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Trump Is ‘Faking COVID-19’ Positive: Conspiracy Theories

alex pitters


New Recruit

Aug 4, 2020
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Trump Is ‘Faking COVID-19’ Positive: Conspiracy Theories

US President Donald Trump has announced (of course, on Twitter) that he and first lady Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19. The Counselor to the President, Hope Hicks, has also tested positive. Trump said he and first lady would self-isolate themselves at the White House ‘TOGETHER.’ But a bunch of conspiracy theories on social media claims that Trump actually tested negative for COVID-19 and he is faking it to steal the election.

Trump faking positive result of COVID-19, claim conspiracy theories
In the comments section of his tweet, thousands of people wished the Trumps well. They also advised the President not to inject disinfectant or drink bleach to cure the coronavirus. Skeptics on social media have conjured up a conspiracy theory that Trump is “faking” the positive coronavirus diagnosis to escape the upcoming debates with Joe Biden.

Some said Trump is trying to distract Americans from his $750 tax scandal. Others believe Trump is pulling this off to reiterate that the coronavirus is a hoax, as he has said many times over the last six months. He could say he had only mild or no symptoms and he recovered in about a week. It would help him solidify his vote bank.

According to a recent study conducted by researchers at Cornell University, President Trump has been the single biggest driver of COVID-19 misinformation during the pandemic worldwide. The most viral piece of misinformation he pushed was the possibility of using disinfectants to treat the COVID-19. The positive diagnosis could be Trump’s “last hope” to bolster voter support ahead of the election.

He wouldn’t want to look weak
Twitter user Mike Rothschild argued that President Trump might not be faking the diagnosis at all. Trump has always portrayed himself as a “bull god street fighter Adonis who outworks men half his age.” Catching the virus would not be good for his image. So, he has little reason to pretend to be “sick and weak”. Even if he caught the virus “he’d cover it up,” said Rothschild.

Do you think Trump tested negative for COVID-19 and is he faking the diagnosis to mislead the public? Let us know in the comments.

Source: https://insiderpaper.com/trump-is-faking-covid-19-positive-conspiracy-theories/
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