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Trump Administration to Hold Migrant Children at Base That Served as WWII Japanese Internment Camp

“Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history,”

Yes, but the gas chambers were a "nice" touch by Hitler, you gotta admit. :D
Yes, but the gas chambers were a "nice" touch by Hitler, you gotta admit. :D

Hitler was a monster, comparable only to such monsters like Winston Churchill (he killed millions of people in Bengal) or George Washington (he killed millions of Native Americans). It's important to know that Hitler was inspired by England as explainded by Manuel Sarkisyanz in his book "Hitler's English Inspirers: Based on Lectures Given in Heidelberg University".
Hitler and his ideology was of US/English creation

"(...)One might recall that in 1923, the German businessman and patron of the arts, Ernst Hanfstaengl, who worked for US intelligence, helped Adolf Hitler buy a printing plant and begin mass production of his Nazi newspaper. While the Fuhrer himself was quite self-confident and raved on (literally) about revolution, he also imperceptibly absorbed Hanfstaengl’s ideas about the need for German friendship with America and Great Britain.
There is no way the abysmal horror of German life at that time could be summed up in a single sentence. Or perhaps it can: people were now buried in cardboard bags instead of wooden coffins.Ernst Hanfstaengl presented his friend Adolf with a thousand dollars. Did all this happen arbitrarily? (...)"

source: https://orientalreview.org/2013/06/...ited-states-have-no-desire-to-prevent-wwii-i/
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Mao was not evil like Hitler of Churchill. US/English propagandists hate him so much because he kicked US/English druglords out of China and made China strong:

Yeah. Mao killed a few million of his fellow countrymen too, but who cares for them when it is a friend doing the killing, right? :D


Besides, why talk about internment camps in China today when one can mention camps in USA during WW2 in the last century to make one feel good. :D
Yeah. Mao killed a few million of his fellow countrymen too, but who cares for them when it is a friend doing the killing, right? :D


Besides, why talk about internment camps in China today when one can mention camps in USA during WW2 in the last century to make one feel good. :D

Few million ? Internment camps ? Oh really ? You know that from CNN or Fox News ?
Few million ? Oh really ? You know that from CNN or Fox News ?

Of course not. Mao killed what, three, may be four Chinese? Seven, tops. Definitely not more than that.
. . .
Another thread derailed by US apologists trying to justify American internment camps and trying to divert attention to other (similar) horrific incidents to say "but look they did it too". :disagree:
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Maybe we have simply learned the ways of certain other PDF members who swoop into every thread that is not to their liking and completely derail it or have it closed.

Not to mention the fact that ILLEGAL immigrants have no right to enter the country of their own will as it suits them. What part of ILLEGAL is too hard to understand?

(Nevermind internment camps for their own citizenry for "re-education" even today. )
Maybe we have simply learned the ways of certain other PDF members who swoop into every thread that is not to their liking and completely derail it or have it closed.

Becoming one of the sheep then? Carry on.

Not to mention the fact that ILLEGAL immigrants have no right to enter the country of their own will as it suits them. What part of ILLEGAL is too hard to understand?

(Nevermind internment camps for their own citizenry for "re-education" even today. )

Interesting so only select ILLEGAL activities should be punished. Conveniently ignoring that ILLEGAL migration from Latin America is caused by CERTAIN foreign powers' well documented ILLEGAL intervention. Not to mention the rampant whataboutery of Mao, Stalin, etc. Carry on being hypocritical. :enjoy:
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Hitler was a monster, comparable only to such monsters like Winston Churchill (he killed millions of people in Bengal) or George Washington (he killed millions of Native Americans). It's important to know that Hitler was inspired by England as explainded by Manuel Sarkisyanz in his book "Hitler's English Inspirers: Based on Lectures Given in Heidelberg University".
Hitler and his ideology was of US/English creation

"(...)One might recall that in 1923, the German businessman and patron of the arts, Ernst Hanfstaengl, who worked for US intelligence, helped Adolf Hitler buy a printing plant and begin mass production of his Nazi newspaper. While the Fuhrer himself was quite self-confident and raved on (literally) about revolution, he also imperceptibly absorbed Hanfstaengl’s ideas about the need for German friendship with America and Great Britain.
There is no way the abysmal horror of German life at that time could be summed up in a single sentence. Or perhaps it can: people were now buried in cardboard bags instead of wooden coffins.Ernst Hanfstaengl presented his friend Adolf with a thousand dollars. Did all this happen arbitrarily? (...)"

source: https://orientalreview.org/2013/06/...ited-states-have-no-desire-to-prevent-wwii-i/

not another conspiracy theory

Becoming one of the sheep then? Carry on.

Interesting so only select ILLEGAL activities should be punished. Conveniently ignoring that ILLEGAL migration from Latin America is caused by CERTAIN foreign powers' well documented ILLEGAL intervention. Not to mention the rampant whataboutery of Mao, Stalin, etc. Carry on being hypocritical. :enjoy:

USA has not done anything in Central America after the end of the Cold War. Cold War ended 30 years ago.

If you want to whine about something it is collective incompetence of the Central American states
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