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Turkey To Launch Space Agency in Three Months


Apr 28, 2011
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Adem Altan/AFP via Getty Images

Turkish Prime Minister and the leader of the Justice and Development Party more

ANKARA, Turkey — Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Turkey will formally launch the Turkish Space Agency within the next three months.

The agency will be tasked with coordinating all of Turkey’s space and aerospace programs and will be located in Kazan, a township near Ankara.

A procurement official familiar with the effort said the space agency's basic work will concentrate on satellite technology, satellite launching systems, space stations and deep space research.

Ankara has drafted a will for the Turkish Space Agency that will head to the cabinet for approval before being debated by Parliament.

Transport Minister Binali Yildirim said the governmental effort for the agency was the joint work of the Turkish military General Staff, Defense Ministry, and the Science, Industry and Technology Ministry.

“We have studied similar legal framework in the United States (NASA’s), Japan, Germany and France. Our legal framework will be special to Turkey’s needs,” Minister Yildirim said.

Turkey also is working on plans to build a satellite-launching station. The procurement official said Datca, on Turkey’s southwestern coast, and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, a breakaway Turkish state recognized only by Turkey, are two potential locations for the station.

Turkey To Launch Space Agency in Three Months
How will Turkey be any different to whats currently on the market?
Turkey should jointly develop Sonmiani range on the Arabian Sea in Pakistan to launch its program.

Center will be in Kazan - Ankara.
Launch platform possibly in Mugla, Northern Republic of Turkish Cyprus or may be together in Pakistan;

cause neighboring Indian Ocean and near to Equator.
Muslim space station

What nargala are you huffing?

Who will be the Muslim countries with a desire to reach for the stars rather than holding out palms to beg dictators or show off the height of their di<ks, that too made by foreign labor because to them manual is haram.
What nargala are you huffing?

Who will be the Muslim countries with a desire to reach for the stars rather than holding out palms to beg dictators or show off the height of their di<ks, that too made by foreign labor because to them manual is haram.
Bigot alert.......
It will be the ''Muslim'' option,no more strings attached for most Muslim countries in sending satelites and maybe in the future a Muslim space station,who knows where it can lead to.

Almost anything technologically substantial is prevented by the west from being built by the Muslim states. They want the Muslim states to be dependent on others so that they can be exploited and robbed left and right in the name of suckularism .They have no rules for themselves but limitless rules for the Muslim states and when the rules do not give the west unfair advantage the rules are changed. Alliance with the west is a mirage, which produces false hope and assurances. When the crunch time arrives the west reveals its true face and they come up with infinite number of excuses before they tell to accept the reality. This is the dirty little game with the help of the UN the west has been playing. Turkey is in the right direction, they should invest heavily for developing their own technology.
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Center will be in Kazan - Ankara.
Launch platform possibly in Mugla, Northern Republic of Turkish Cyprus or may be together in Pakistan;

cause neighboring Indian Ocean and near to Equator.
Pakistan is more than willing to offer unconditional support including land etc for said project to our Turkish friends. Turkey should now think of going global as it can easily establish its set ups in Azerbaijan in Central Asia and in Pakistan in South Asia. The trio can really benefit from each others expertise in different field. Let the mutual ties go to new heights.
Long Live Pak-Azeri-Turk Friendship.
What nargala are you huffing?

Who will be the Muslim countries with a desire to reach for the stars rather than holding out palms to beg dictators or show off the height of their di<ks, that too made by foreign labor because to them manual is haram.
What is it to you and none of your business?
Bigot alert.......

Against who?

Poverty is increasing across the Muslim world, a 'Space Agency' let alone a 'Space Program' will be a luxury to Nigeria, Libya, even Afghanistan. A stable government is a luxury for Somalia and Afghanistan let alone Sudan.

Dubai is more interested to make a skyscraper that is and I quote "a tad bit bigger than the burj' costing $1 billion.

I stated the obvious.

What is it to you and none of your business?

It's too ambitious.

Indonesia is the most advanced nation, having designed and built their own satellite.

Malaysia has the greatest amount of cooperation with NASA, and paid off Russia to fly their astronaut into space.

Iran is just under too much pressure to even consider a space program now that the die hard Guards have nothing better to do than launch ballistic missiles around.

Pakistan/ Turkey/ Egypt/ et all have either bought satellites or are renting services from existing ones, no one has actually launched a satellite other than Iran.

Budgets and know-how will limit such a program. NASA spent $25.4 billion just to land on the moon. It costs around $500 million to just launch a satellite, if you decide just to launch 1 satellite at a time.

Muslim nations are more interested in keeping ruling families in power than working on advancement. North Korea has pressed more focus to launching a satellite than any muslim country, think about that. A fucked up hermit kingdom can launch a satellite but the richest nations in the world rather build gold clock towers or islands that will only be washed away.

If if Turkey and Pakistan can work together it will be interesting. Pakistan has capable launch vehicles and spaceports, Turkey has satellite production capabilities. You got to start somewhere this is the only options anyone has.
Against who?

Poverty is increasing across the Muslim world, a 'Space Agency' let alone a 'Space Program' will be a luxury to Nigeria, Libya, even Afghanistan. A stable government is a luxury for Somalia and Afghanistan let alone Sudan.

Dubai is more interested to make a skyscraper that is and I quote "a tad bit bigger than the burj' costing $1 billion.

I stated the obvious.

It's too ambitious.

Indonesia is the most advanced nation, having designed and built their own satellite.

Malaysia has the greatest amount of cooperation with NASA, and paid off Russia to fly their astronaut into space.

Iran is just under too much pressure to even consider a space program now that the die hard Guards have nothing better to do than launch ballistic missiles around.

Pakistan/ Turkey/ Egypt/ et all have either bought satellites or are renting services from existing ones, no one has actually launched a satellite other than Iran.

Budgets and know-how will limit such a program. NASA spent $25.4 billion just to land on the moon. It costs around $500 million to just launch a satellite, if you decide just to launch 1 satellite at a time.

Muslim nations are more interested in keeping ruling families in power than working on advancement. North Korea has pressed more focus to launching a satellite than any muslim country, think about that. A fucked up hermit kingdom can launch a satellite but the richest nations in the world rather build gold clock towers or islands that will only be washed away.

If if Turkey and Pakistan can work together it will be interesting. Pakistan has capable launch vehicles and spaceports, Turkey has satellite production capabilities. You got to start somewhere this is the only options anyone has.

You got valid points but remember not a single Muslim state today has sovereignty in a true sense. Whose fault it is that is open to debate but definitely apart from our greed, ignorance, indifference and corruption, the diabolical grip of the world powers has its part in it too. We look the other way when the rights of another fellow Muslim are trampled but we're very sensitive when the rights of the non-Muslims are trampled because we find that not only convenient but also quite rewarding.
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It is big surprise for me that Turkey doesn't have any space agency while have launched about 15 satellites(some might be purchased after launch like Paksat.
I think Turkey, Indonesia operated Paksat before purchase by Pakistan(correct me if I'm wrong).
Indonesia have a high number or may be 30 total satellites(active are 13).
I remember India launched 1 Turkish satellite..
All the best.
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