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Featured Tricks of Trade: US Consulate in Karachi funding programs that potentially break diplomatic protocol

If you took your head out of your a*ss you would know Gen Ayub gave military airbase to CIA near Peshawar, Musharaf had given many PAF bases to USA, Gen Kiani gave assent to US drones attack in Pakistan, Nawaz has literally sold Pakistan into debt. But all this is beyond your puny brain to fathom who thinks a few stupid Americans in Pakistan can bring 220 million country down but 1 million Pakistani's in USA pose no threat to America. You can't have a very high estimation of Pakistani's.
What are you blabbing about. All of the above happened, did you see me denying? Also on one hand you agree that Generals allowed US to have a field day, nawaz sold pakistan into a debt and than you negate all of this by saying what can a handful of americans do to a 220 million nation. Make up your mind first.
Secondly It is you who needs to take his head out of US *** and see the reality.
Million pakistanis are not posing a threat Mr. Genius as Pakistan or its embassy or government, institutions arent trying to do what US does across the globe. How many governments have the US brought down? How many heads if state were assisnated? How many did Pakistan do? We are not the ones who wants to push its agenda through fake NGOs, sabotage presidential elections something US routinely accuses china and Russia for, its the other way round. If you cant understand the difference between the two situations, than you are more dumb than i initially thought.
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Similar activity has been observed with student scholarship programs.
Not new, we have been receiving BhEEKH from them since we taken birth, it was MuRICA who was running our country, they still have many pet in our military and govt, they do not required students and teachers for this silly purpose
I believe what the US embassy is doing is , setting up a network of pawns who write their articles and generate wrong type of narrative

Planning to use Teachers to identify Youth , who can be compromised

Distribution of Money to Local Media , should be investigated , that is not the role of Foreign Dignitaries
Ambassadors should be formally declaring if they are distributing finances and weapons to any one local

Training / Scholarships sound great however should be discussed with local Federal government
at Government to Government level relations

Once there is a circle of 100-500 local writers who harp the sounds of foreign agenda , this is then shown on US media
as a "LOCAL VOICE" of the people when in reality it is just a made up baloney

Distribution of unaccounted for money should be treated as Money Laundering
150,000 USD or 200,000 USD gift to 1 person is a high amount

Any gift over $50 should be reported
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First of all you said US helped Pakistan in its nuclear program which is factually incorrect. Secondly yes Our decision to develop weapons was our own as was for any other country including the US however the hypocrisy that people like you fail to acknowledge is that while it was ok for the US to make them and be the only country to ever use them, it became not ok when others tried to built them and what pakistan was made to go through, was not what US or its european allies or Israel went through.
And now that we have them, it guarantees our survival and not those handful F16s as the other chap suggests.

What I said was: "the Pakistani atomic program started with US supplied equipment, and US trained Pakistani scientists". This is factually correct: https://www.atomicheritage.org/history/pakistani-nuclear-program#:~:text=Pakistan began its nuclear efforts,energy technology across the globe.

Since we both accept Pakistan's right to develop nuclear weapons, we should also note that USA's response was/is also appropriate in pursuit of its own national interests. Besides, nuclear weapons are no guarantee of national survival if the economy collapses (USSR).

And on topic, if there is a problem with US sourced scholarship programs, applicants are free not to apply to them and seek opportunities elsewhere. Problem solved! :D
It's the US, there are restrictions on what you can and cannot do. With India, it's different.

There are no restrictions. Pakistan threw the Americans out from the Shamsi air base at the height of the WoT. Pakistan closed the supply routes after US/NATO Salala attack. Pakistan showed a middle finger to the Americans when it initiated CPEC with China. The list goes on.

This is pure cowardice. Turning a blind eye to a hostile foreign power. Let's call it what it is. The Americans are playing their usual game. The US would cut Pakistan into a million pieces if it could. The Americans are restricted in their actions because they don't want to confront Pakistan directly. The Americans are on a mission to "rectify" some very old mistakes. The Americans have silently adopted a different approach for a while now. Trying to manufacture ethnic and religious discontent within Pakistan. This is a stated objective of the American deep state apparatus.

The Pakistani state is nowhere to be found. Tough restrictions need to be imposed on US and Western assets in Pakistan. This won't happen because the state is inept and unwilling to take action. Economic viability is the argument. A farcical argument. You rely and depend economically on the same powers that are out there to destabilize you. It is a vicious circle with no end.
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All intelligence agencies engage in recruitment of agents through such programs, not just the CIA. In fact, it’s SOP.

Whatever happened to PTI calls for downsizing US diplomatic presence in Pakistan? After the election, PTI took another U-turn and have said nothing about the subject.

Even if Pakistan takes the steps you mentioned, there will be retaliation, including the shuddering of Pakistan’s consulates in US.

LOL You really think Pakistan cares about Pakistani consulates being curtailed in the US? You need to think again. Pakistan gains zilch through its US consulates. These Pakistani consulates only serve US interests. Imran Khan is now going to be forced to rethink his US policy all over again. Trump has gone. The Afghan peace agreement honeymoon is over. The treacherous Democrats are in. Everyone knows the score. The Democrats are hand in glove with the deep state. The Democrats are going to bent over deeply to please Modi's India. The deep state is yearning for a comeback on the global stage. It wants to restrict China. You know what that means? Trouble for Pakistan. Surely, the Afghan peace deal is likely to be reviewed and even discarded. We would be back to square one. So much for the Afghan peace deal. Not to even mention that the treacherous deep state is burnt like charcoal after China Pakistan deals.

We know what the Americans are up to. The Americans are fighting against all odds in Pakistan. The Americans are missing their old adventures during the Musharraf days. The Americans won't succeed. They can keep trying though. US Pak relations are set to deteriorate to the lowest levels yet again. Marred by mistrust and accusations.
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