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Turkish Military Exercises


Feb 9, 2014
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Information about Current and Future Exercises
  • Barbaros Turkish Naval Task Force is Currently conducting long range voyage exercie that involves traveling from Turkey past the cape of good hope and back to Turkey. A live fire exercise was also held in south africa. This is a 15,0000 nautical mile journey. The exercise is expected to be completed on June 27 when the Task Force arrives in Turkey.
  • baiulru.jpg
  • Phoenix Express 2014: 12 May- 04 June 2014 (Location: Mediterranean sea)
  • White Storm 2014: 20-20 May 2014 (Location: Agean sea, and eastern Mediterranean)
  • Lightening 2 Mobilization Exercise: 21- 31 May (Location: Black sea area and Zonguldak)
  • Efes 2014: 05 May- o5 June 2014 (Location: Agean Sea) Efes 2014 Exercise
  • Eager Lion 2014: 25 May - 05 June 2014 (Location: Jordan) Eager Lion 2014 Military Exercise
  • Stead Fast Illusion 2014: 30 May- 13 June 2014 (Location: Portugal)
Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page
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1st commando brigade participated in a a paratroop exercise on May 15, 2014.

1'inci Komando Tugay Komutanlığı tarafından 15 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin hava indirme imkân kabiliyetini sergilemek ve harekâtta kullanımının nasıl olacağı hususunda fikir vermek maksadıyla Erciyes-2014 Müşterek Tabur Görev Kuvveti Arazi Tatbikatı icra edilmiştir.






Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish
General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page
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Beyaz Fırtına Naval Exercise Has Started
20 MAY 2014
The naval exercise Beyaz Fırtına 2014 has kicked off today.

The exercise area incorporates Marmara Sea, Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean and will end on 1 July 2014.

During these 13 days following units will take part in the exercise:

From Turkish Navy:

  • 53 warships of various types and classes
  • 4 maritime patrol planes
  • 13 ASW helicopters
From Turkish Air Force:

  • 8 combat airplanes
  • 1 target towing plane
From Turkish Coast Guard:

  • 17 vessels of various types and classes
  • 4 helicopters
From Turkish National Intelligence Organisation:

  • 1 intelligence aircraft
According to Turkish Navy website live missile and torpedo firings will be executed against target ships.

Beyaz Fırtına Naval Exercise Has Started |
Phoenix Express 2014

SIGONELLA, Sicily (NNS) -- Personnel from European, North African and U.S. Naval forces began preparing for the underway segment of Phoenix Express Exercise 2014 (PE14) by standing up the maritime operations center in Sigonella, May 26.

Planners from 10 countries have begun tracking ships leaving ports and integrating logistics for the start of the at-sea training portion of PE14, which is in its eighth iteration.

"The maritime operations center is a critical center of gravity as the nations participating in this year's exercise plan and integrate maritime interdiction operations at-sea, not far from our location here in Sigonella," said Capt. James Hajj, director, Phoenix Express 2014. "It is critical that we share best practices and learn to work together both at-sea and in an operations center setting."

Watchstanders are using a state-of-the-art maritime tracking system named SeaVision. This system tracks and identifies ships through both land-based and satellite assets as they traverse the Mediterranean Sea. One of the key training elements of PE14 involves understanding how to optimize SeaVision and ensure every nation knows how to uniformly track ships and identify them in the same manner as they sail across multiple waterways and ports.

Another important capability staged at the maritime operations center and being used throughout the exercise is Same Time chat which allows ships and exercise participants to talk, on-line, in "real-time."

"As a communication officer I know the importance of communication and that it is important during an operation of this size," said Italian navy Lt.j.g. Antonio Morciano, logistics and communications officer. "This real time system allows everybody involved in operations to reach anyone at anytime, instantly."

Participants are learning how to use this logistical advantage as a means to ask for something as complex as boarding vessel information or simply to ask how or when to move material or personnel from ship-to-ship. All participants were trained for close to a week on the system and have learned to use uniform acronyms and converse in English when they use the web based chat network.

The at-sea portion of PE14 focuses on improving maritime domain awareness and interaction between forces afloat and the combined maritime operations center ashore.

Combined maritime forces will execute a series of training scenarios that exercise force protection measures, boarding procedures, search and rescue, replenishment-at-sea, and helicopter operations.

"This year's exercise is off to a great start and we're all looking forward to learning from each other in the coming week as we work as a team through real world and simulated exercise challenges," said Hajj. "If the camaraderie I've seen here in the maritime operations center is anything like the camaraderie we'll see during at-sea training, this year's exercise will be a tremendous success."

PE14, a multinational maritime exercise between Southern European, North African and U.S. Naval forces, is designed to improve cooperation among participating nations and help increase safety and security in the Mediterranean Sea.

Participating countries in PE14 include Algeria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United States.

U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts a full range of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation missions in concert with coalition, joint, interagency, and other partners in order to advance security and stability in Europe and Africa.

Phoenix Express 2014 Stands Up Operations Center, Preps for Underway Phase

Good Summary/Explanation of the Exercise

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Location: Poland
June 2-19, 2014

Approximately 300 experts from 23 nations met at the Joint Force Training Centre to finalize preparations to the Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exploration, Experimentation and Examination Exercise (CWIX) 2014. This largest annual NATO interoperability testing event will be held in Bydgoszcz in June and the Final Coordination Conference (FCC) took place between 11 and 14 March.

The JFTC will become a platform for testing, assessing and exploring different command and control systems for the fourth time in a row. Again, around 1000 experts from numerous NATO and Partnership for Peace nations as well as from various NATO agencies will spend three weeks in Bydgoszcz working on improvement of the Alliance’s interoperability. Under the guidance and supervision of CDR Knut Behrends, German Navy, participants of the FCC exchanged updated information on the progress of arrangements. They also defined shortcomings and areas to be developed.

The Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exploration, Experimentation and Examination Exercise is an annual NATO Military Committee-approved event directed by the Allied Command Transformation (ACT). While the ACT is responsible for guidelines and management of the project, NATO and Partner Nations sponsor interoperability capabilities with specific objectives. The JFTC has been the seat of CWIX since 2011. This year the Centre will be charged with more distinguished role in experimentation and scenario developing.

CWIX 2014. Final Preparations
Steadfast Flow


June 2-6 2014

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page
Lol, you don't hit Turna from it's eye. :lol:

Full name of the Turna was "Manş Çeken Hedef Uçağı Turna". It pulls a ball target with a rope, so that you fire on the target not on Turna. ANd you retrive turna with it's parachute.

That's what i know.

I was thinking to ask how these target drones work.... Thx...
Turkey to participate in Black Sea naval war exercise

Exercises hosted by Bulgaria in the western Black Sea has 'no link with crisis in Ukraine' Lieutenant-Colonel Jay Janzen, the chief of media operations and military spokesperson for NATO, said.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Turkey is to participate in a naval war exercise in the west of the Black Sea, the Turkish military has announced.

The United States, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Greece will also be involved in the naval war simulations running from Friday until 13 July, according to an announcement on the website of the Turkish General Staff.

The Turkish Naval Force will be deploying the TCG Dolunay submarine, TCG Mizrak assault boat, TCG Tuzla patrol vessel, one maritime patrol aircraft and the TCG Akcay mine-clearing vessel along with four headquarters staff officers under the command of NATO's mine countermeasure unit, SNMCMG-2.

Turkey has participated in the operation, codenamed Breeze, every year since 1993.

Breeze, which has traditionally held off the coast of Bulgaria, is a national exercise with international participation, according to an official of the Bulgarian Ministry of Defence.

He said: "The main goal is to increase mutual operational capabilities and interaction between participants through training in a crisis-response operation.

"During the exercise, the headquarters of the navy will be certified on a national level for planning and conducting an operation according to the requirements of the Bulgarian armed forces and NATO."

Regarding the tensions in eastern Ukraine, Lieutenant-Colonel Jay Janzen, the chief of media operations and military spokesperson for NATO, said that there was no direct link between Breeze and the crisis.

"Breeze is a Bulgarian national exercise and NATO is just a participant," he said.

Turkey to participate in Black Sea naval war exercise | General | Worldbulletin News
Turkey, Pakistan,USA, Britain + NATO to conduct Joint Naval Exercise (Mavi Balina-14)


REGEX 2014


Officers from many different regional countries came to Turkey to boost cooperation and teamwork.

Bölgesel Tatbikat-2014, bölgesel askerî iş birliğini artırmak ve karşılıklı çalışabilirlik yeteneklerini geliştirmek maksadıyla, 20-24 Ekim 2014 tarihleri arasında Harp Akademileri Komutanlığı ev sahipliğinde icra edilmiştir.
Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Resmi Kurumsal İnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page


Tatbikata, evsahibi ülke olarak Türkiye'den 60, 11 ortaklık ülkesinden 44 [Azerbaycan (1), Bosna-Hersek (4), Cezayir (2), Karadağ (8), Kazakistan (2), Makedonya (10), Moldova (2), Pakistan (4), Sırbistan (5), Ukrayna (4) ve Ürdün (2)], Napoli Müşterek Kuvvet Komutanlığından 5, İzmir Kara Komutanlığından 12 ve 3'üncü Kolordu Komutanlığından 9 olmak üzere toplam 130 personel katılmıştır.

Search and Rescue exercise

1 S70 Black Hawk and 1 Cougar participated

TSK İnsani Yardım Tugayı Doğal Afet Arama Kurtarma Tabur Komutanlığı tarafından; 22 Ekim 2014 tarihinde, Tümgeneral Daniş KARABELEN Kışlasında (Gölbaşı), Kara Havacılık Komutanlığı (Güvercinlik/Ankara) tarafından tahsis edilen bir adet S-70 tipi ve bir adet Cougar tipi arama kurtarma helikopteri ile "Yaralı Kazazedeyi Tahliye ve Helikopterden Atma Toplama Eğitimi" icra edilmiştir.



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