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TTP plotting prison break in Faisalabad: Report


Apr 25, 2012
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Militants belonging to the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are planning an attack on Central Jail Faisalabad to secure release of their high-profile accomplices imprisoned there.
Intelligence reports, circulated to the Punjab Home Department, office of Inspector General Police and Inspector General of Prisons Punjab, have warned that terrorists belonging to the TTP (Tariq Afridi group) plan to abduct Superintendent Central Jail Faisalabad Tariq Mahmood Khan Babar in order to carry out the jailbreak plan.
Talking to The Express Tribune, Inspector General of Prisons (IGP) Punjab Mian Farooq Nazeer confirmed the reports and assured that foolproof security measures were being put in place to foil any terrorist bid to secure release of their accomplices.
In order to ensure security at prisons and in light of the successful Bannu jailbreak earlier in the year, the Punjab Home Department has requested the ministry of interior to ensure deployment of Rangers at all 9 central jails.
Additionally, IG police has revealed that Punjab government has allocated Rs200 million for installation of jammers at central jails in the province. Three central jails are expected to have operational jammers by the end of the month to cope with emerging threats in the province.
Similarly, in an attempt to equip jail staff to deal with terrorist threats, the first batch of 100 jail staffers will be joining Elite Commando Training Course on September 1, 2012. This process is expected to continue for each batch of commando training during the course of the year.
However, in light of the immediate security concerns, jail authorities have conducted thorough search operations in jails and recovered 2,000 mobile phones from prisoners. In this regard, 65 jailers have been suspended for demonstrating negligence in performing their duties.
Currently, more than 300 high-profile terrorists are incarcerated at 9 central jails in the province, amounting to 90 per cent of all high-profile prisoners imprisoned across the country. The Punjab government is expected to take serious note of threat assessment made by intelligence agencies and ensure tight security protocols are put in place to deter terrorist activity in the province.
Of all the places Fsd...?? Are they serious or the want to commit suicide.
Why were these people put into jail in the first place?? All TTP members that are captured should be interrogated and then executed. :hitwall:
What else will happen when our courts have shamelessly failed in hanging these people :rolleyes:
Terror related cases should have separate courts and should be fast tracked.How about trying them in military tribunal.
and these rats would get wasted before the colossal walls of Lyallpur central jail (has to be one of the most secure jails in Pakistan). So yeah, let them come.
such threats HAVE to be taken seriously....

shoot on sight order should be issued in and around the area and there should be more cordons; traffic around the facility should be re-directed...the use of jammers will be useful, as terrorists often use CBs or cell phones while carrying out their attacks

not a single terrorist deserves the light of day

it's important to always be not just one -- but five or ten steps ahead of the enemies
And you know they ARE gonna attack. And succeed most likely.
What else will happen when our courts have shamelessly failed in hanging these people :rolleyes:

Brother I think you have a good point, but the police investigation is not being done properly, hence, these rats are being set free due to lack of evidence.

So I don't think the judges are at fault here.
What else will happen when our courts have shamelessly failed in hanging these people :rolleyes:

The Courts do no care about these people , they can Kill any one for all they care , only thing the judiciary cars is for is their own Ego , Right now i understand why Musharaff did , what he did to CJ.
The Courts do no care about these people , they can Kill any one for all they care , only thing the judiciary cars is for is their own Ego , Right now i understand why Musharaff did , what he did to CJ.

This is one big question mark on our judicial system, they need to prove their worth in prosecuting these morons or just STFU and let the S Wing roll on their terms.
This is the sort of lawlessness that threatens the stability of the region, and that we must stand together to take action against. These terrorists have already created enough chaos and caused enough destruction to the nation of Pakistan. It’s clear that they desire to inflict even more pain and suffering. They are clearly working against our efforts to restore peace in the region, and have made it clear that they do not wish to see any alliance between the U.S. and Pakistan. We must let these terrorists know that the safety of the region and its people holds the utmost importance. We must work closely together to defeat this threat. The terrorist must be made aware that we stand united against them.

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
Brother I think you have a good point, but the police investigation is not being done properly, hence, these rats are being set free due to lack of evidence.

So I don't think the judges are at fault here.

Non-execution of criminals and terrorists sentenced to death is a political issue. It has nothing to do with the courts. Indeed, we are in the habit of criticising the courts without perusal of the realities. The fact is that none of the condemned prisoners (those sentenced to death by the courts) has been executed since 2007. STAY OF EXECUTION OF CONDEMNED PRISONERS is extended for another three months by the PPP's political government of Pakistan led by Mr. Zardari (an ex-prisoner) after every quarter. Resultantly, no one is being executed. Thousands of terrorists, militants, serial killers and gangsters are lodged in jails who have actually been sentenced to death by the honourable courts since years after thorough judicial trial. Interestingly, these murderers are being provided best food and medical care during incarceration under the behest of political governments both in the provinces and the federal capital in the name of Rehabilitation, Reformation, Correction, Human Rights, etc., etc. They are actually enjoying in the prisons. In the words of one senior Justice who visited a prison in the provincial capital of Punjab, prisoners are being provided food and medical care behind the walls of prisons that is NOT available to the middle class people of this country. Timely execution of these all sorts of murderers is the actual deterrence against the terrorism and militancy which is no more in existence. PPP government led by Benazir Bhutto released thousands of condemned prisoners in 1990s by announcing a general amnesty merely to gain political support of these killers and their biradaries (tribes). By the way, there are thousands of votes behind every condemned prisoner in Punjab and Sindh.

So, my dears, unless we take a U-turn from our policies of supporting the killers in the aforesaid way, terrorism shall flourish and we shall perhaps continue blaming our LEAs and Judiciary.
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