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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
This news hit 3 days go... most of us was unaware since no mainstream media showed....

Titanium ore has been found in Sakarya/Karasu.

We couldn't find any titanium ore until this year. :) Titanium has great aplicaiton fields in defence industry. Hope we will immediately began to extract and process the ore.
This news hit 3 days go... most of us was unaware since no mainstream media showed....

Titanium ore has been found in Sakarya/Karasu.

We couldn't find any titanium ore until this year. :) Titanium has great aplicaiton fields in defence industry. Hope we will immediately began to extract and process the ore.
This is my ilce. :lol:
It was 5 years ago I was in kayseri. There are major changes. There is metro , a lot of American style mals , and a lot of new shops. There is even a star bucks . I'm writing this msg from the terrace from there now :lol:
This news hit 3 days go... most of us was unaware since no mainstream media showed....

Titanium ore has been found in Sakarya/Karasu.

We couldn't find any titanium ore until this year. :) Titanium has great aplicaiton fields in defence industry. Hope we will immediately began to extract and process the ore.
Fantastic news:tup::tup::tup:
Turkish Airlines got 4 rewards...

Türk Hava Yolları ödülleri topladı!

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'Desert' fears for Turkey's water supplies


Water levels in many Turkish dams in Istanbul and Marmara regions have dropped to critical levels, causing fears for supplies, energy and agriculture.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Occupancy rates of Istanbul's dams have dropped to critical levels due to lack of rainfall this year, prompting fears of drought and 'desertification' in Turkey's largest city.

Around 15 million people could be affected after the water level in many Istanbul dams fell to under 20 percent, according to Turkey's State Water Affairs body. Now experts are warning that the country has to conserve and re-use water to prevent problems in agriculture and energy generation.

Ali Uyumaz, a hydroelectric and river improvements expert at Istanbul Technical University, says the Marmara region and Istanbul have a limited number of water basins compared to regions in eastern and southern Turkey.

"The biggest issue is not the occupancy rate but to use water sources wisely" Uyumaz says.

"Turkey needs more water-efficient systems in households and factories. The country should also focus and introduce water-saving measures in each and every home."

At least 1,500 cubic kilometers of waste water are produced globally every year. Waste water can be reused productively for energy and irrigation, but is not generally recovered in Turkey.

Between September 2013 and February 2014, Turkey had low levels of rainfall which significantly harmed both agricultural and energy production.

The current decrease in the level of rainfall and snowfall across the country reduces water levels in hydroelectric power plants and is likely to create a decrease in electricity production in dams, Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said in February.

According to a March report from the Turkish Union of Agricultural Chambers, the production of wheat, which was harvested at record levels in 2013, is expected to fall 14 percent this year due to drought.

Stating that the using modern irrigation techniques is a key way to save water, Uyumaz says agricultural production will face more problems in the future and that there will be more water problems both in urban and arid areas in Turkey, stressing that the country needs better water management.

"If the current improper usage of water continues, this will be the leading cause of drought and desertification both in Istanbul and Turkey. That’s why water resources should be managed very carefully.

“We should make smart use of our natural resources; their importance has not been fully understood yet," he adds.

Tugba Evrim Maden, hydropolitics researcher at the Center For Middle Eastern Studies in Ankara, said water has an important role for the generation, extraction and cooling off of every form of energy.

"Likewise, there is need for energy for the generation, transmission and purification of water. The link between water and energy makes the security of both resources highly crucial."

Stating that the world population is about seven billion, Maden said "2.5 billion people are unable to reach electricity, 768 million people lack access to drinking water and 2.8 billion people live in the areas where water scarcity is felt intensively."

Maden claims that Turkey needs to see the creation of an alternative source for cooling in thermal plants, an improvement in technology which saves water and energy, and new legislation.

The researcher also called for an assessment of "non-traditional resources" such as refining seawater and brackish water and enhancing in power plants' productivity.

Though the usage of water for every purpose is possible, the problems about accessing water resources still continue.

According to the UN statistics, around 1.8 billion people had improved sanitation between 1990 and 2010. Today, 2.5 billion people lack of improved sanitation and 2.4 billion people will be still unable to access improved sanitation in 2015, the report says.

A Global Drought Information System report also says in May 2014 that the short-term global drought conditions once again expanded or intensified in many locations, including the western Mediterranean region and central parts of Europe.

'Desert' fears for Turkey's water supplies | General | Worldbulletin News
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SOCAR to become largest company in Turkey’s energy sphere by 2018


The first output of the Star refinery of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) will be received by late 2017.

The remarks were made by Azerbaijani Minister of Economy and Industry, Shahin Mustafayev and SOCAR president Rovnag Abdullayev who viewed the site where the plant is being built.

The Star refinery, with the expected production capacity of 10 million tonnes per year, will provide the Petkim petrochemical complex with naphtha, SOCAR said on July 19.

"The major part of the refinery's products will be sold in Turkey's domestic market and some part will be exported to South Europe and Mediterranean Sea countries," the company said.

After commissioning the Star refinery, SOCAR will become the largest company in Turkey's energy sphere.

The total cost of the project on the construction of SOCAR's refinery in Turkey exceeds $5 billion. It is among the largest investment projects in Turkey.

SOCAR signed loan agreements totaling $3.29 billion with around 23 financial institutions in the Turkish city of Istanbul on June 6, as part of constructing a new Star refinery in Turkey. The loan package consists of the funds of export-import banks (Spain, Italy, Japan, U.S. and the Republic of Korea), some 16 foreign trade and investment banks, as well as one local bank.

The annual naphtha production volume, used by Petkim as the main raw material, will hit 1.66 million tonnes at the Star refinery.

Along with naphtha, the new oil refinery will produce diesel fuel with ultra-low sulfur to the amount of 5.95 million tonnes, aviation kerosene - 500,000 tonnes, reformate - 500,000 tonnes, petroleum coke - 630,000 tonnes, liquefied gas - 240,000 tonnes, mixed xylene - 415,000 tonnes, olefin LPG - 75,000 tonnes and 145,000 tonnes of sulfur. The refinery will not produce petrol and fuel oil.

Azerbaijan's minister of economy and SOCAR head also became familiar with the activity of Petkim, as well as its production indices. The guests attended the opening of a plastic packaging factory and became familiar with the construction of a container port there.

SOCAR to become largest company in Turkey’s energy sphere by 2018 - Trend.Az
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IŞİD'in Türkiye'ye faturası ağır oldu

IŞİD'in Irak'taki faaliyetleri türkiye ekonomisini de vuruyor. 10 Haziran-20 Temmuz arasında Irak'a yapılan ihracat, geçtiğimiz yılın aynı dönemine göre yüzde 35 geriledi.

Ekonomi Bakanı Nihat Zeybekci, Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi (TİM) Başkanı Mehmet Büyükekşi ve beraberindeki heyeti makamında kabulünde Irak pazarı ile ilgili açıklamalar yaptı.

Irak'taki gelişmelerle ilgili ihracatçılarla bir araya gelerek toplantı yaptıklarını anlatan Zeybekci, yaptıkları toplantının ardından Irak'a yönelik endişelerinin büyük ölçüde ortadan kalktığını ifade etti.

Dünyada hiçbir ülkenin, "kültür coğrafyası" dedikleri bu alan içinde Türkiye kadar pozitif özelliklere sahip olmadığını ve olamayacağını vurgulayan Zeybekci, "Bizim oradaki dinamiklerimiz son derece güçlü. İnşallah 10 Haziran'dan itibaren Kuzey Irak'la ilgili yaşadığımız ihracatla ilgili olumsuzlukların, yakın zamanda toparlamaya başlayacağını, ertelenen satın alım taleplerin ve ihtiyaçlarının çok yüksek bir şekilde yeniden talep edilmeye başlanacağını görüyoruz" diye konuştu.

Irak'a ihracat yüzde 35 geriledi

Irak'taki sorunlar nedeniyle 10 Haziran'dan bu yana, söz konusu ülkeye yapılan ihracattaki düşüşün, geçen yılın aynı dönemine göre yüzde 35 seviyesinde olduğunu belirten Zeybekci, "Yani 10 Haziran ile 20 Temmuz arasındaki 2013 rakamları ile 2014 rakamlarını kıyasladığımız zaman, sadece Irak'la ilgili ihracatımızda yüzde 35 seviyesinde bir gerileme var. Toplamda baktığımız zaman ise yıl sonu itibarıyla bu gerilemenin toparlanacağını düşünüyoruz" ifadelerini kullandı.

Yıl sonu itibarıyla da Türkiye'nin Irak'a olan ihracatı yüzde 35 seviyesinde düşerse, ihracatta bu ülkeden kaynaklanan 2,5 milyar dolarlık bir düşüş yaşanabileceğini anlatan Zeybekci, sözlerini şöyle tamamladı:

"Böyle de olmayacak arkadaşlar. Çünkü Irak'ın ihtiyaçlarını başka yerden tedarik etmesi mümkün değil. Ayrıca, Irak'taki tüketim alışkanlıklarındaki Türk ürünleri ve markaları, rekabet edilemez bir itibar kazanmış durumda. Başka ülkelerden gelen ürünlerle yer değiştirmesi oldukça zor. Onun için böyle bir avantajımız var. Biz bunu ertelenen bir talep olarak görüyoruz ve önümüzdeki günlerde ortadan kalkacaktır diye düşünüyoruz."

IŞİD'in Türkiye'ye faturası ağır oldu - Hürriyet EKONOMİ

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What exacltly did THY exported for 8 Bln? o_O

Edit: i did a research and it says annual volume was 8 Bln $ it has nothing to do with export.

News says 'SERVICES export'... In Turkish 'hizmet ihracatı'...

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