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Tunisia gov't says to close 80 mosques for inciting 'violence'!

Actually, it was the British that supported Saudis instead of traditional and more moderate Sharifs of Mecca, the Hashemites that are currently ruling not-so-radical Kingdom of Jordan:

One of the oldest dead civilizations on the planet, you mean? :o:

I am a Hijazi Hashemite. Large parts of my family migrated abroad (other Arab countries and Europe) when KSA was created in 1932. Many of us never left though.

We are Shafi'is and that along with the Maliki maddhab still the two most popular madahib in Hijaz. Sufism is still present not that they don't have their share of baffling practices but it's the hipsters pick. I personally have nothing against them just like I have nothing against any Muslim sect. At most theological differences.

You are completely wrong. The House of Saud were never supported by the Brits or any Westerner. Their homeland (Najd) was never ruled by the West or anyone for that matter and they themselves conquered what is now KSA and unified it in 1932.

Unification of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was the Hashemites who started the Arab revolt as a reaction to the Young Turk movement and growing Arab unhappiness with the Ottomans and the emerging hope of an Arab state (there were many Arab areas that were not under the control Ottomans but I am here mostly talking about Hijaz, Iraq, Levant (there heartland so to speak).
Brits supported that movement for their own gains. When the Ottomans were defeated during the Arab Revolt they did not stick to their deal (promise of 1 big Arab country from Syria to Yemen) and instead compensated by giving the throne in Syria, Iraq and Jordan to the Hashemites. That was after the Brits had left Hijaz on its own. The Kingdom of Hijaz was conquered by the House of Saud in 1925 and incorporate into the Sultanate of Najd. 7 years later what is now KSA was founded.

Ties with the West first emerged during the visit of US President Roosevelt in the early 1940's and Brits were not involved with that at all.

Britain has much closer historical ties to other Arab countries, South Asia (British India) than KSA. Even to this day KSA trade and ties are bigger/closer with France rather than the UK let alone the US.
I am a Hijazi Hashemite. Large parts of my family migrated abroad (other Arab countries and Europe) when KSA was created in 1932. Many of us never left though.

We are Shafi'is and that along with the Maliki maddhab still the two most popular madahib in Hijaz. Sufism is still present not that they don't have their share of baffling practices but it's the hipsters pick. I personally have nothing against them just like I have nothing against any Muslim sect. At most theological differences.

You are completely wrong. The House of Saud were never supported by the Brits or any Westerner. Their homeland (Najd) was never ruled by the West or anyone for that matter and they themselves conquered what is now KSA and unified it in 1932.

Unification of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was the Hashemites who started the Arab revolt as a reaction to the Young Turk movement and growing Arab unhappiness by the Ottomans and the Brits supported that movement for their own gains. When the Ottomans were defeated the Arab Revolt they did not stick to their deal (1 big Arab country from Syria to Yemen) and instead compensated by giving the throne in Syria, Iraq and Jordan to the Hashemites. That was after the Brits had left Hijaz on its own. The Kingdom of Hijaz was conquered by the House of Saud in 1925 and incorporate into the Sultanate of Najd. 7 years later what is now KSA was founded.

Ties with the West first emerged during the visit of Roosevelt in the early 1940's and Brits were not involved with that at all.

Britain has much closer historical ties to other Arab countries, South Asia (British India) than KSA. Even to this day KSA trade and ties are bigger/closer with France rather than the UK let alone the US.
These people are completely blinded by lies spread by west
I am a Hijazi Hashemite. Large parts of my family migrated abroad (other Arab countries and Europe) when KSA was created in 1932. Many of us never left though.

We are Shafi'is and that along with the Maliki maddhab still the two most popular madahib in Hijaz. Sufism is still present not that they don't have their share of baffling practices but it's the hipsters pick. I personally have nothing against them just like I have nothing against any Muslim sect. At most theological differences.

You are completely wrong. The House of Saud were never supported by the Brits or any Westerner. Their homeland (Najd) was never ruled by the West or anyone for that matter and they themselves conquered what is now KSA and unified it in 1932.

Unification of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was the Hashemites who started the Arab revolt as a reaction to the Young Turk movement and growing Arab unhappiness by the Ottomans and the Brits supported that movement for their own gains. When the Ottomans were defeated the Arab Revolt they did not stick to their deal (1 big Arab country from Syria to Yemen) and instead compensated by giving the throne in Syria, Iraq and Jordan to the Hashemites. That was after the Brits had left Hijaz on its own. The Kingdom of Hijaz was conquered by the House of Saud in 1925 and incorporate into the Sultanate of Najd. 7 years later what is now KSA was founded.

Ties with the West first emerged during the visit of Roosevelt in the early 1940's and Brits were not involved with that at all.

Britain has much closer historical ties to other Arab countries, South Asia (British India) than KSA. Even to this day KSA trade and ties are bigger/closer with France rather than the UK let alone the US.
These people are completely blinded by lies spread by west
I am a Hijazi Hashemite. Large parts of my family migrated abroad (other Arab countries and Europe) when KSA was created in 1932. Many of us never left though.

We are Shafi'is and that along with the Maliki maddhab still the two most popular madahib in Hijaz. Sufism is still present not that they don't have their share of baffling practices but it's the hipsters pick. I personally have nothing against them just like I have nothing against any Muslim sect. At most theological differences.

You are completely wrong. The House of Saud were never supported by the Brits or any Westerner. Their homeland (Najd) was never ruled by the West or anyone for that matter and they themselves conquered what is now KSA and unified it in 1932.

Unification of Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was the Hashemites who started the Arab revolt as a reaction to the Young Turk movement and growing Arab unhappiness by the Ottomans and the Brits supported that movement for their own gains. When the Ottomans were defeated the Arab Revolt they did not stick to their deal (1 big Arab country from Syria to Yemen) and instead compensated by giving the throne in Syria, Iraq and Jordan to the Hashemites. That was after the Brits had left Hijaz on its own. The Kingdom of Hijaz was conquered by the House of Saud in 1925 and incorporate into the Sultanate of Najd. 7 years later what is now KSA was founded.

Ties with the West first emerged during the visit of Roosevelt in the early 1940's and Brits were not involved with that at all.

Britain has much closer historical ties to other Arab countries, South Asia (British India) than KSA. Even to this day KSA trade and ties are bigger/closer with France rather than the UK let alone the US.
These people are completely blinded by lies spread by west
You are completely wrong. The House of Saud were never supported by the Brits or any Westerner.
Nothing but loads of BS and history twisting:
Having acquired such a tremendous area, Abd al Aziz then faced the daunting task of governing it. First, however, he had to deal with the rebellious Ikhwan. When the Ikhwan leadership revolted against Abd al Aziz, he took to the field to lead his army, which was now supported by four British aircraft (flown by British pilots) and a fleet of 200 military vehicles that symbolized the modernization that the Ikhwan abhorred. After being crushed at the Battle of Sabalah, the Ikhwan were eliminated as an organized military force in early 1930.The suppression of the Ikhwan brought to an end the chronic warfare in the Arabian Peninsula
Britain Saud Ikhwan Rebellion 1929-1930

No British support for Al-Saud family, my asss! :D

These people are completely blinded by lies spread by west
Read above post, dumbo. Ikhwan Revolts against Saudis was crushed with the help of Royal Air Force. They actually used airplanes against a bunch of camel jockeys! Unbelievably humane and Islamic way of defeating your enemy! :D
Nothing but loads of BS and history twisting:

Britain Saud Ikhwan Rebellion 1929-1930

No British support for Al-Saud family, my asss! :D

Read above post, dumbo. Ikhwan Revolts against Saudis was crushed with the help of Royal Air Force. They actually used airplanes against a bunch of camel jockeys! Unbelievably humane and Islamic way of defeating your enemy! :D
No they weren't supported your ignorance is of epic proportions.
Nothing but loads of BS and history twisting:

Britain Saud Ikhwan Rebellion 1929-1930

No British support for Al-Saud, my asss! :D

You are the one that is twisting history because you like most other Pakistanis here on PDF have no clue about the history of the Arab world despite of its absolutely crucial place in world history.

The Ikhwan were doing raids on British controlled Kuwait and Iraq long before that happened and the Brits had to use their air force (one of the first times they used just that) to stop the advance of the Ikhwan otherwise Iraq and Kuwait would likely have been conquered too. Only when the Ikhwan turned against King Saud (due to in their eyes broken promises) did the Brits assist him but that was long before the events I told you about including the conquest of the Kingdom of Hijaz in 1925. KSA was de facto already created. Please don't make a mockery of yourself.

Ikhwan Revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ikhwan raids on Transjordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Saudi conquest of Hejaz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Checkmate buddy.
No they weren't supported your ignorance is of epic proportions.
You have got reading problems? The British openly supported Saudis against the Ikhwan tribesmen:
After the conquest of the Hejaz, some Ikhwan leaders wanted to continue the expansion of the Wahhabist realm into the British protectorates of Transjordan, Iraq and Kuwait. The tribesmen had already attempted external territorial gains in the Kuwait-Najd Border War and raided Transjordan, but suffered heavy casualties. Defying Ibn Saud, elements of the Ikhwan, mainly constituting of the Mutair tribe under al-Dawish, raided on southern Iraq in 5 November 1927, clashing with Iraqi troops near Busayyah, resulting in some 20 casualties on both sides.[1] Ikhwan elements also raided Kuwait on January 1928. In both occasions they looted camels and sheep, and though they raided brutally, they suffered heavy retaliations from the Royal Air Force and Kuwaitis.[8]

In January 1929, an Ikhwan raid on into the Sheikhdom of Kuwait resulted in killing of an American missionary, Dr. Bilkert, who was traveling by car with another American, philanthropist Charles Crane.[9] With no signs of Ibn Saud mobilizing his forces to stop the raids, RAF resources were extended to Kuwait.[9]

Open revolt

Abdul-Aziz, however, refused to agree to the wild Ikhwani raids. Although the Ikhwan had been taught that all non-Wahabbis were infidels, Abdul-Aziz was well aware that the few parts of central Arabia not part of his realm had treaties with London. He himself had just won British recognition as an independent ruler only a year earlier, and recognized the danger of a direct conflict with the British. The Ikhwan therefore openly revolted on December 1928.
Ikhwan Revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This doesn't solve anything. Those who were making mosques the means of transmitting their violent ideology will now do it inside homes. What is needed is a change of attitudes, not places.
Also denouncing certain theology as part of Islam.....
Checkmate buddy.
The Treaty of Darin, or the Darin Pact, of 1915 was between the United Kingdom and Abdul-Aziz Al Saud (sometimes called Ibn Saud) ruler of Nejd, who would go on to found the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.

The Treaty was the first to give international recognition to the fledgling Saudi state. Also, for the first time in Nejdi history the concept of negotiated borders had been introduced.[4] Additionally, although the British aim was to secure its Gulf protectorates, the Treaty had the unintended consequence of legitimising Saudi control in the adjacent areas.[4] The Treaty was superseded by the Treaty of Jeddah (1927).
Treaty of Darin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oops :D

A Saudi state in mostly Najd already existed almost 200 years prior to that. What has a written agreement to do with actual support? Support that never came when KSA was unified and only when mutual enemies (Ikhwan) raided BRITISH controlled Kuwait and Iraq.:lol:

The Brits did not put the House of Saud in power, they did not unify KSA (House of Saud did) and they were not supported by the Brits or anyone else for that matter against other dynasties/kingdoms/imamates/sheikdoms in what is now KSA.

You can try harder next time.


Look at the dates. Prior to Napoleon even. Before any Brit had stepped foot in Arabia let alone gained any foothold in the Arab world. In fact no Western power had that (France nor UK).:lol:

A Saudi state in mostly Najd already existed almost 200 years prior to that. What has a written agreement to do with actual support? Support that never came when KSA was unified and only when mutual enemies (Ikhwan) raided BRITISH controlled Kuwait and Iraq.:lol:

The Brits did not put the House of Saud in power, they did not unify KSA (House of Saud did) and they were not supported by the Brits or anyone else for that matter against other dynasties/kingdoms/imamates/sheikdoms in what is now KSA.

You can try harder next time.


Saudi Wahhabi state was defeated time and again by the Ottomans. Oddly enough, it was Ottoman Muslim Caliphate that had to deal with violent Salafis back then:
Abdullah bin Saud was later executed in the Ottoman capital Constantinople with his severed head later thrown into the waters of the Bosphorus, marking the end of what was known as the First Saudi State.[6] However, both the Salafi movement and the remaining members of the Al Saud clan stayed committed to found a Second Saudi State that lasted until 1891, and later a third state, Saudi Arabia, which continues to rule till the present day.
Emirate of Diriyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the demise of the last Muslim Caliphate, there was no one left to deal with their stream of Islam, and with the advent of petrodollars, export of violent Jihad became inevitable to other parts of the Muslim world :D
Saudi Wahhabi state was defeated time and again by the Ottomans. Oddly enough, it was Ottoman Muslim Caliphate that had to deal with violent Salafis back then:

Emirate of Diriyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the demise of the last Muslim Caliphate, there was no one left to deal with their stream of Islam, and with the advent of petrodollars, export of violent Jihad became inevitable to other parts of the Muslim world :D

False. The successive Saudi States defeated the Ottomans several times in Arabia and immediate regions and occupied de jure Ottoman controlled territories as seen by my map for instance for years.

The Saudi state was defeated by an Egyptian army (try again) led by Ibrahim Pasha (an Albanian Wali) only to be defeated completely later never to return.:D

I don't care as my ancestors already spread Islam to the entire Muslim world regardless of sect (Sunni or Shia) including Sufism nor am I a Najdi or a Hanbali. Try again.:D
Take a good time reading ISIS fatwas, charter of Hamas and of other Islamic terrorist groups. All their intentions and orders are quoted directly from core Islamic "teachings" :D


Lol great find, so Iranian members here where right when they said their Quran tells them to hate and hunt Jew's down. Me who thought it was just their own exaggeration, seems i was wrong. Lol
Tunisia under Ben Ali and the past after independence had a very harsh restrictive law on Muslim practicing their faith so I believe this wont affect Tunisians (a large percentage of them are secular like Turks), they have gotten used to it after all those years. They are not like other Arab countries, you know which is why I think they were the only one to escape turmoil of the Arab Spring.
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