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TTP appoints new Deputy Commander, vows to avenge killing of Wali-ur-Rehman

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
[Times of India]

ISLAMABAD: A "shocked" Pakistani Taliban on Thursday confirmed the death of its deputy chief Waliur Rehman in a American drone strike and announced it was withdrawing its offer to hold talks with the new Pakistan government over the killing.

"I confirm the martyrdom of Waliur Rehman in a drone strike on Wednesday. We are shocked at the martyrdom of our leader but are proud of his sacrifices," said Ihsanullah Ihsan, spokesman for the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. Ihsan said the Taliban was withdrawing its offer of a dialogue with the new government, and would take revenge for Rehman's killing.

"We had sincerely offered a dialogue to the government but we strongly believe that the government has a role to play in the drone strikes," he said. The Taliban consider the Pakistan government "fully responsible" for the drone strikes because it was "passing on information" to the US, he said.

Rehman and three senior militant commanders were among six persons killed in the CIA-operated drone strike carried out in Chashma Pul area of North Waziristan Agency. Sources said his death would hit the incoming PML-N government's plans to open a dialogue with the Taliban as mediators were hoping to establish contact with the militants through the relatively moderate Rehman.

The PML-N, which won the general election earlier this month, has said it will hold talks with the Taliban and other militants to usher in peace in the country. Earlier in the day, security officials told journalists in the country's northwest that Rehman was buried at an undisclosed location on Wednesday night. The US had accused Rehman of involvement in a 2009 suicide attack in Afghanistan that killed seven CIA employees. Rehman was carrying a $5 million bounty on his head.

The Pakistani Taliban, formed in late 2007, aims to overthrow the Pakistani government, which it believes is too closely aligned with the US. The militant group has been responsible for hundreds of shootings and bombings across Pakistan that have resulted in thousands of deaths. Earlier this year the group had indicated it was open to the idea of peace talks to end years of fighting if certain individuals including two-time PM Nawaz Sharif were involved.

Read more: TTP appoints new Deputy Commander, vows to avenge killing of Wali-ur-Rehman | Terminal X
Haha! these guys leaders keep getting killed! hope they die even more. shameless cowards.
What happened to those people who said TTP is supported by CIA/RAW/MOSSAD?

I saw someone making noises like, this killing was deliberately done by America to disrupt peace process..but they are the foolest people of the fools world..no need to pay attention there...
Lozzzz killed by their master US & now these rented bastards want to take revenge from Pakistan?? well it should have been the other way around.

This is a clear proof that these rented TTP are working for US & allies. These rented crap eaters are very badly damaged by Pak Army & these rented crap eaters had refused to follow US order because of heavy casualties & a** wiping beating by the hands of Pak Army & these rented carap eaters were tired of fighting & they were lookig for a way out so as a result US killed their own asset.

What happened to those people who said TTP is supported by CIA/RAW/MOSSAD?

I saw someone making noises like, this killing was deliberately done by America to disrupt peace process..but they are the foolest people of the fools world..no need to pay attention there...

Don't worry rented TTP works for US & India.
no need to pay attention there...

What exactly would the Govt of Pakistan and Taliban negotiate on even ?

To give territories under writ of state to these religious psychopaths ?
To abolish the women rights and the constitution of Pakistan ?
To allow them a free reign of terror to them ?
To allow them to impose their barbaric and draconian interpretation of religion ?
To put an end to democracy ?

I mean , exactly what ?
Just as they appoint a new deputy leader there will be another hellfire missile designated to exterminate such vermin. They have lost countless leaders, men and masses of resources. You would have thought they would have got the message now i.e. that they are the bad guys. There has never been any divine help for them in the past ,nor will any such help be forthcoming now or in the future.
Lozzzz killed by their master US & now these rented bastards want to take revenge from Pakistan?? well it should have been the other way around.

This is a clear proof that these rented TTP are working for US & allies. These rented crap eaters are very badly damaged by Pak Army & these rented crap eaters had refused to follow US order because of heavy casualties & a** wiping beating by the hands of Pak Army & these rented carap eaters were tired of fighting & they were lookig for a way out so as a result US killed their own asset.

Don't worry rented TTP works for US & India.

See the irony of the situation. 

TTP was beaten into submission by Pak army and pushed into Afghanistan, where TTP was under pressure from their handlers to go back into Pakistan and fight. 

On their part, TTP wanted to gain time to regroup, rest and re-supply and thus tried to take advantage of the new government in Pakistan to try to start "peace" talks, just to gain time and space.

The handlers of the TTP were furious at this as the RAW/CIA demands were to increase the war inside Pakistan. When TTP tried to resist the CIA pressure, their number 2 Qari Waliu Rehman was assassinated by a CIA drone, sending a signal to the rest of the TTP leadership to fall back in line. 

The message was conveyed loud and clear and immediately, TTP refuse any peace talks with Pakistan and vow to resume their war !!

Mission achieved for CIA. Imagine, If CIA had killed TTP leader, TTP should have declared a war against CIA. Instead, they resume their war against Pakistan  funny isn't it. This is called using disposable diapers for waging a war :)) All TTP are useful diapers. Will be used to wage war against Pakistan and when they start to stink, they will be eliminated. Useful idiots for the RAW/CIA covert operations against Pakistan.
Lozzzz killed by their master US & now these rented bastards want to take revenge from Pakistan?? well it should have been the other way around.

This is a clear proof that these rented TTP are working for US & allies. These rented crap eaters are very badly damaged by Pak Army & these rented crap eaters had refused to follow US order because of heavy casualties & a** wiping beating by the hands of Pak Army & these rented carap eaters were tired of fighting & they were lookig for a way out so as a result US killed their own asset.

Don't worry rented TTP works for US & India.

USA is the master of Pakistan army your army provided them bases to bomb afghans and also base for drone to attack tribals you attacked your own people on USA orders in 2003 and are still killing them your army is working on for USA and in return they give bones in shape off dollars to your army

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