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TTP leaders offered 'foreign passports' by sponsors to avoid extradition

India has issued passports to terrorist leaders before who were sheltered by Karzai ie Brahumdagh bugti.

If that is true, then Pakistan has valid grounds to seek Bugti's extradition from Switzerland on grounds of being a Terrorist and on grounds of having false papers. Has that been done yet?

India sought Abu Jundal's extradition on the very same two grounds. And succeeded.
If that is true, then Pakistan has valid grounds to seek Bugti's extradition from Switzerland on grounds of being a Terrorist and on grounds of having false papers. Has that been done yet?

India sought Abu Jundal's extradition on the very same two grounds. And succeeded.

Propaganda is not actionable in international diplomacy and paperwork. Propaganda is for domestic consumption only and is apparently very effective.
Well Said,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
foreign passports are on offer to anyone involved in anti Pakistan activites , take the case of bramdagh bugti , he escapsed into afghanistan where the kharzai regime supported and propped up by NATO/US supported this terrorist


and later made travel arragments for him to go to switzerland ( with full blessings of NATO and most importantly the United States )

Brahumdagh Bugti Baloch Swiss Tv Interview - YouTube
India has issued passports to terrorist leaders before who were sheltered by Karzai ie Brahumdagh bugti.
Kindly provide proofs. In the report there is no mention of India.
Propaganda is not actionable in international diplomacy and paperwork. Propaganda is for domestic consumption only and is apparently very effective.

works for daydreamers though... :lol:
so why is our government sitting with bangles in their hands its time to take action and afghans dont hand over TTP figures then cross border surgical strikes should be on the table as last resort move.
Bhai it will give more recruits to TTP if Afghanistan is attacked by Pakistan.
Kindly provide proofs. In the report there is no mention of India.

the usual denial and asking for prof is not going to work , you are guilty of supporting terrorists in Pakistan and you shall be made to pay for this very soon ... we have pulled the rug from the underneath the mad dog in this fight , on whom you had placed all your bets ... next we'll deal with u
works for daydreamers though... :lol:
Rehman Malik said that India is behind BLA and he will provide the proof. People also believe that India is behind TTP.

Why don't they see that Baluchistan is targeted because it is the part of land for China to get access to warm waters and it will reduce its vulnerable IOR sea lanes which is always on target of US navy.

And we all know how much US wants to raise hurdles for China. The amount of money given to TTP can easily be provided by CIA which always uses these tactics all over the world.

US has also done this in this region against USSR, they can easily do it by providing support to Afghanistan govt. like they helped Pakistan.

The usual suspect is US. But all see India's hand behind it.

the usual denial and asking for prof is not going to work , you are guilty of supporting terrorists in Pakistan and you shall be made to pay for this very soon ... we have pulled the rug from the underneath the mad dog in this fight , on whom you had placed all your bets ... next we'll deal with u
Yeah, Yeah, like you take our proofs seriously. Hafeez Saeed is living freely whereas UN and US has declared him terrorist.

If you have proofs, you can use it against India to get support of many countries. It will help them to change Pakistan's image by putting all blame on India by showing one proof and dump all the blame of terrorist attacks on India.
Most probably some Saudi broke the deal. India will never involve in this scenario openly.
India has learnt it's lessons from Pakistan - supporting any kind of terrorism just tends to bite back - though there is a very high inclination to replicate what Pakistan does in India, Afghanistan, China or rest of the world. India could very easily lend its supports to separatist, secessionist, sectarian leaders and organizations operating in Pakistan India judiciously steers clear from such activities because the dividends such from activities though may be beneficial for a short while - but in the long run it comes back to haunt you - present situation of Pakistan has taught us that much.
Former Pakistani Taliban No 2 arrested in Afghanistan: reports
Zahir Shah Sherazi

PESHAWAR: Afghan intelligence officials on Monday claimed to have arrested the former second-in-command of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Maulvi Faqir, along with “four accomplices” while he was trying to enter Pakistan’s Tirah Valley from Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province.

“Maulvi Faqir and his four accomplices who had entered Nangarhar from Bajaur Agency were apprehended near Basawal on Torkham Road near the border of Khyber Agency’s Tirah Valley,” an Afghan intelligence official said on condition of anonymity.

“Yes I can confirm their names as they had told us. Maulvi Faqir, Shahid Umar, Maulana Hakeemullah Bajauri, Mualana Turabi and Fateh are the people who have been arrested,” he replied when asked about the identity of the arrested people.

“They were traveling in a vehicle when (we) intercepted near Basawal village of Nangarhar,” he added.

The Afghan intelligence official, who identified himself with the name Abdullah, said: “Arms and ammunition have also been seized from their vehicle. The five are in the custody of Afghan intelligence officials who are interrogating them.”

Maulvi Faqir was the deputy amir (second-in-command) of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Taliban chief in Bajaur Agency, but was later removed from his position in March 2012 on suspicions of entering into a peace deal with the Pakistani government.

Faqir Muhammad, who hails from Chopatra Village of Bajaur Agency, was first part of the Tehreek-i-Nifaz-i-Shariat-i-Muhammadi, and later the deputy chief of TTP until March 2012 when he announced himself as the TTP chief after the death of Baitullah Mehsud. Faqir had also publicly accepted his ties with al-Qaeda network and had been accused of a number of cross-border attacks in Bajaur Agency and the settled Lower and Upper Dir district
Former Pakistani Taliban No 2 arrested in Afghanistan: reports
Zahir Shah Sherazi

PESHAWAR: Afghan intelligence officials on Monday claimed to have arrested the former second-in-command of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Maulvi Faqir, along with “four accomplices” while he was trying to enter Pakistan’s Tirah Valley from Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province.

“Maulvi Faqir and his four accomplices who had entered Nangarhar from Bajaur Agency were apprehended near Basawal on Torkham Road near the border of Khyber Agency’s Tirah Valley,” an Afghan intelligence official said on condition of anonymity.

“Yes I can confirm their names as they had told us. Maulvi Faqir, Shahid Umar, Maulana Hakeemullah Bajauri, Mualana Turabi and Fateh are the people who have been arrested,” he replied when asked about the identity of the arrested people.

“They were traveling in a vehicle when (we) intercepted near Basawal village of Nangarhar,” he added.

The Afghan intelligence official, who identified himself with the name Abdullah, said: “Arms and ammunition have also been seized from their vehicle. The five are in the custody of Afghan intelligence officials who are interrogating them.”

Maulvi Faqir was the deputy amir (second-in-command) of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Taliban chief in Bajaur Agency, but was later removed from his position in March 2012 on suspicions of entering into a peace deal with the Pakistani government.

Faqir Muhammad, who hails from Chopatra Village of Bajaur Agency, was first part of the Tehreek-i-Nifaz-i-Shariat-i-Muhammadi, and later the deputy chief of TTP until March 2012 when he announced himself as the TTP chief after the death of Baitullah Mehsud. Faqir had also publicly accepted his ties with al-Qaeda network and had been accused of a number of cross-border attacks in Bajaur Agency and the settled Lower and Upper Dir district

Interesting,Faqir was the one who always wanted a peace deal with Pakistan Govt,he was sacked in 2012 for this:
Sacked Taliban commander repeats calls for peace talks - Telegraph

Also there were reports he was playing an important part in the recent peace talks proposals.

The peace talks may be adversely affected because of this.
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