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Turkish help sought to revamp, overhaul Pakistan police


Sep 20, 2013
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Turkish security and police experts will help Pakistan establish foolproof security and surveillance systems in major cities, besides overhauling the recruitment and training schemes of cops in all the provinces, and bring new techniques to check crimes, terrorism and lawlessness.

In a new agreement called the Security Cooperation Protocol, signed between Pakistan and Turkey during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s just-concluded tour to Ankara, Islamabad has sought the brother Islamic country’s help to overhaul the country’s policing by improving its recruitment, training, command and control systems and equipment.

According to sources, the Turkish experts will also support Pakistan in developing a trustworthy CCTV-based security and surveillance system as was working in Ankara. This system would be made operational and linked in a fashion that the whole city could be monitored by the police from one room.

As the law and order situation in Pakistan has gone from bad to worse in the recent years while terrorism and crime rate have also witnessed a phenomenal rise in all parts of the country, the police response has been pathetic due to incompetence, lack of professionalism and because of technological deficiencies.

There are also reports of thousands of criminals making inroads into the police department though politicised appointments. Only recently, the prime minister, during his last visit to Karachi, was shocked to learn from the intelligence agencies that several thousand criminals are part of the Karachi Police force.

According to one source, the figure of 6,000 criminals in police was discussed. “They wear police uniforms but actually work for criminal elements, extortionists, kidnappers and killers,” a source, who attended the high-level Karachi meetings, had confided to The News.

Apparently realising that such a politicised, criminal friendly and incompetent police cannot deliver, the government has decided to engage the Turkish police and security experts to study the recruitment and police training systems of our police. The Turkish experts are expected to improve the analytical skills of our police to ensure it takes benefit of the available

information and data to reach criminals. The latest MoU for upgradation and modernisation of the policing system will cover both the federal capital and all provincial police.

Originally, it was the Punjab government’s initiative to engage the services of Turkish police experts for the training of Punjab Police Elite Force, particularly in areas of counter-terrorism and security. Four Turkish experts are already working in the Punjab.

Recently, the prime minister tasked the Interior Ministry to prepare a draft Security Cooperation Protocol at the national level in consultation with all the provinces so that the police of all the provinces could benefit from Turkey’s experience.

The Punjab government has already engaged the Turkish police experts for a period of six months to study the recruitment scheme, training and working procedures of the Punjab Police, starting with complaint filing and investigation procedure.

The Punjab government wants foreign experts to observe its policing patterns across the province and devise a strategy to fight terrorism in the province. These experts are also supposed to help improve the Punjab Police’s capacity.

The sources said that through another protocol signed by the two countries, the two sides have also agreed to exchange convicted criminals so that they could serve the remaining part of their sentences in their respective countries.

Turkish help sought to revamp, overhaul Pakistan police - thenews.com.pk
I believe a better alternative would be to make our police a-political and free of bureaucratic recruitment and more based on the armed forces induction policies with a parallel security forces raised from local recruits. Good step though, let's see.
What BS is this
Pakistan's Armed forces are one of the best Military forces out there why not call them for help :pakistan:
& when i say Best i mean better than that of Turkey no offense to turks
it doesnt take rocket science to revamp police

Policing is a complicated business and many techniques are used.
For example British police always sends women police to break up a fight between a group of men or to calm down a crowd of raging men...

Its psychology of men to get distracted by the presence of a woman and to behave better in her presence.
While sending in male police will escelate the hostilities.

These and many other such techniques Pakistani police doesnt know and doesnt apply.

Thats why a police force who is knowledgable ...will help in improving policing techniques.
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