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Turkish army strikes back at Assad forces in Syria.


Aug 6, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Turkey's military have struck targets inside Syria in response to a mortar bomb fired from Syrian territory which killed five Turkish civilians, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's office said in a statement.

The mortar fired from the Syrian side into the region of Akçakale sparked an urgent round of meetings with military chiefs and led the Turkish foreign minister, Ahmed Davagotlu, to formally complain to UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon.

"Our armed forces in the border region responded immediately to this abominable attack in line with their rules of engagement; targets were struck through artillery fire against places in Syria identified by radar," the statement from Erdogan said. "Turkey will never leave unanswered such kinds of provocation by the Syrian regime against our national security."

Nato said it was following developments and senior officials would meet urgently to discuss the issue. Turkey is a member state of the powerful body and earlier this year invoked a clause in the Nato treaty which called on it to respond to an earlier clash in which a Turkish jet was shot down from inside Syria.

Turkey strikes Syrian targets after cross-border mortar bomb kills five | World news | guardian.co.uk

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Ordogan gave assad little spanking to show him who is daddy....assad is just putting more nails in his coffin every day, what a retarded leader and retarded regime
Erdogan won't do anything. Declaring war on Syria is declaring war on Iran and that is something they find quite unappealing. Especially when Russia defends Assad with their veto power and thus can't even pass a condemnation in the UNSC against the attack on Turkey.
Erdogan won't do anything. Declaring war on Syria is declaring war on Iran and that is something they find quite unappealing. Especially when Russia defends Assad with their veto power and thus can't even pass a condemnation in the UNSC against the attack on Turkey.

Erdogan did what needed to be done..Thats more than enough..War with Syria is not in Turkey`s best interest
Erdogan did what needed to be done..Thats more than enough..War with Syria is not in Turkey`s best interest

Well, from what i understand there was an emergency meeting after the attack on Turkey and the Turkish parliament authorized military action against Syria but then Assad apologized and Erdogan backed away from any substantial military response.
War is certainly in no one's interest but retaliation is in order, don't you think? First the pilots, now this...
I dont know why these dictator mullahs sit in power in these nations and brutalize their own people. FFS. Syria is fucked.
Erdogan has been wanting to get Americans involved to help out- that's why we see him talking a big game but won't dare to go to full out war with Syria. not Unlike every OIC member that looks at america to help stop the genocide that its members unleash on their people. The Organization of Islamic Council is great at issuing paper edicts. They need the council of Christian Judea Americans to do the fighting for them. and that's a fact!
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