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Turkey to Bangladesh: Open your doors to Rohingya Muslims, we'll cover all expenses

Bangladesh should be ashamed of itself.

Why should we be ashamed? At the end of the day we are taking the Rohyngas. According to AFP,UN nearly 87K entered BD since October 2016 and 43k in past week alone. So that makes total more than 600K with existing 500K.

If you are talking about military solution, thats a political decision and Remember Myanmar is kinda like N Korea 2.0..they dont give sh*t to international community that means they will continue their mass killings agenda. Bangladesh will consider all options first except war. Although in my personal opinion, a WAR with Burma is inevitable for Bangladesh today or tomorrow.

Turkey to Bangladesh: Open your doors to Rohingya Muslims, we'll cover all expenses
Published 14 hours ago

DHA Photo
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has called on Bangladesh to open its doors to Rohingya Muslims fleeing violence in Myanmar's western Rakhine state.

Speaking at a Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Eid al-Adha celebration event in the Mediterranean province of Antalya on Friday, Çavuşoğlu reiterated Turkey's call to Bangladesh to open its doors to Rohingya people, and said that Turkey would pay all the expenses.

"We have also mobilized the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. We will hold a summit regarding the Rakhine state this year. We need to find a decisive and permanent solution to this problem," the minister added.

He said that no other Muslim country other than Turkey is showing sensitivity towards the massacres happening in Myanmar.

In terms of humanitarian aid in the world, Turkey ranks 2nd after the United States with $6 billion and $6.3 billion respectively, Çavuşoğlu added.

Çavuşoğlu's comments and offer comes as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is holding numerous phone calls with Muslim leaders all over the world to call for intensified efforts to solve the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. Erdoğan has so far spoken with the heads of states of 13 countries on the occasion of Eid al-Adha and to convey his concerns about the situation in Rakhine.

Çavuşoğlu also reportedly spoke on the phone with former U.N. Secretary General and head of Advisory Commission on Rakhine State Kofi Annan.

Violence erupted in Myanmar's Rakhine state on Aug. 25 when the country's security forces launched an operation against the Rohingya Muslim community. It triggered a fresh influx of refugees towards neighboring Bangladesh, though the country sealed off its border to refugees.

Media reports said Myanmar security forces used disproportionate force, displacing thousands of Rohingya villagers and destroying their homes with mortars and machine guns.

The region has seen simmering tension between its Buddhist and Muslim populations since communal violence broke out in 2012.

A security crackdown launched last October in Maungdaw, where Rohingya make up the majority, led to a U.N. report on human rights violations by security forces that indicated crimes against humanity.

The U.N. documented mass gang-rape, killings -- including infants and young children -- brutal beatings, and disappearances. Rohingya representatives have said approximately 400 people have been slain during the crackdown.


Kudos to TURKEY!
India is also slaughtering Muslims, yet you guys are very cosy with them and do trade with them too

Not all Bangladeshis but you can say a certain political party. All suffering muslims from Khashmir,Burma,Syria,Palestine in our prayers. All we can do for now is just praying, nothing else. Bangladesh is not in a position due to its geography. One side with hindus and another with Buddhas :( but again only Almighty Allah swt knows about the future!

All countries especially the Muslim countries need to raise this issue. Can we not raise our voice against banana shit hole of Burma?

Raising voice wont work for Myanmar. They can be stopped with Bullets only, Nothing else!
Not all Bangladeshis but you can say a certain political party. All suffering muslims from Khashmir,Burma,Syria,Palestine in our prayers. All we can do for now is just praying, nothing else. Bangladesh is not in a position due to its geography. One side with hindus and another with Buddhas :( but again only Almighty Allah swt knows about the future!

Raising voice wont work for Myanmar. They can be stopped with Bullets only, Nothing else!
By raising the voice I meant extreme sanctions by UNO .... total boycott and as next step military intervention in the mean time a nearest country allows the refugees and the regime is bombed into oblivion but I'm ashamed by own country sells them weapons.
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Its sad that such violence erupted in myanmar and thousands have to flee their houses..but the silver lining is both rohingyas and myanmar will be in peace in the long run..

No they wont, Tatmadaw will never let that happen! They are in war with 5+ more other ethnic groups Shan, Karen,Kachin.. They love to play war games in all parts of the country.
I'm raising the voice meant extreme sanctions by UNO .... total boycott and as next step military intervention in the mean time a nearest country allows the refugees and the regime is bombed into oblivion but I'm ashamed by own country sells them weapons.

There were some sort of sanctions before Suu Kyi comes to the business. Many western companies are now investing heavily there. Also Bangladesh made significant efforts in UN to impress US,UK to discuss about Rohyngas but everytime everything gets wasted due to VETO from China.

Yes Pakistan should not have sold those JF17s. Quality products bring customers on autopilot.
They at least show the gutts to protest heavily for oppressions against Muslims.
So the standard for Muslim leader has become sooo freaking low that one can become one by just "protesting"? In that case then anti-war NGO are better leaders since they protest all the time.
How is Turkey a real Muslim leader when most of its people are far away from religion?
No!!! they are not. They are liberal towards certain things but still they as much of Muslim as anyone else. I stayed in Konya for sometime and I found them very good Muslims with pure hearts.
Dear Bangladesh just arrange flights for Rohingia refugees to travel to Turkey for asylum there.Turkey is a very rich and big country where they can get better lively hood.

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