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Turkey, Egypt hold naval exercises


Jul 9, 2010
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Turkey, Egypt hold naval exercises Sept 29
9/27/2010 8:10:00 PM

ANKARA, Sept 27 (KUNA) -- Turkey and Egypt hold joint naval maneuvers in the Mediterranean on Wednesday, the second war-games held between the two countries.
A statement by the Turkish Cheif of Staff Command said Monday the maneuvers would be held in the Egyptian territorial waters until October 4, and aimed at getting acquainted with the fighting capabilities in both sides.
Turkey will take part with two frigates, a submarine, a helicopter and a squad of special forces. it noted.
Egypt will send two frigates, a submarine, two attack boats, three helicopters and two units of divers, said the statement.
The previous naval war-games were held in Turkey last November.

"The location and the timing of this exercise are well worth of noting. And further more my inner voice tells me that at least one ex- Perry class frigate from both navies will take part in this exercise. And on board of Turkish G class frigate the Turkish officers will show off their modern CIC and the GENESIS modernization to their Egyptian counterparts. "

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