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Trump blames China for coronavirus pandemic: 'The world is paying a very big price for what they did


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
President Donald Trump emphatically blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic Thursday, and again made a point of using the term "Chinese virus."

"The world is paying a very big price for that they did," Trump said, referring to Chinese government officials not sharing information sooner about the coronavirus outbreak when it began there.

"It could have been stopped right where it came from, China," Trump said at a White House press conference.

He argued that American officials would have been able to act faster if China's government had fully shared information about the outbreak, which began around the city of Wuhan.

"It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier," Trump said.

Trump has repeatedly called coronavirus the "Chinese virus," and did so again at the beginning of his press conference.

His habit of doing so has drawn strong criticism from Chinese officials and from a number of U.S. politicians, including former Vice President Joe Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Trump defended his use of that term, saying it was "not racist at all."

"Because it comes from China," Trump said when asked Wednesday why he continued using the term. "That's why."

"I want to be accurate."

China on Thursday for the first time since the outbreak began reported no new domestic cases of coronavirus.

Asked if he believed that report, Trump said, 'I hope it's true."

"But who knows?" Trump said. "I hope it's true."

During an interview on CNBC's "Fast Money" on Wednesday, Hayman Capital Management founder Kyle Bass said that referring to the virus as the "Wuhan flu" or other terms noting its Chinese origin is warranted because of a long-standing practice of popularly naming pandemics after their perceived point of origin, such as the Spanish flu and West Nile virus.

"If we start naming diseases after numbers, we're never going to remember what kind of disease it is," Bass said.

He said the Chinese government has "propagandized" by asking people to refer to current outbreak as COVID-19 or coronavirus.

"We can call it whatever we want to call it. I'm not going to call it what the Chinese government wants me to call it," Bass said.

Earlier Wednesday, when asked about Trump calling coronavirus the Chinese virus, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of World Health Organization's emergencies program, said: "Viruses no know borders and they don't care about your ethnicity, the color of your skin or how much money you have in the bank."

"So it's really important we be careful in the language we use lest it lead to the profiling of individuals associated with the virus," Ryan said.


So China is driving a car in the rain on the highway at speeds a little higher than what they should. They hit a pothole in the road and their car breaks down. South Korea and Italy are right behind them and can't stop in time to avoid the accident.

Then China gets out of the car, and puts up emergency fog lights that people from 100m away can see. Taiwan and Singapore heed the lights and come to a safe stop. Iran, Italy, and South Korea then put up their own blinker lights to tell people coming from down the highway to tell people to slow down.

The US is coming barreling down at full speed, sees the emergency lights, and instead of stopping, thinks it's a hoax and that there's no point in slowing down.

Then when they're 10m away from the accident, they slam on their brakes and say, "it's too late to stop, we're gonna get in an accident and it's all China's fault for not watching out for that pothole!"
It's not rocket science to understand that if one fails to do their job, they'll try to blame someone else to distract the attention and take some heat off them, we will expect more smearings from US in coming day with the worsening crisis playing out all across US.

10 times Trump downplayed the coronavirus
It's just like the flu or common cold, people die from the flu anyway..

President Donald Trump emphatically blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic Thursday, and again made a point of using the term "Chinese virus."

"The world is paying a very big price for that they did," Trump said, referring to Chinese government officials not sharing information sooner about the coronavirus outbreak when it began there.

"It could have been stopped right where it came from, China," Trump said at a White House press conference.

He argued that American officials would have been able to act faster if China's government had fully shared information about the outbreak, which began around the city of Wuhan.

"It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier," Trump said.

Trump has repeatedly called coronavirus the "Chinese virus," and did so again at the beginning of his press conference.

His habit of doing so has drawn strong criticism from Chinese officials and from a number of U.S. politicians, including former Vice President Joe Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Trump defended his use of that term, saying it was "not racist at all."

"Because it comes from China," Trump said when asked Wednesday why he continued using the term. "That's why."

"I want to be accurate."

China on Thursday for the first time since the outbreak began reported no new domestic cases of coronavirus.

Asked if he believed that report, Trump said, 'I hope it's true."

"But who knows?" Trump said. "I hope it's true."

During an interview on CNBC's "Fast Money" on Wednesday, Hayman Capital Management founder Kyle Bass said that referring to the virus as the "Wuhan flu" or other terms noting its Chinese origin is warranted because of a long-standing practice of popularly naming pandemics after their perceived point of origin, such as the Spanish flu and West Nile virus.

"If we start naming diseases after numbers, we're never going to remember what kind of disease it is," Bass said.

He said the Chinese government has "propagandized" by asking people to refer to current outbreak as COVID-19 or coronavirus.

"We can call it whatever we want to call it. I'm not going to call it what the Chinese government wants me to call it," Bass said.

Earlier Wednesday, when asked about Trump calling coronavirus the Chinese virus, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of World Health Organization's emergencies program, said: "Viruses no know borders and they don't care about your ethnicity, the color of your skin or how much money you have in the bank."

"So it's really important we be careful in the language we use lest it lead to the profiling of individuals associated with the virus," Ryan said.

Trump's Coronavirus Calendar
President Donald Trump emphatically blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic Thursday, and again made a point of using the term "Chinese virus."

"The world is paying a very big price for that they did," Trump said, referring to Chinese government officials not sharing information sooner about the coronavirus outbreak when it began there.

"It could have been stopped right where it came from, China," Trump said at a White House press conference.

He argued that American officials would have been able to act faster if China's government had fully shared information about the outbreak, which began around the city of Wuhan.

"It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier," Trump said.

Trump has repeatedly called coronavirus the "Chinese virus," and did so again at the beginning of his press conference.

His habit of doing so has drawn strong criticism from Chinese officials and from a number of U.S. politicians, including former Vice President Joe Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Trump defended his use of that term, saying it was "not racist at all."

"Because it comes from China," Trump said when asked Wednesday why he continued using the term. "That's why."

"I want to be accurate."

China on Thursday for the first time since the outbreak began reported no new domestic cases of coronavirus.

Asked if he believed that report, Trump said, 'I hope it's true."

"But who knows?" Trump said. "I hope it's true."

During an interview on CNBC's "Fast Money" on Wednesday, Hayman Capital Management founder Kyle Bass said that referring to the virus as the "Wuhan flu" or other terms noting its Chinese origin is warranted because of a long-standing practice of popularly naming pandemics after their perceived point of origin, such as the Spanish flu and West Nile virus.

"If we start naming diseases after numbers, we're never going to remember what kind of disease it is," Bass said.

He said the Chinese government has "propagandized" by asking people to refer to current outbreak as COVID-19 or coronavirus.

"We can call it whatever we want to call it. I'm not going to call it what the Chinese government wants me to call it," Bass said.

Earlier Wednesday, when asked about Trump calling coronavirus the Chinese virus, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of World Health Organization's emergencies program, said: "Viruses no know borders and they don't care about your ethnicity, the color of your skin or how much money you have in the bank."

"So it's really important we be careful in the language we use lest it lead to the profiling of individuals associated with the virus," Ryan said.

"When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done." - Donald J Trump Feb. 26, 2020

Couple days later...

Its China's fault........... wawawawawa.......
Trump's accusation of China's slow response is baseless, China locked down the whole country on Jan.20, only a couple of confirmed cases being reported overseas by then, after the lockdown, China was cut off from the outside world,very few people can come in or go out of China, and every one from China was supposedly to be carefully checked and monitored, a month later in Feburary, there were outbreaks in Japan and Korea, especially on the Japanese cruise ship, one more month, in March, we saw outbreaks in Europe and US, but when this outbreak happened, it's been 2 months since the lockdown imposed in China, even we count in 14 days incubation time, it's still too long for the to be from China. so most likely scenario is the virus which caused this major outbreak in Europe and America is largely from Japan and Korea.

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President Donald Trump emphatically blamed China for the coronavirus pandemic Thursday, and again made a point of using the term "Chinese virus."

"The world is paying a very big price for that they did," Trump said, referring to Chinese government officials not sharing information sooner about the coronavirus outbreak when it began there.

"It could have been stopped right where it came from, China," Trump said at a White House press conference.

He argued that American officials would have been able to act faster if China's government had fully shared information about the outbreak, which began around the city of Wuhan.

"It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier," Trump said.

Trump has repeatedly called coronavirus the "Chinese virus," and did so again at the beginning of his press conference.

His habit of doing so has drawn strong criticism from Chinese officials and from a number of U.S. politicians, including former Vice President Joe Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Trump defended his use of that term, saying it was "not racist at all."

"Because it comes from China," Trump said when asked Wednesday why he continued using the term. "That's why."

"I want to be accurate."

China on Thursday for the first time since the outbreak began reported no new domestic cases of coronavirus.

Asked if he believed that report, Trump said, 'I hope it's true."

"But who knows?" Trump said. "I hope it's true."

During an interview on CNBC's "Fast Money" on Wednesday, Hayman Capital Management founder Kyle Bass said that referring to the virus as the "Wuhan flu" or other terms noting its Chinese origin is warranted because of a long-standing practice of popularly naming pandemics after their perceived point of origin, such as the Spanish flu and West Nile virus.

"If we start naming diseases after numbers, we're never going to remember what kind of disease it is," Bass said.

He said the Chinese government has "propagandized" by asking people to refer to current outbreak as COVID-19 or coronavirus.

"We can call it whatever we want to call it. I'm not going to call it what the Chinese government wants me to call it," Bass said.

Earlier Wednesday, when asked about Trump calling coronavirus the Chinese virus, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of World Health Organization's emergencies program, said: "Viruses no know borders and they don't care about your ethnicity, the color of your skin or how much money you have in the bank."

"So it's really important we be careful in the language we use lest it lead to the profiling of individuals associated with the virus," Ryan said.

The leaders in western world has become increasingly pathetic day by day.

It is no wonder why people do not trust their own goverments anymore. Even when their leaders say it is very serious, people still behave like it is none of their business.
Trump's accusation of China's slow response is baseless, China locked down the whole country on Jan.20, only a couple of confirmed cases being reported overseas by then, after the lockdown, China was cut off from the outside world,very few people can come in or go out of China, and every one from China was supposedly to be carefully checked and monitored, a month later in Feburary, there were outbreaks in Japan and Korea, especially on the Japanese cruise ship, one more month, in March, we saw outbreaks in Europe and US, but when this outbreak happened, it's been 2 months since the lockdown imposed in China, even we count in 14 days incubation time, it's still too long for the to be from China. so most likely scenario is the virus which caused this major outbreak in Europe and America is largely from Japan and Korea.


This is crazy!

When Wuhan was locked down, there were around 258 identified patients.

In the end, we found out about 70 thousand.

How about many countries who reported 200+ identified patients now?

In the coming months, how much the number???

And that without lockdown procedure.

We should really really prepared.


So China is driving a car in the rain on the highway at speeds a little higher than what they should. They hit a pothole in the road and their car breaks down. South Korea and Italy are right behind them and can't stop in time to avoid the accident.

Then China gets out of the car, and puts up emergency fog lights that people from 100m away can see. Taiwan and Singapore heed the lights and come to a safe stop. Iran, Italy, and South Korea then put up their own blinker lights to tell people coming from down the highway to tell people to slow down.

The US is coming barreling down at full speed, sees the emergency lights, and instead of stopping, thinks it's a hoax and that there's no point in slowing down.

Then when they're 10m away from the accident, they slam on their brakes and say, "it's too late to stop, we're gonna get in an accident and it's all China's fault for not watching out for that pothole!"

I have a feeling that Trump wants to repeat the same tactic Obama used to handle Swine Flu in 2009.

They just let it go and pretend nothing happened, and everyone is happy.

Swine flu alone was around 2 billion people, according to WHO, with around 500 thousand people die.

That is not considering that the so-called today seasonal flu is actually H1N1, and it killed thousands to tens of thousands each year in one country alone around the world.

Most flu cases in Indonesia is because of H1N1.

Maybe we just need to ignore coronavirus, be happy and life goes on.

Just like what the world did for H1N1.

I read a chart before that put USA as the world most prepared against the pandemic.

Maybe it's true... if the method they use has a limitation, and not included coronavirus and H1N1 kind of pandemic category.

Maybe the only country in the world that able to handle it, only China.
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