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TTP’s ex-spokesperson challenges sacking in Taliban court

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Former spokesperson of the Pakistani Taliban Ehsanullah Ehsan, who was recently sacked by the central council over his alleged threats to the Afghan Taliban, says he has challenged the decision in Taliban’s Islamic court and that he has relinquished all other organizational responsibilities.
A Taliban leaflet distributed in North Waziristan tribal region this week said that Ehsan had been removed as the TTP spokesperson by the central Shura or council for his controversial remarks that created a rift between the Pakistani and the Afghan Taliban. The leaflet said that the decision had been taken with the consultation of the TTP chief, Hakimullah Mehsud.
However, Ehsan approached the Taliban court and rejected charges against him, claiming that he had not threatened the Afghan Taliban.
The former TTP spokesperson talked about the Afghan Taliban last month when some armed groups planned an attack on the Pakistani Taliban bases in the Mohmand tribal region bordering Afghanistan.
Ehsan had told The Express Tribune in June that the TTP rivals in Mohmand agency – Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, Ansar-ul-Islam and the local ‘Lashkar’ or volunteers were using the name of the Afghan Taliban.
He had stated that the TTP shows allegiance to the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” but had requested the Afghan Taliban leadership to clarify its position on the anti-TTP campaign in Mohmand agency.
He said that a delegation of the Afghan Taliban had been involved in negotiations but they never complained against him. “The Afghan Taliban had in fact spoken in my favour,” he claimed.
The sacked TTP spokesperson said that the Council members had not yet appeared in the Taliban court to formally present their charges against him.
“The judge has issued them notices twice to appear and prove their charges; however, they are reluctant to present their case,” Ehsan said, adding that he had presented all media statements before the judge.
He said that the court could deliver the verdict if the council members failed to appear. “The Ameer and all members will be bound to accept the court’s order,” he went on to say.
He said that he had quit as in-charge of the TTP political affairs and also relinquished all other responsibilities but said that he was still a member of the group and is loyal to the Ameer.
Ehsan, who belongs to Mohmand agency, said that he had twice resigned as TTP spokesperson but it was rare for TTP to sack any of its members.
An Afghan Taliban official, who requested not to be identified, refused to comment on the issue and said that the Afghan Taliban were limited only to Afghanistan and “did not involve themselves outside Afghanistan.”
Incredible - that an insurgency should have such freedom and the intricacies of their administrative and personal feuds should be the subject of public consumption, instead of killing them, we are now fascinated by their functioning -

Keeping up with the Taliban - soon to be a new reality TV show
ISLAMABAD: Former spokesperson of the Pakistani Taliban Ehsanullah Ehsan, who was recently sacked by the central council over his alleged threats to the Afghan Taliban, says he has challenged the decision in Taliban’s Islamic court and that he has relinquished all other organizational responsibilities.

He said that the court could deliver the verdict if the council members failed to appear. “The Ameer and all members will be bound to accept the court’s order,” he went on to say.

Wow. That is something. So the Taliban has a grievance redressal mechanism in place. Maybe they even have a Labor Union for their Gunmen and Bombers and a "Workman's Compensation Act" for unemployed Suicide Bombers and Bomb-Makers.

Will I be surprised to hear of a "Taliban Human Rights Commission" and the "Taliban Agency for Protection of Women's Rights" ?
Anything is possible......
We shouldn’t be surprise to read about their hypocritical ways. Unfortunately for them, the people started seeing the truth and it became obvious they are only concerned with achieving their deadly objectives. They’ve left no doubts in regards to their dangerous agenda in the region. Thousands of innocent people have fallen victims to their acts of terror. We’ve lost thousands of brave soldiers in fighting TTP and their affiliates on both sides of the border. Our shared will and desire to stabilize the region has given us the strength and motivation to remain unified against our common enemies. We will not let these extremist organizations deter us from achieving our peace objectives in the region, and continue to work together for the betterment of the region.

Ali Khan
Ehsanullah Ehsan is the spokesman for the TTP and he must immediately be killed by the Pakistan army. I don't know why animals like him are left along in our great Pakistan when they are the biggest takfiris around.

Pakistan needs a proper strategy to beat back the brutal barbarians known as the Taliban. We should crush these animals under our heels but no one seems to be doing anything to make this a reality.

Down with the Taliban.

What is the probability that the new Hakimullah will be the next victim of drone attacks and an immediate martyr of traitor Pakistani politicians ?

On a more serious note , it is disturbing , very disturbing that they are functioning so freely like this in the tribal areas . I mean , what is stopping the Pakistan Army from sending them to the Fire Gardens ?
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PESHAWAR: A militant 'court' has stayed the removal of Ehsanullah Ehsan as central spokesman for banned militant group Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) for another 45 days, says a signed order by the 'court' in Pakistan's tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.

On Tuesday, a pamphlet by the TTP central council (shura) had announced the removal of Ehsan — a prominent figure close to the TTP’s top brass — for making remarks that angered the Afghan Taliban and raised the danger of divisions between the two militant organisations.

However, the “Dar-ul Qaza” or ‘high court’ of the Pakistani Taliban has issued a ‘stay order’ against the decision until members of the ‘central council’ appear for a hearing, says the leaflet, a copy of which is available with Dawn.com.

The July 10 ‘order’ is one of a series of signs of growing divisions within the TTP, an umbrella group of different militant factions.

The document also shows the existence of parallel ‘militant courts' operating in Pakistan's volatile northwestern tribal areas.

Ehsanullah Ehsan had earlier challenged his removal by the Taliban central council in the 'court', after which it had summoned the council and the former spokesman.

Members of the Pakistani Taliban central council, however, twice failed to show up for the hearing, citing “holidays until the 10th day after Eid-ul-Fitr,” says the document.

In the order dated July 10, the ‘court’ subsequently stayed the removal of Ehsan as central spokesman until members of the central council appear for a hearing and allow the sacked spokesman to plead his case.

Taliban 'court' stays TTP spokesman's sacking - DAWN.COM
What, so now they have Taliban court in place? I wonder what more is to come? should we be taking some management lessons from them, because looks like they have recruitment ,finance and a fully working HR department in place

Wait for the tribal agencies attorney next with

The prosecution wishes to drop all charges , I rest my case , God's viceroy
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Wait for the tribal agencies attorney next with

The prosecution wishes to drop all charges , I rest my case , God's viceroy
I wonder if the lawyers they have are qualified enough or perhaps they will be hiring the best defence / prosecution attorney money could buy, is this not what they do in our ATC or Normal courts?
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I wonder if the lawyers they have are qualified enough or perhaps they will be hiring the best defence / prosecution attorney money could buy, is this not what they do in our ATC or Normal courts?

There's no concept of lawyers here , mate .

There are divinely guided elders who are infallible doing that job here , since they believe in ideal Khilafat and the chosen people choosing the leaders and not the people themselves . So whoever gets the biggest Mullah or say the greatest medieval minded , wins this Ehsanullah vs State case .
There's no concept of lawyers here , mate .

There are divinely guided elders who are infallible doing that job here , since they believe in ideal Khilafat and the chosen people choosing the leaders and not the people themselves . So whoever gets the biggest Mullah or say the greatest medieval minded , wins this Ehsanullah vs State case .

Can I watch the proceedings ? :what:

And which of the two is going to be represented by Atticus Finch ? :unsure:
I wonder if Ehsanullah Ehsan will be eligible for state pension? or just the 70 w.h.o.r.e.s with some miles on them :sleep:
There's no concept of lawyers here , mate .

There are divinely guided elders who are infallible doing that job here , since they believe in ideal Khilafat and the chosen people choosing the leaders and not the people themselves . So whoever gets the biggest Mullah or say the greatest medieval minded , wins this Ehsanullah vs State case .

Or the Mullah with the biggest Book will come out tops? Or even the most persuasive looking visage (including an AK) will win the suit?
Can I watch the proceedings ? :what:

And which of the two is going to be represented by Atticus Finch ? :unsure:

The divinely guided chosen people do not want to be seen ! :astagh:

Nah , Kevin from Devil's Advocate is coming to defend Ehsanullah .

On a serious note , nothing but a PR stunt by these attention seeking el bastardos !

Or the Mullah with the biggest Book will come out tops? Or even the most persuasive looking visage (including an AK) will win the suit?

You mean the God's viceroy ? Oh yeah , the knowledgeable one , 1st Earl of Afghanistan FM Talib will win easily here !
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