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Turkey-Pak ties pose hurdle to India's entry to NSG club


Jan 10, 2013
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NEW DELHI: Turkey's special
relationship with Pakistan is
coming in the way of better ties
with India. In its quest for membership to
the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG),
India has come up against a
Turkish obstacle: Ankara says it
wants a "clarification" or
assurance on non-proliferation. In addition, Turkey is pushing the
case for Pakistan to enhance its
engagement with the global
nuclear body. India's displeasure
has led to a sharp decrease in
high-level interaction between the two countries. Feridun Sinirlioglu, undersecretary of the Turkish
foreign ministry, who led a high-level official
delegation to India this week for foreign office
consultations, told TOI, "We see Turkey's relations
with India as a strategic one. Our relations with
Pakistan should not impact India. We want to enhance ties with India on its own merit." But he admitted that Turkey had raised a "non-
proliferation" concern regarding India's
membership to the NSG. "Non-proliferation is an
issue," Sinirlioglu said. But he went on to say that
Turkey did not object to India's NSG membership.
Turkey is pushing a criteria-based membership to the nuclear body, which India believes, is aimed
at making way for an exemption for Pakistan.
Ankara, however, denies this. The nuclear membership is close to India's heart.
Turkey's stand has resulted in a sharp decline in
bilateral engagement with India, despite the fact
that it is regarded as an important partner.
National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon
was expected to be in Turkey earlier this month, but inexplicably cancelled his visit at the last
minute, citing scheduling problems. Turkey supported the waiver for nuclear
commerce with India at the NSG in 2008. Hence,
the raising of objections on non-proliferation
concerns has struck a discordant note in India.
India, say sources, has no proliferation issues. But
the objections are similar to the ones that China had made earlier, which were intended for the
same thing: an exemption for Pakistan. India sees
this move as being against its interests and is
convinced Turkey is acting as a cat's paw for
both China and Pakistan. Diplomatic sources aver
that Turkey was keen on "helping" Pakistan, to "save" the nation. India went through an arduous process of a
nuclear deal with the US and was granted a
waiver by the NSG. A couple of years later, China
announced it would sell a couple of new nuclear
reactors to Pakistan, which it said was
"grandfathered" at the time of China joining the NSG. Given China's growing stature, there was
little or no objection from the NSG. Turkey has
argued that Pakistan's "engagement" with the
NSG should increase. However, India interprets
this as a backdoor entry for Pakistan, a known
nuclear proliferator, into the nuclear body. Turkey, indicated Sinirlioglu, was looking at
nuclear cooperation with India. Turkey is in the
market to buy several nuclear reactors. It is
currently focused on Russia, but India could also
look at Turkey as a reactor market. That needs an
NSG membership for India. Wires are clearly crossed between New Delhi and Ankara.

Economics and larger Interests will soon make them fall in line.
As far as I know, India's proliferation record has been completely clean. China, on the other hand, exported such tech to North Korea and Pakistan, and AQ Khan's proliferation network is well known. So if they were so happily exporting and spreading nuclear technology, why be upset at India who has a spotless record in this area? If you want membership on an equal basis, your actions and track record has to be equally clean as well, no exceptions.

But alas, geopolitics involves not logic but double standards, not sense but self-interest. And Turkey will continue to raise objections and concerns at India's 'proliferation' whilst pushing an exception for its 'brother's' shady past. We don't need the NSG anyway, it was founded as an anti-India exclusive club in response to our test in 74.

What matters is supply of fuel and self-reliance in nuclear tech. We have agreements with Australia, Canada and Central Asian countries that contain over half the world's uranium reserves, alongside both independent and joint reactor projects with Russians amongst others. So they should continue on blocking a genuine application out of jealousy that their (or their deeper-than-black-hole friend's) irresponsible actions could not fetch it the same reward that is being considered for a country which restrained itself.
Read the last few lines:
Turkey is looking for economical reactors and India is one potential supplier. If Turkey is really serious about this, it technically won't object to India's entry to NSG.
By the way the main concern that comes out of this story is India's not so warm relations with Turkey which in my opinion is not good sign if India wants to have some say in Eurasian region.
Turkey is teaming with pakistan which has history of nuclear proliferation to ask our assurance on the same thing?????? :hitwall:

by the way,India's special relationship is more than enough to get a place there,even when we are no member of NSG,many countries already offered nuclear deals..that explains everything..
Pakistan's friends standby us but we hope that the World body will treat India and Pakistan equitably and fairly.

Exceptions for India alone will spell demise of NSG.
Pakistan's friends standby us but we hope that the World body will treat India and Pakistan equitably and fairly.

Exceptions for India alone will spell demise of NSG.

There was none, there is none, and there never will be equality between india and pakistan.

Its a offence for us to club india with pakistan. (no offence intended)

will cease to be worth anything if China continues to object. 40 plus countries and frankly all but China that don't object, will see China as being petty and bringing objections based on personal bias.

This will hurt China's' standing not India's. Countries that matter already have separate agreements with you, more will go that way. You can't keep the largest democracy, with a great nonproliferation record, and a huge regional power stay off the table. Stay cool and let china get cornered and look petty. You have us, Australia, Africa and Europe - we are on your side. Stop trippin every other day about this stuff.
I don't think Turkey will create any problem considering their relations with US.
Turkey depends much on US than Pakistan.

will cease to be worth anything if China continues to object. 40 plus countries and frankly all but China that don't object, will see China as being petty and bringing objections based on personal bias.

This will hurt China's' standing not India's. Countries that matter already have separate agreements with you, more will go that way. You can't keep the largest democracy, with a great nonproliferation record, and a huge regional power stay off the table. Stay cool and let china get cornered and look petty. You have us, Australia, Africa and Europe - we are on your side. Stop trippin every other day about this stuff.

Sir the article is from 2013, dont know what is the intention of the OP but rest assured we are not, as you say "trippin every other day"
As far as I know, India's proliferation record has been completely clean. China, on the other hand, exported such tech to North Korea and Pakistan, and AQ Khan's proliferation network is well known. So if they were so happily exporting and spreading nuclear technology, why be upset at India who has a spotless record in this area? If you want membership on an equal basis, your actions and track record has to be equally clean as well, no exceptions.

But alas, geopolitics involves not logic but double standards, not sense but self-interest. And Turkey will continue to raise objections and concerns at India's 'proliferation' whilst pushing an exception for its 'brother's' shady past. We don't need the NSG anyway, it was founded as an anti-India exclusive club in response to our test in 74.

What matters is supply of fuel and self-reliance in nuclear tech. We have agreements with Australia, Canada and Central Asian countries that contain over half the world's uranium reserves, alongside both independent and joint reactor projects with Russians amongst others. So they should continue on blocking a genuine application out of jealousy that their (or their deeper-than-black-hole friend's) irresponsible actions could not fetch it the same reward that is being considered for a country which restrained itself.
But we also export the nuclear reactors to India. India also got our technology...
North Korea's nuclear weapons do not have any relations with China!!!!! Unless the Chinese IQ are lower than those of people in India, in their beijing 1000 km of a nuclear war. This kind of stupid things, China would not do.
But we also export the nuclear reactors to India. India also got our technology...
North Korea's nuclear weapons do not have any relations with China!!!!! Unless the Chinese IQ are lower than those of people in India, in their beijing 1000 km of a nuclear war. This kind of stupid things, China would not do.
Say it again.
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