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Turkish capital Ankara rocked by fatal explosion

Where is the condemnation and outcry against this secular terrorism of PKK? The entire war against terror is tainted with hypocrisy and for this reason alone, there is no end to it.

pkk are communists, seems they only condemn islamic terrorism not atheist/communist or christian terrorism. Hypocrisy at it's best.
pkk are communists, seems they only condemn islamic terrorism not atheist/communist or christian terrorism. Hypocrisy at it's best.

Those who are fighting against so-called Islamic terrorism are themselves terrorists of the worst type. This whole drama arouses nothing but contempt and disgust at those champions of democracy and suckularism who are running this show.
Where is the condemnation and outcry against this secular terrorism of PKK?

west wont, bcoz they are funding them, arming them to fight ISIS which indirectly is used by PKK and its other branches in Syria and Iraq to destabilize Turkey, ..

i think it was fault of Turkish establishment as well that they supported rebels and fanatics in Syria which not only provide space for PKK and its other branches in region, but advance weapons and foreign support in the name of fighting ISIS......
It was fucked up policy of Turkey..
west wont, bcoz they are funding them, arming them to fight ISIS which indirectly is used by PKK and its other branches in Syria and Iraq to destabilize Turkey, ..

That is my point. The west funds and arms terrorists when it suites them.

i think it was fault of Turkish establishment as well that they supported rebels and fanatics in Syria which not only provide space for PKK and its other branches in region, but advance weapons and foreign support in the name of fighting ISIS......
It was fucked up policy of Turkey..

It is the fault of the Asad regime that it has created one of the greatest human tragedies of our time. Turkey intervened on humanitarian ground, there's nothing wrong in that, matter of fact, it was their moral obligation to help the oppressed people of Syria. It is Asad's genocide that has invited unwanted players into Syria.
That is my point. The west funds and arms terrorists when it suites them.


That is my point. The west funds and arms terrorists when it suites them.

It is the fault of the Asad regime that it has created one of the greatest human tragedies of our time. Turkey intervened on humanitarian ground, there's nothing wrong in that, matter of fact, it was their moral obligation to help the oppressed people of Syria. It is Asad's genocide that has invited unwanted players into Syria.

I agree Assad deserve the kick ,.. but my friend Turkey is not a Khilafat or Islamic Republic who cry about right of Muslims and other things.., its secular republic which work for its interests not humanity.. they failed to recognize that if assad lost control, PKK and its allies + ISIS, al Qaeda type people are ready to seize the opportunity ...

now they will play them for years just like we did..
Turkey is in a difficult position regarding Syria.

If we don't do anything then we still get refugees but have no say in what happens in the future in Syria.

If we do go in then we still get refugees but the west will bully us and maybe even sanction us saying we invaded.

There is also the issue of pkk affiliate pyd in north syria trying to build a country there, a terrorist organisation with the focus of creating their own country is really bad for Turkey.

So whatever is happening Turkey is trying to balance it, it's very difficult political realities in the area right now.

I think so far we have been very calm, we didn't invade even after asshat used chemical weapons.

We still haven't invaded, but pushed too far it will be a walk in the park for Turkey to restore order in Syria as we have the troops to get the job done, not just airplanes like the west and russia.

Whatever we do it's wrong in Syria, if we had good backing from the US or the west for a no fly zone thousands of lives could be saved years ago.

The refugee crisis in Europe is directly related to the west not letting us create the no fly zone as a safe area in north syria, west has only itself to blame for the refugees coming to Europe.

All this shows the true face of the west and russia, non of them can be trusted fully.

Turkey needs new reliable allies, Pakistan could be a good start even India could be good too (as long as they don't fight eachother).

The world needs a new order, new allies that can tell the west and russia to F off when they try to boss us around.

The sad part is the we have seen the true face of UN, they haven't done anything when chemical weapons were used on syrians and they aren't doing much for refugees.

and other such organisations are just there to protect the US it seems.

Pakistan has nukes and good population, Turkey is strong tech and military wise. Only these two countries as allies would be enough to scare russia and the west... add to this 2-3 more reliable countries especially a big one like India and we can do what we want without others "permission".
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