The UAE backed HAFTAR

A total of 35.786 PKK-YPG and ISIS terrorists have been neutralized by the Turkisk Army as a result of operations since July 24, 2015 in Turkiye , Iraq and Syria

between 8 agust 2015 and 9 march 2016 , Turkish Army killed thousands of PKK terrorists in 22 Turkish districts

no any civilian loss .. because Turkiye did not use Air Force
just fight hand to hand in urban warfare

tell me when you fight a conventional war against an adversary of your size , not some rag tag militia in northern Syria. They are still there and fighting hard despite all your rubbish claims. Maybe try and capture greece ? If you do then we can believe that you're a real power, if you can't even capture greece then you shouldn't dream of capturing israel

IDF is full of shit which can not enter even the outskirts of Gaza
As if you've ever done an operation of the same magnitude
Just goes to show you can be a decent analyst and a super disgusting freak praying on children at the same time

That's all I have to say on the subject now shoo and move on
You can also be a president and be a super disgusting freak praying on children at the same time. If you know what i mean.

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